Stomach is not flattening or toning up.



  • avenathus
    avenathus Posts: 113 Member
    I have struggled with this as well. I didn't have that much to lose to begin with, and I've been going strong for 6 months and still don't have a flat belly. I've definitely seen a lot more progress since I began strength training, though. My workouts now revolve around lifting weights rather than running or doing other cardio. That has helped a lot! But another big part of it is nutrition. I've struggled with cutting out sugar and sweets, but I bet if I did it would really help!
  • End6ame
    End6ame Posts: 903
    For the women that think the is no way to recover your abs from pregnancy. This is a success story of a husband and wife that used the StrongLifts program.

    “My wife was so impressed with the results we started her on the program. After 4 babies and stubborn extra weight, she was desperate for fat loss and firmness. Her belly muscles, when pregnant, really got pulled apart and doctors had told her that there was nothing she could do to pull them back in and rehab her lower gut. We started training together and she has lost 15 pounds, transferred countless more pounds from fat to muscle, down-sized clothing three times, and shows leg muscles of an olympic champion. She’s proud of herself and I am very proud of her.”

    Full article here:
  • dragonflydi
    dragonflydi Posts: 665 Member
    I agree with those that are suggesting you add some strength training into your workouts and also those who are saying that you cannot spot reduce. That bulge (which I also have and hate!) will only go away by overall body fat reduction. The belly is the last place is goes from ... sadly. Basically it disappears from head to toe and toe to head, but at the same time, so the mid-section is the last to lose. Dang it!

    If you add strength training, consider doing it prior to your cardio for three reasons: 1) doing the strength training will burn glycogen stores first and unwanted fat 2nd (while doing cardio). 2) you will be more apt to do the weight moves properly doing them first, with non-fatigued muscles. Doing them improperly won't do what you are looking for and you are more apt to injur yourself. 3) When you do cardio, your body continues to burn calories after you have stopped ... for a couple of hours. When you do strength training, your body continues to burn colories for several hours. When you do strength before cardio ... it conitnues to burn calories upwards of half a day or more. Lean muscle also burns calories faster and more efficiently, so the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn even while not 'working out' :)
  • kdiamond
    kdiamond Posts: 3,329 Member
    Is it bloat or fat? If it is bloat, perhaps you have a bit of a dairy or gluten allergy. You can try probiotics or cutting these things out of your diet and see if it helps. I find that I am bloated when I eat gluten products or beans.
  • katedonn5
    katedonn5 Posts: 16
    I am 5' 113.8 lbs and have always had a little belly pooch (even at 10 pounds less). I played sports in college and have always been active. It wasn't until I started weight lifting combined with cardio that the little bit of fat started melting off. Do you cardio after you lift to burn the most fat and I reccomend diong at least 30-45 mintues of cardio or farleks. Your abs need rest too - just like any other muscle, so doing 1000 crunches 7 days a week won't get you ask far as going hard and heavy 4 days a week. Cut out sugars and eat your carbs early in the day too. Lots of water and little to no alcohol helps alot as well.

    I am training for a fitness competition and marathon and have been practicing clean eating for 2 months now. I can tell the difference in my belly if I have a major cheat day at this point. It's hard work but work the flat abs. Hope this helps!
  • rachrach66
    rachrach66 Posts: 271 Member
    I was doing this Jillian Michaels video 6 week 6 pack workout video and you can really feel it burn the fat out your belly. I suggest you try that workout . Also cut down carbs, alcohols, and sugars like others suggested. You will get amazing results. Good luck!!
  • Thank you all for the advice and tips, I will be incorporating some strength training into my exercise & give it more time. I really need to improve on my diet also.
  • Is it bloat or fat? If it is bloat, perhaps you have a bit of a dairy or gluten allergy. You can try probiotics or cutting these things out of your diet and see if it helps. I find that I am bloated when I eat gluten products or beans.

    I'm not sure how to tell the difference between being bloated or just simply having too much belly fat. I'll so some research on it though. Thanks.
  • Is it bloat or fat? If it is bloat, perhaps you have a bit of a dairy or gluten allergy. You can try probiotics or cutting these things out of your diet and see if it helps. I find that I am bloated when I eat gluten products or beans.

    I'm not sure how to tell the difference between being bloated or just simply having too much belly fat. I'll do some research on it though. Thanks.
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