Protein supplements and fat burners

Recently saw an advertisement in my local gym for Maxitone, a sister brand to Maximuscle, it is however made especially for females. Thinking of getting some to boost my weight loss as ive hit a plataeu.

Thought i would get your thoughts and suggests first.


  • nooge
    nooge Posts: 5
    I've been taking supplements on and off for years for rugby training but can't comment on the effectiveness of Maxitone (being a guy!).

    Protein won't help you directly with boosting your weight loss. Every time you exercise, you effectively break your muscles down so that they rebuild stronger. This is why your muscles can hurt several days after a tough session. Protein supplements are an easy way (and cost effective as opposed to eating lots of chicken) of consuming vital amounts of protein that your body needs. The timing of when you have your protein (i.e. within 30 mins of exercise) can make a big difference.

    I found that if I didn't take protein through supplements, my muscles wouldn't recover between sessions (training every day) and over time, I'd just get worn out. If you only train occasionally, consider just having an omelette with some complex carbs after a workout.

    I've had on and off experiences with fat burners. Personally I'm not keen as even if they do help burn fat, I get an upset stomach and get a lot of acid reflux with them. There are loads of suggestions on the web about how to give your metabolism a kick start in the morning and how to keep it high throughout the day.

    If you've found that your weight loss has plateaued, consider mixing up your diet and exercise plan. Interval training (like circuits) with unfamiliar exercises are always a winner. Exercise your big muscles (legs, core) across their full range as these will burn much more energy than your arms etc.

    Finally, I think that Maximuscle products are unnecessarily expensive! There are loads of websites that sell products with the same composition that are a lot cheaper...

    Hope this helps...