MiirandaC Member


  • I’ve just seen others posting about weight watchers on here.
  • Can you tell me how to calculate how many freestyle points I should get?
  • Can someone tell me how to calculate how many freestyle points I should get?
  • We just had this tonight. Whole wheat pitas with primo pizza sauce, cheese, red and green peppers, onion, ham and pinapple. 2 complete pizza pitas = 480 cal.
  • ^^ too late for that! haha Malibu and diet 7up sounds like a good option. Screw it. My birthday is in two weeks, gift to myself will be no alcohol to make up for this debacle! ????
  • Thanks guys. I don't drink muh of anything other than gin and juice. I'll have to give some of these lower calorie options a try. And according to MFL my intake is 1400. But I've been trying to keep it more around 1200
  • I know i would definitely be over my calorie intake, unless I didn't eat all day. An average mixed drink is 200 calories alone, unless I'm drinking straight shots. I had my first weigh in and lost three pounds so I'm pretty scared of not seeing a change on the scale, or god forbid, a gain. This may be a 'what the hay'…
  • Hey nataliefallba! I start my Curves complete today! Feeling a little discouraged, but hoping the motivation comes back once I get there later this afternoon. Feel free to add me! With about 100lbs to lose, I would love some friends in this also!
  • Oh trust me. I have told them they are insane. I don't understand how they say that either. Their mom recently had weight loss surgery and lost about 60 lbs since. And it's exactly what you said, she still eats the same stuff, to the point where she throws up. They probably drink a 12 pack of Pepsi a day alone. Take out a…