

  • Yes! It is nearly impossible to run with a no-jogging stroller. I have a cheaper one from Costco that works great. Only downside no attachment for car seat so you have to wait until baby is sitting up good before you use it. Next baby I may get a Bob everyone I know says they are the best. And while they are pricey you can…
  • I know I sometimes get jealous/frustrated with my husband because he simply has more freedom to work out and run. He does crossfit and running. I run with my son in a jogging stroller and do work out videos. If I want to go on a run by myself I have to schedule it. While he is free to run on his lunch break and when…
  • It depends, but I would say I am rarely truly hungry. I try to eat 3 reasonable meals and two snacks a day so I'm not usually hungry.