Meee2012 Member


  • I'm in too! Have you thought about setting up a group?
  • Same with me! I was beginning to think I was a complete freak for feeling that way so it's good to know I'm not the only one :)
  • Hi I'm also in the UK and have bought the Lynne Robinson core workout DVD. It's really good (my stomach muscles really ache after doing it!), especially as you don't need any equipment. It's also really good the first few times as she explains all the moves but this gets a bit irritating/slow once you know what you're…
    in Pilates Comment by Meee2012 May 2012
  • I'm a bit behind Chelekaz but she totally inspires me :) I'm starting to see small results doing the 6 week programme with the occasionally fast ab session. I haven't started on the other DVDs yet - I'm saving them to try and make sure I enjoy the programme for as long as possible. Has anyone else in the group been doing…
    in Hi Comment by Meee2012 May 2012
  • Thanks very much. I purchased Kettleworx but I can see that it'll get repetitive/boring in a while so I'll check out the ones you've suggested :)
  • Congratulations - you look amazing!!! You're also a massive inspiration as you started roughly where I am now and it's good to see what 30lbs looks like :) Good luck with the rest of your journey
  • Thank you - you're a star!
  • Started 30DS again and L1D1 nearly killed me! It's worrying how far 2 weeks off can set you back.... Bring on day 2!
  • Hi everyone Can I join in? I'm 5'5" and 179lb. I'd like to get down to 130-ish but am surrounded by skinny friends so would love some support from MFP!