

  • Thanks. Yes the ones I bought are the Nasoya- Pasta zero brand. They are konjac flour , chickpea flour and potato that order.
  • you try to do 100 grams a day of fat? Ughhh I feel like I was at 95 grams by lunch the other day;(
  • Hi Mel....thanks for replying and all the advice! Where is the LCHF forum on this site? I looked and didnt see one? I am a member on the Jimmy Moore site...but its not as active as this one...any others I should know about? Thanks!
  • Great advice from everyone!! I think I came up with a great little thing to satisfy my sweet tooth, and really its not even a sweet tooth...its more like a texture wanting something crunchy or something soft and sweet. I went to my towns eqivalent of Wholefoods and gound that they have a bulk almond butter…
  • Im doing nutritional ketosis right now and I love it. Im one week in and down 4 lbs. I had been doing southbeach for two months prior, so my carbs were already fairly low. The problem was that I was always hungry and still had tons of cravings. I also hit a 3 week plateau , which is when I began researching Paleo which led…
  • Thanks Fred and Brads Baby:) I will keep in mind about the potassium, I might just up it for a few days till my headache subsides. Ive been told its a side effect of beginning this new WOE. WOW, Brads Baby...thats very impressive. I hope I can say the same as you one day:) I havent started really exercising yet, other than…
  • Thanks so much, Bacon:) I will up the potassium today. I only took one ofeach yesterday because I was unsure. But even that bit seemed to help. My big issue right now is weighing myself like an obsessed freak! During my initial 4 days starting this, I came off my plateau and lost a lb everyday which as you can imagine is a…
  • Thanks Bacon! I appreciate your feedback and its good to hear!! You and I are about the same wieght then I think!! We should be diet buddies. I dont have too much support at home as everyone thinks I am crazy. Also...did you have an annoying dull headache in the begionning. I was told to drink more water, get a potassium…