

  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Morning! I went to the gym again, only did the treadmill for 30 min as my grandson wants to go this afternoon and not this morning..LOL I tracked everything I ate day considered a success.

    @trooworld YEA for your loss....funny about the dinner,so glad you got to enjoy desert!! I have no plans for Mothers day...I am praying that my daughter and grandaughter decide to go to church with me..:)

    @gemwolf110 I remember those days and I didn't get up from my desk to move as I had "too much" to do. I used to bring light kettle corn to work to snack on ...I tried to make myself get up every 1/2 and at least walk the building...didn't always make it, but I tried..LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @cbabie 30 mins on the treadmill is great, that is 30 mins of something! 30 mins you weren't mindlessly munching ;) . Congrats on tracking everything. Yeah, I'm glad everything worked out for that luncheon. I hope your daughter and granddaughter do decide to go to church with you.

    Hello all! I decided to do something pretty big: I signed up for, and bet on myself to lose 30 lbs within 9 months. If I lose that 30 lbs, I'll win $562. If I don't, I'm out $180. I officially weigh in tomorrow for it. Am I crazy? Yes I am. One of my colleagues is doing it with me. I get another $40 once she signs up using my link. I only have to lose 3.33 lbs per month to get this done. I've got this! I hope you have a good day.
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    edited May 2018
    Sorry guys my grandson had me at the gym at 6 today lol...messed with my whole routine... I did treadmill 30 min, bike 10 min and upper arm and shoulder weight and bands

    @trooworld I know you can do this you still make me laugh you're always trying something new and I'm so proud of you that you do.

    @gemwolf110 tell your boss I used sell office furniture and it's medically proven to make you more productive when you sit at a sit-to-stand and it's healthier for you to sit for a few minutes and stand for a few minutes
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @gemwolf110 will do! Thanks. I'm glad you have plans with your family on Mother's Day. That's tough to find something for someone that has what they want. How about a restaurant gift certificate? Or a gift certificate to a spa or nail salon?

    @cbabie yay cbabie go go go!!! Thank you. I appreciate your continued support! :D

    Hi all. I'm going to a blues festival today. There will be lots of dancing but I will also indulge in a sausage sandwich and beers. I woke up feeling a little lightheaded, I hope that goes away before we go at 12. I don't want to pass out dancing lol. Have a good day, everyone!
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    Just rushing through to let you know I am alive. Been doing an averageof 12 hurs per day and when I get home I do not want obe in front of the ocmputer. More like I sink into the spa and relax.

    It is mothers day here in Perth and i am walking in the 4km section to raise money for breast cancer - gotta leave soon. I have skimmed past the posts

    Trooworld & Theslightedgeforver - congrats on you losses

    Cbabie - If you are at the gym you are beting someone still sleeping :)

    Take care

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @TrishasTime Hi Trish! Good to hear from you. Enjoy the walk!

    HI all. I went to the blues festival and enjoyed the sausage sandwich. I did lots of walking BUT...did not do a lot of dancing, hubby's knees were hurting him. I was in bed at 7:30 last night! HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to you mothers. I'm not a mother, except to my dog lol. My husband is making lasagna for his mother and we are taking it over to my sister-in-law's later. It's going to be a high-point day, I've already tracked my food and I'm slightly in the negative but I'll catch up with some exercise. I might go walk around the farmer's market this morning to get some steps in. Have a good day!
  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    I’m not even going to try and catch up. Hopefully everyone is well. My vacation is almost over and then back to the grind. I did good tracking first half but not so good second half. Happy Mother’s Day. Trisha do you celebrate yours in March like the U.K. people do?
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @theslightedgeforever hi welcome back. I'm glad you are back (almost). I hope you had a good Mother's Day.

    Hi all. I took today as a vacation day and although I didn't have to, I got up at 4:20 so that I can go to the gym to do a BodyPump class. I've got a goal that I want to reach and I'm going to reach it. :) Mother's Day dinner went as planned except I had a cupcake that wasn't planned. They are special ones that my sister-in-law gets from a special bakery for special occasions. Did I say special enough??? lol You get the point. Now, I have to work off what I ate yesterday. Have a good day, everyone.
  • TrishasTime
    TrishasTime Posts: 588 Member
    Morning everyone

    @trooworld - Getting up at 4.20am - I can see a determined change in you. I thught me getting up at 5am each day was bad enough

    @theslightedgeforever - welcome back :)

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @TrishasTime that was just for yesterday (although I am up that early today but I have to go to work). I am determined though.

    Hi all. I hope all is well with you. I am beginning to get very sore from that BodyPump class I did yesterday. I can imagine it's only going to get worse. Yesterday, I spent my day off cooking for the week. I cooked all of our meals so we have no excuse to eat out. Except I am eating lunch out today with a friend from work (this was planned for weeks) and tomorrow night, I have a business dinner to go to at a Mexican restaurant...I can't avoid that. Have a good day, everyone!
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    Hi all. I see I'm talking to myself lol. My lunch yesterday went really well. I am glad because I was really anxious about it. We went to a Thai restaurant and I had a green papaya salad plus a cup of soup. I ended up getting very hungry later in the day because I didn't have any protein with lunch but I just sucked it up and drank some water and didn't eat anything until dinner. I hope you enjoy your Wednesday. Come on, Friday!
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Afternoon guys,
    Sorry, this week has flown by for me. It's been emotional, thought provking, but I am still going to the gym, I feel that I am making some progress in moving forward.

    I agree with @theslightedgeforever I won't really try to catch up. I wanted to let you guys know I am still here and sorry that I missed the last few days.

    @gemwolf110 Glad to see you on the boards and you keeping @trooworld company...LOL
    @trooworld Sorry I left you alone again...tell me what is so special about those cupcakes...I love cake of any kind unfortunately...LOL Glad you are enjoying your new class...sore is good!!!
    @TrishasTime I hope things slow down for you soon..

  • theslightedgeforever
    theslightedgeforever Posts: 2,258 Member
    I’m heading home. vacation is coming to a close Party’s over as they say and soon back to reality
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    I joined WW 2013 @376, I was 65 yo.

    I made GW 3/29/18,
    Made Lifetime last week!

    SW 376
    GW 184
    CW 179

    Three WW programs of versions: PPV. SP and Freestyle. I lost weight every year over five years. Joined MFP Challenge to lose 52 pounds in 52 weeks, Lost 37 & 43. I knew WW works and the meeting and my WW Mtg Leader helped me get to Goal.

  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @gemwolf110 thanks, it really helps to cook as many meals as possible on Sunday. No excuses to eat out! I'm looking forward to Friday as well.

    @cbabie that is progress for you to stay consistently going to the gym, despite emotional upheaval. I'm proud of you. Those cupcakes are special because the frosting is outstanding. I don't like super sweet frosting and this frosting is just sweet enough. Plus, the bakery makes all sorts of unusual types of cupcakes like Snickers, mint pistachio, chocolate peanut butter, etc. You asked!!! lol

    @theslightedgeforever hello welcome back to reality!

    @Jimb376mfp Welcome. Wow, congratulations!!! What is your #1 tip that got you to goal? I love WW. I'm on it now, as an online-only member. You look very happy in that picture as you should be! Your wife looks very proud. I think I follow you on Connect, btw.

    Hi all! I am happy to report that I am down -0.9 lbs! My plan is working for me and I am heading in the right direction. That is two weeks in a row of losses!!!
  • Jimb376mfp
    Jimb376mfp Posts: 6,232 Member
    My WW Connect User is Jim376.

    My #1 tip is Never Quit! You have to keep going when the Scale goes up realize the Long Term View is the only one to keep focus on it’s a Lifetime for a Lifestyle.
    No Finish Line.
  • MiirandaC
    MiirandaC Posts: 14 Member
    Can you tell me how to calculate how many freestyle points I should get?
  • cbabie
    cbabie Posts: 1,596 Member
    Hi all,
    I am a little late getting on here. I didn't go to the gym today....ugh, cancelled my trainer. Just felt out of sorts and yes I am paying for it now...tomorrow got to go...LOL I just made my body butter, with EO's and it is so good!! I was out and for a week or more and I really don't like other lotions..

    @MiiandaC I am not sure, hopefully one of the other to WW persons, can help. Good to see you!

    @Jimb376mfp Congrats!! I reached life time a few years back and am only 2 above, but it was a high weight and I felt better about 10 lbs I am striving to get that back off...WW was good for me.

    @trooworld Yea for the loss....congrats...sounds like you found your rhythm..I will get there too!! At least I haven't gained...but a loss is so much preferred..LOL The cupcakes sound yummy...I am one that if it's not buttercream frosting...I don't want to waste my calories..LOL. The sweeter the better..hence my weight gain. :)

    @theslightedgeforever , Well now it's time to clean up the mess from the party..LOL okay you can rest and get your clothes put away and your feet up...but don't stay there. We are here to cheer you on...PARTY OVER, PARTY OVER...LOL

  • trooworld
    trooworld Posts: 6,150 Member
    @Jimb376mfp thank you, that is a great tip! And I DO follow you! :) My name on Connect is: LibraryGoddess619

    @MirandaC if you are trying to calculate without being a WW member, I would suggest you download an app called ITrackBites. I believe it is free (at least for now) and you can calculate your points for any of the WW plans. I hope that helps!

    @cbabie body butter sounds wonderful...I'm sorry that you are feeling out of sorts. I hope you are feeling better soon. Exercise could help with that. I did find my rhythm, I think!

    Hi all! Well today would normally be bokwa day (which is sort of an easy aerobics class), but I have two shifts on the reference desk today so I can't go to it. Instead, I'm going to do a Leslie Sansone Walking YouTube video once I get home. I say that now, I hope I have the energy once I get home. I think the key is to have an afternoon snack. My officemate has decided to join me on the Healthywage journey...she's going to win $1000 if she loses 35 lbs in 9 months. I'm only going to win $562. But I am definitely going to win that! I am off to a good start. It makes it easier on me that she is doing this with me...she won't bring cr@p in our office, hopefully.