running strollers?!!?!?

are they really necessary while jogging or running? im a first time mom so im new to this.


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    I think the way they are designed makes it a bit easier to run or jog with. I got a travel system (standard stroller) when my first son was born. At the time I didn't see myself running at any point in the future. Anyway, I have attempted running with it a few times and it hasn't gone well. Since I need a new stroller, I'm actually thinking about a double jogging stroller.
  • ag103
    ag103 Posts: 4
    Yes! It is nearly impossible to run with a no-jogging stroller. I have a cheaper one from Costco that works great. Only downside no attachment for car seat so you have to wait until baby is sitting up good before you use it. Next baby I may get a Bob everyone I know says they are the best. And while they are pricey you can use them with a car seat if you get an attachment. Look on craigslist I have seen some pretty good deals on there. Good luck! I love running with my stroller now and believe me with a 30 pound kid it is quite a work out!!
  • XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX
    XX_Miss_RoseMary_XX Posts: 274 Member
    Yes and honestly they dont really cost any more than a non-jogging stroller.
    I have a graco and I love it. Its also a click connect so the car seat attatches to it.
  • MamaRiss
    MamaRiss Posts: 481 Member
    I made do with a regular stroller for a few months, didn't think it was too bad. Buth then I actually used a jogging stroller and it was a big difference. I just wish I could remember what the brand was, just walking it was so much easier to turn using one hand. If another stroller was in the budget I would buy one without a second thought
  • Jogging strollers are made differently than a regular stroller. They have rubber bicycle tires and some have shocks to absorb some of the bumps. They also have the ability to lock the front tire, or they have a fixed front tire, so that the stroller will stay straight while running. The range of prices is big, from a basic Baby Trend at $99 to a Bob at more than $300 for a single (there are some that are more expensive). It really depends on how often you are going to run with baby.

    Go to a store with a lot of choices, like Babies R Us, and test drive the strollers around the store. There are so many different strollers with so many different features, I'm sure you can find something you like! I have a Graco FastAction Fold Click Connect for my almost 50 lb son (he's 7, special needs, tires easily). It's amazing how smoothly the stroller pushes, even though he is at the top of the weight limit for the stroller. I don't know if it's ideal for running, I only walk with it.
  • cynthiar1025
    cynthiar1025 Posts: 14 Member
    Yes, it is worth it. I've jogged with both and it is much easier with the jogging stroller. I will say it is worth the extra money to get a better one. I have a BOB now but I initially bought a cheaper brand from Babies R US. I think it was Baby Trend. It pretty much fell apart and did not work as well as the BOB. It was half the cost of a BOB but not worth it if I had to replace it.