

  • Hiya! I have been using MFP for a lil while now but i am slacking a bit, could do wit a prod now and then & b happy to support u in return! Vanessa
  • I always eat when i get up feel rubbish other wise! Silly question........what are 30DS?
  • Dont suppose it is possible for you to cycle to work? :smile:
  • Hey there! I go to zumba twice a week and have done for a couple of months! It is great fun and hard work, log it under the extreme aerobics! I actually set up my own exercise! Just remember with zumba to keep smiling and you will love it! ps i still go the wrong way or do the wrong thing but it doesnt matter i still love…
  • Hi, For tummy toning (and i need it!) i do russian twists with a weight and backwards crunches. If you need an idea on how to complete these are any more ideas, i have plenty let me know!
  • Hiya! I am a newbie too! On my third day now. Good luck, hopefully in a couple of months we can all celebrate meeting our goals! I have the same problem re the not eating enough. i always thought i ate too much but it must be the drink! My weakness is beer & pizza followed by cake!!! :)