Bwandls Member


  • I feel this so hard right now. Essay due tomorrow, haven't really slept well in days. I've been stuck in my room trying to finish this in time, literally moving only to eat or go to the washroom. But I know I'll kick myself later if I just don't get this done. Once it's over, it'll be so much easier to go back to a healthy…
  • This thread topic inspired me to go get creative and come up with a new recipe on the spot that's vegetarian, easy. and super nutritious. Here's what I came up with: Ingredients: - 1 Head of Red Kale (washed, chopped, stems removed) - 1 Head of Broccoli (washed, chopped, stems removed) - 6-8 Sprigs of Asparagus (washed,…
  • I don't know about counting veggies... I mean, if you're some intense hard-body who is a total weightloss natzi, then yeah, count everything. But I find I don't want to limit my veggie intake because of calories, with the exception of high cal starchy veggies like beans and potatoes, corn and ex. But I'll eat as many…
  • Thanks for the advice, everyone. :) and yeah.. When I have my stressed moments, I don't really listen to myself and just take a breathe. Ill try and do that from now on.
  • I'd say 125 is fine. 118 is the lowest someone of our height and age should go to (i'm also 18-turning-19 and 5'5), but if you reach 125 and still feel too big, go for it! Just stay within a healthy BMI. :)
  • Thanks! That's what I thought. It just sounded interesting and I've heard a lot of good things, but for the price and the annoying sales pitches it seems too good to be true.
  • I have a net calorie goal of 1200, but I eat 1700+ calories a day on average. BUT, I burn at least 500+ a day in order to keep my net calorie total at 1200. I lost 33 lbs so far doing this, and it came off at a healthy pace and has stayed off for over a year, and I'm still going strong. Exercise + a balanced diet are…
  • "Diet? Sorry, what's that?" That should have been my slogan for the past 2 and 1/2 weeks. SO MUCH FOOD. Hating my lack of willpower right now... but today's a new day, and it all changes from here!