

  • Haha I used to play rugby in Uni so know what you mean! For everyone else who hasn't been part of the rugby social scene, it's a totally different world and regulating booze is massively difficult... Things you could think about trying: * Swap out a beer for a nice glass of white wine (joke! But seriously, it works ;) ) *…
  • I meant to reply to this earlier after asking my initial set of questions but it's been a crazy day at work(!). You've not stated how much alcohol (or kind) that you drink per day - just that you do. Remember each pint of beer is approx 250 calories which is a 1/6th of my daily intake! A few of these per day would push me…
  • Hmmm this sounds unusual. If you could answer the below, it might help us understand why it's not working for you. What sort of exercise are you doing? For how long and at what intensity? What body type do you have? e.g. where do you tend to carry your weight? Are you naturally quite strong? Do you find it easy to put…
  • There are so many possibilities of what happened to you. The first thing I'd recommend is that you consult a doctor to get his/her recommendations on your new fitness plan else you could be doing yourself more harm than good. What type of drug does your inhaler use? I was given on my inhaler as a child and deliberately…
  • I've been taking supplements on and off for years for rugby training but can't comment on the effectiveness of Maxitone (being a guy!). Protein won't help you directly with boosting your weight loss. Every time you exercise, you effectively break your muscles down so that they rebuild stronger. This is why your muscles can…
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