

  • Op!! I think you and I are on the same track! I have to force my size 10's to shrink and now 8's are almost getting lose on me! Getting into the single digits was a HUGE accomplishment. Congratz everyone!
  • I tend to eat leftovers the next day, so that could be something to consider.
  • Sometimes it take a bit for our body to adjust to losing weight. Are you doing a lot of strength training as well? If you want to keep an acurate measure of weightloss, start measuring around your waste or go by pant sizes. Don't focus too much on the number. Weightloss takes a long time, but if you keep with it, you'll…
  • Start tracking again and try and nip the problem in the butt first! If you know you binge on chocolate, only have one chocolate bar in the house. What I do is buy a large bar of super dark chocolate and keep it in the freezer, when I have a craving for something sweet I break off a piece and enjoy it. I get enough of a…
  • Good on you that you realised you had a problem. As someone who has an ED, we tend to only think that people with anorexia classified as one. You caught on before you might have been seriously harmful to yourself. You've lost so much weight and now it's time to focus on maintaining and loving life (and food in a healthy…
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