High fat , mod protien, lowcarb

Hello....this looks like a good site and forum. Seems like an active one, so I am looking forward to chatting and learning:)

6 days into HF, MP, LC and so far, great results. I had been doing Low carb, Low fat higher protein for the last 2 months and had a major plateau...so I discovered nutritional ketosis.
I had lost about 16 lbs in 2 months on the lowfat diet, but was having ridiculous cravings and always hungry and miserable. The higher fat seems easier and I am notreally very hungry.

My questions are....have any ladies on here in my age range (35-40) and weight range about 200 had good luck with this? Any tips or tricks, lessons? Also ...on average, how many grams of fat did you eat per day to get good loss?

Thanks so much!:)


  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    I'm 35 and have lost 40lbs, down from 255. After the first week, I haven't had much trouble with it. Killed my destructive cravings and my evil appetite. I plan on eating this way for the long haul, though I will be upping carbs some when maintenance rolls around.

    If you can stumble into the right places, you can find good support here. Low-carb can be kind of unpopular. Just keep ketoing on. :)

    Add me if you like.

    I've forgotten to eat lunch again, so I'm about to hit the chicken salad. That NEVER happened on other eating plans. The tips I think help most are: keep tracking, keep on-plan, and time will take care of the rest. Oh, and drink your water, make sure you get enough electrolytes

    Keep working it. :)

    Grams of fat usually depends on your weight and percentage. I try to aim for 65-70% of my intake. You can customize your goals to get the right macros on here.
  • Thanks Bacon! I appreciate your feedback and its good to hear!! You and I are about the same wieght then I think!! We should be diet buddies. I dont have too much support at home as everyone thinks I am crazy. Also...did you have an annoying dull headache in the begionning. I was told to drink more water, get a potassium and magnesium supplement . I just purchased these things...but I dont know how much to take ?

  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    Thanks Bacon! I appreciate your feedback and its good to hear!! You and I are about the same wieght then I think!! We should be diet buddies. I dont have too much support at home as everyone thinks I am crazy. Also...did you have an annoying dull headache in the begionning. I was told to drink more water, get a potassium and magnesium supplement . I just purchased these things...but I dont know how much to take ?


    Buddies it is!
    The potassium supp, even though it says 500ish mg is really only 90mg active per pill. So I would take 3 a day or more. Then buy some NuSalt or other potassium salt and add that to your food and use that. You definitely get more that way. Try to get 1500mg a day or more if you can. Everyone is deficient in potassium. Be careful with the magnesium, cuz that can cause the poos. I'd break the thing in half and spread it out. Also make sure you get enough salt. Broth is great for electrolytes. If I have a headache, I'll make some broth. The salt, and the potassium salt I shake in, help. I did have headaches for a bit, but that just does subside. A lot of my headaches were from sugar withdrawal. I was such a sugar-pig. I'll PM you some links tomorrow for definite numbers. The kids have me too busy right now. And I have other tips, too. I'll post more tomorrow.

    If you have other questions just ask. :smile:
  • Thanks so much, Bacon:) I will up the potassium today. I only took one ofeach yesterday because I was unsure. But even that bit seemed to help. My big issue right now is weighing myself like an obsessed freak! During my initial 4 days starting this, I came off my plateau and lost a lb everyday which as you can imagine is a great feeling when youve been stuck for so long. But as of today a pound and a half have come back. I just keep telling myself that this is normal....and its still less that the day I started .
    I think I need to really just put the scale away and only do it once a week. Would you agree?

    This is what I ate yesterday....what do you think? Do you see anything to tweak. I am still terrified of the amounts of fat and yesterday was by far my fattiest day

    breakfast- 2 egg omlette with cream added, colby cheese, 3 slices bacon, half an avocado, sliced tomato
    coffee with half and half ...last cup I added about a tablespoon of coconut oil

    mid day- handful of cashews, 6 slices salami ( wasnt starving for lunch) half an avocado with ranch and cherry tomatoes

    dinner- ( I normally try to eat by 6, but was a crazy day) 10 chicken wings, no breading, butter and parm
    glass of mixture of almond, chia and cocnut milk with sugar free nestle quick! I needed a little sweetness

    ~~~normally I have a lot more veggies- I hear debating about the chicken wings....?

    I also have read the book keto clarity and he puts a lot of emphasis on fasting. So I try to not eat after 6....but then I usually eat a huge breakfast. I really think I would like to try to skip breakfast and do an early lunch and just make it a little more substantial So I am gonna try this today...what do you think?
  • FredDoyle
    FredDoyle Posts: 2,273 Member
    I'd be careful with potassium supplements. There is all kinds of potassium in meats, fish, tomatoes, avocado etc.
    Coconut water is loaded (check the label) and so is V8.
    You can check levels here:
    I get over 4000 a day from foods, and fairly low carb, not keto levels mind you...
  • bradsbaby1996
    bradsbaby1996 Posts: 154 Member
    I'm 35 was 264 now 154.. high(ish) fat, moderate protein and very low carb.. my fat is about 75 to 90 grams a day now.. protein about 103 to 110..
    Before I was super high fat and very low protein and lost all my strength..
  • Thanks Fred and Brads Baby:)

    I will keep in mind about the potassium, I might just up it for a few days till my headache subsides. Ive been told its a side effect of beginning this new WOE. WOW, Brads Baby...thats very impressive. I hope I can say the same as you one day:) I havent started really exercising yet, other than walking. I do want to get into the gym...but until this ketosis thing kinda levels out and I feel a little more stable with my energy,
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    I would disagree about the supplements. You have to take 5 to even equal the potassium in an avocado. So obviously, it is ideal to get potassium from foods. It isn't always possible to reach 4,000, though. Supplements are sometimes necessary. Unless you're an obsessive nut job I don't think you need to worry about poisoning yourself with the supplements.
    I don't usually get close, even though I eat a lot of spinach and other potassium rich food. The NuSalt can be added to anything you might add salt to. I shake some in about everything. There are other brands but this one was cheapest for me.

    Here are the RDAs:
    Potassium: 4,000mg
    Magnesium: 320mg (women)
    Sodium: 1500mg-2300mg

    The salt business is iffy.
    I'm going to PM you a link to a thread on a lowcarb forum that is my main haunt which discusses electrolytes in low-carb diets.

    Another tip I have is one of the most important. Weight loss is NOT linear. I lose, min-stall, go up, then down, then do-si-do sometimes before my body finally gives up a pound. But the overall trend is downward. I can't stop myself from obsessively weighing every day. But I do something else to preserve my sanity: Measurements. Always keep measurements. The body empties fat cells of fat. Then, they fill up with water sometimes, the turds! They will sometimes sit and think on it for awhile, deciding whether or not they can live with this change. When the body finally decides it can, the water is dumped. So many things can affect how often you shed weight. Your metabolism, electrolyte levels, sore muscles (retain water), too much salt, too little calories, too many calories, hormones, personal sensitivities for foods (diary or artificial sweeteners), and etc. Good grief!

    So when you are on-plan and the scale is just sitting there, check your measurements. Your body may be holding on to water in your empty fat cells, but measurements don't lie like the scale does. I've lost count of the times I was discouraged by no movement on the scale! Then I took my measurements, and BAM, inches lost. I recommend keeping a table for yourself, a high/low table. For each week, keep your high and your low. And then for the month. That is where you'll see the truth of what is going on.

    I don't actively fast. It isn't for everyone but many people like it. Just follow your body. I eat breakfast and then don't eat again until 2pm. My appetite changes just lead me there. I think your menu looked fine. Don't freak about the fat. Fat IS NOT BAD. They have finally figured this out, after they've scared us to death about it for decades. And it was all based on a falsified study. Fat is good. It's satiating and it makes food taste good. And for our way of eating, it makes things work better. They are discovering that fat is bad only when it is paired with overconsumption of carbs.

    Check my food diary. I ate 8 wings, with skin, no sauce, for supper. Along with a huge stalk of celery with cream cheese on it. I eat 2 eggs made with cream and cheese every morning. Sometimes there is bacon or sausage. Lunch is usually tuna or chicken salad loaded with mayo or cheese and meat of some combo. Coconut oil in my coffee. Butter in my broth. Bacon fat or butter in my cooked veggies. Dip meat in sour cream and mayo. Some days I eat my carbs in veggies more than others. As long as you are working toward more veggies most days, you're golden.

    I hope I finally addressed all your questions. I'm sorry I didn't do a better job before. These past two days were busy as heck. :grumble: Doctor appts, soccer for the kids, library trip before I got a fine. Crazy times. I'm around here and there if you have any more questions.

    Keep ketoing on. :bigsmile:
  • Michifan
    Michifan Posts: 95 Member
    Every body is different - and has different needs in terms of Fat, Protein and Carbs.

    Some fats are better than others - but I'm trying to think of the food composition where the fat is higher than the protein and the carbs are very low. Seems like a very unnatural diet that is difficult to sustain. Again, I'm talking in a whole food perspective. I guess you could drink a cup of fish oil or eat some pork rinds (ugh to me).

    The studies show that overall calorie deficit is the only roadmap to weight loss. The makeup of those calories, however, is based on the individual dieter's nutritional needs. When the different diets are compared in a general study, the difference from one makeup (same number of calories) to another is within the margin of error.

    The point on potassium is correct for supplements. I find myself eating a carton of mushrooms to get my potassium because it really is a challenge to get that in a reasonable level from supplements.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    Every body is different - and has different needs in terms of Fat, Protein and Carbs.

    Some fats are better than others - but I'm trying to think of the food composition where the fat is higher than the protein and the carbs are very low. Seems like a very unnatural diet that is difficult to sustain. Again, I'm talking in a whole food perspective. I guess you could drink a cup of fish oil or eat some pork rinds (ugh to me).

    Not at all unnatural. I eat meat, veggies, and lower-carb dairy. What is unnatural about that? It's not voodoo. I choose sauces and dips with more fat. Avoid sugary sauces. I cook veggies with butter, olive oil, or bacon fat. It's not like I have to plop a huge bunch it in there either. It is very easy to achieve the fat level desired; you get close with the meat and cheese alone. The only weird thing I do is put coconut oil in my coffee and butter in a cup of broth. Both of which are delicious.

    Drink a cup of fish oil. Ewwwwwww! :sick:

    One single food isn't going to give you the percentages you need of high fat, mod protein, low carbs. It is the totality of your daily diet, adding them all up to achieve the macro. A dish I enjoy is a casserole made of cauliflower, cabbage, and mushrooms, with ground sausage, chicken, cheese, and a cream sauce. NOM! I might have a cheese stick for a snack at some point or a handful of roasted almonds. Supper is always meat and veggies in some various dish. I drink mostly water other than my single cup of coffee. Occasionally I splurge with a diet drink, or budget some vodka into my cals. Is that really so weird? :huh:

    It's not a mystical fad. I can and will eat like this forever. In maintenance of low-carb diets, you add back carb grams until you discover your personal threshold where you start to gain. Then, you stay just under. One day, I'll be able to occasionally throw in a little popcorn or some fruit (which was never a fave anyway.) Some people have to count calories, too. I'm one of those.

    I hope that shed a little light on the mystery of low-carb-hood.
    And you are right when you said bodies are all different. Folks have to figure out their own body and what works for them. :smile:

    I'm not against carbs. My body just doesn't do carbs right. I figured that out and act on it. Whatever people are doing to get healthy is a-ok with me.
  • MelRC117
    MelRC117 Posts: 911 Member
    You might want to head on over to the low carb / keto boards to get more info.

    I'm glad you didn't stick to low carb/low fat...that is not a good combination. If you plan on eating high fat/mod protein/low carb, it'll take some time to get used to the way of eating and trial and error. For me, eating low carb keeps my hunger in check and I eat more nutritous foods. It's not never eating an apple or piece of bread again like many make it out to be.

    In addition to meats, cheeses and full fat dips/dressings, I have discovered the use of "fat bombs". They are a great way to use some of your daily calories and up your fat without upping protein or carbs like cheese and meat would do. I use coconut oil in my coffee in the morning and use it to cook my veggies in. I might have a snack of an ounce of just plain cream cheese. I make sugar free jello with cream cheese, throw some whipped heavy cream on top for a dessert.

    Make sure to drink your water!

    Good luck!
  • Great advice from everyone!! I think I came up with a great little thing to satisfy my sweet tooth, and really its not even a sweet tooth...its more like a texture thing...like wanting something crunchy or something soft and sweet. I went to my towns eqivalent of Wholefoods and gound that they have a bulk almond butter sextion where you can grind the nuts with the butter yourself and take it home. I love this because it has no sugar...then I got a block of cream cheese. I put it in thefood processor and made it into a sugar free almond butter cheesecake. Its delicious!

    Also does anyone do nutritional yeast? It is so good for you and tastes like parmesan cheese....I sprinkle it on everything. Its great in eggs or even on a salad! Its salty and cheesy.

    I am totally laying off the scale for a bit. But yes, Bacon slave....measuring, daily:)

    Thanks soo much!!!
  • SueInAz
    SueInAz Posts: 6,592 Member
    It's always better to get your nutrients from food rather than supplments. There are lots of foods that are high in potassium and low in carbs. Avocado has already been mentioned, pistachios are another great option. Beet, chard, collard, kale, mustard, spinach and turnip greens all have significant amounts of potassium as do Winter squash and zucchini. For non-vegetables, look at cocoa powder, nuts and nut butters.

    I've seen it suggested that you weigh and track weight daily but look at your weekly averages. Large fluctuations are always water weight, of course, so a weekly average will give you a good idea of the trend.
  • Hi Mel....thanks for replying and all the advice! Where is the LCHF forum on this site? I looked and didnt see one? I am a member on the Jimmy Moore site...but its not as active as this one...any others I should know about?

  • Vexxe
    Vexxe Posts: 24 Member
    Hi Mel....thanks for replying and all the advice! Where is the LCHF forum on this site? I looked and didnt see one? I am a member on the Jimmy Moore site...but its not as active as this one...any others I should know about?


    Head on over to r/keto on reddit. Great community and very active. Lots of solid science and a lot of fantastic results to push motivation.
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    Hi Mel....thanks for replying and all the advice! Where is the LCHF forum on this site? I looked and didnt see one? I am a member on the Jimmy Moore site...but its not as active as this one...any others I should know about?


    Head on over to r/keto on reddit. Great community and very active. Lots of solid science and a lot of fantastic results to push motivation.

    Excellent suggestion. I'm there as well.
  • _Terrapin_
    _Terrapin_ Posts: 4,301 Member
    Out of curiosity, what are each of you considering low carb? Either by percentage of calories or grams per day would be appreciated.
  • Booksandbeaches
    Booksandbeaches Posts: 1,791 Member
    Hi Mel....thanks for replying and all the advice! Where is the LCHF forum on this site? I looked and didnt see one? I am a member on the Jimmy Moore site...but its not as active as this one...any others I should know about?


    Go to the Groups section at the top of the screen and there search for "Keto". You'll find a pretty active group here for LCHF which is what ketogenic is.
    Out of curiosity, what are each of you considering low carb? Either by percentage of calories or grams per day would be appreciated.

    20-30 grams of carbs a day for me
  • baconslave
    baconslave Posts: 7,015 Member
    Out of curiosity, what are each of you considering low carb? Either by percentage of calories or grams per day would be appreciated.

    I aim for 20g/day but if I go up to 30g occasionally, I don't weep about it as the carbs I eat are mostly veggies.
    I try to get at least 65% fat and keep my carb count. The protein falls in what's left. My main focus, however is getting more fat (close to 100g as I can) than protein (generally over 65g) and carbs at or less than 20g.

    I'll add though that I do try to keep my calories at a deficit. I'm one of those unlucky people that won't lose if my calories aren't lower than my TDEE or BMR.
  • you try to do 100 grams a day of fat? Ughhh I feel like I was at 95 grams by lunch the other day;(