needing a severe kick in the butt please!!

sd892310 Posts: 151
Grrr so annoyed with myself!! I know i am sabotaging my own weight loss with the way i am eating at the moment but i cant seem to stop doing it!

I have been told to avoid wheat due to a wheat allergy (only discovered earlier on in the year) and whilst at first i was REALLY good with it, ive slowly let it creep back into my diet and now i am finding it near impossible to cut back and stop eating it and believe me it is making a difference with belly swelling :frown: . I am just justifying it by saying to myself..."ah well i used to eat it perminately in every meal and snacks, so a slice of bread with dinner, or a biscuit or a pitta bread just once today is loads better!" obviously i know this is stupid and so should just not eat it, but i do anyway and then feel sooo annoyed/angry with myself afterwards.:mad:

also have started having binge moments with chocolate, will do really well and not have any for a few days, will then treat myself with a bar (i dont cut it all out because for me this is not a viable option for life, i enjoy a bit of chocolate and so rather than making it a banned food and over indulging i allow myself some), but then i end up getting the taste for it, craving it and giving in to the 2nd/3rd bar...:embarassed: something i am rather ashamed to say out loud on here!

i know i am sabotaging my weight loss and that the fact i am eating these types of foods would explain the bloat around my belly and the hault in my weight loss, and i know it is all down to will power and i need to just not eat them, but god why isn't it that easy?!

does anyone else do this to themselves? did anyone else use to? how do you stop?

i am slowly falling off the wagon here, and although the dinners i eat are all made from scratch and are healthy and balanced, i feel the downward slide starting when it comes to the "naughty" foods.

i think maybe i just need a BIG kick in the butt and some serious nagging to get me back on track, so feel free to nag away...just dont be too mean please! lol :smile:

**Edited to say...Probably should have mentioned this when i first posted, but i have rather bad anxeity issues that i have recently been put on tablets for, as well as being referred to counselling, with one issue being BDD. Have suffered from ED's in past and seems like now i am doing the opposite to that!


  • kellygirl5538
    kellygirl5538 Posts: 597 Member
    I know how you feel...i was down to 152 pounds and now I'm up to 160! Catch it right now....start logging NOW. There are some people who always have to log and u might be one of them. Also log your food before you eat it.. You don't even have to eat a lot of junk to start gaining again... You can do this! It is your health!
  • ryan92408
    ryan92408 Posts: 11
    I find that when I sabatoge I am actually afraid of going to the next level - and I am subconsiously messing things up. The minute I recognize what I am doing, I comfort myself with words and it helps. Weightloss is a HUGE emotional issue - stop beating yourself up - BREATHE - and look internally at what's going on.
  • debbiequack
    debbiequack Posts: 275 Member
    A thought about behavior change:

    I am not completely saying that you should think of food as an "addiction", but some of the same principles may apply. Think, for example, about what your triggers are (i.e., bedtime, parties?, a certain emotion?) and then try to do other things instead of eating chocolate. Try meditating your way through the craving, for example, and/or getting on MFP, and or anything else that is a good coping mechanism for you.

    Good luck!

  • I know what you mean!! As soon as I start to see results I stop!
  • katschi
    katschi Posts: 689 Member
    I've done this to myself all the time.
    And this past week I didn't.
    I lost 11 lbs.

    My friend, who was a binge eater herself and has now lost over 100 lbs, recommended these 2 books to me and they have really helped me get my head in to the game.

    Eating Less ... Gillian Riley
    Refuse to Regain ... Barbara Berkeley

    also, what kickstarted it all for her was The End of Overeating ... David Kessler
    My other friend met him in person and has now shifted her mindset as well.

    I know people go apesh*t here if you suggest eliminating certain foods instead of just moderating them, but for some of us with certain foods, it's the only answer.

    Good Luck.
  • satousan88
    satousan88 Posts: 29

    also have started having binge moments with chocolate, will do really well and not have any for a few days, will then treat myself with a bar (i dont cut it all out because for me this is not a viable option for life, i enjoy a bit of chocolate and so rather than making it a banned food and over indulging i allow myself some), but then i end up getting the taste for it, craving it and giving in to the 2nd/3rd bar...:embarassed: something i am rather ashamed to say out loud on here!

    I have had the same problem in the past, once I started it was nearly impossible to NOT eat the whole package of chocolate! Don't feel ashamed and don't be angry with yourself... IMO it's pretty normal for us women LOL

    What really helped me:
    I only buy the chocolate I really love (one with superior quality and a very high price, i.e. 85% bio fair trade or any other bio high cacao bar that is hardly available)
    Because the chocolate is so expensive and hard to get by, I treat it with much more respect and eat it even more moderate! It's hard at first, but try to melt a piece of chocolate very slowly in your mouth... it's usually the taste you're after, so don't chew it! Eating as slowly as possible really cuts back the craving xD
    Hope this helps :)
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    KICKED :laugh:
    don't let this get you down - I feel exactly the same way. I've been on & off the wagon more times over the last 6 months that I truly wonder why I self sabotage. If I'm being hoonest I'd say I've gained & lost the same 4 lbs about 10 times now & feel like I'm going nowhere.
    Be positive - you haven't given up just got sidetracked - change the 'naughty' habits one day at a time but don't forget to allow some times for a little treat (little very little :happy: )
    Take every day one day at a time & be proud of what you've achieved so far - don't give up on yourself.
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    I know what you mean!! As soon as I start to see results I stop!

    Helllloooo sister - do we know each other ??? lol:laugh:
  • sd892310
    sd892310 Posts: 151
    Thanks everyone for your replies!:smile:

    nice to know i'm not on my own with this! Gotta get my butt into gear and get back onto this weight loss thing properly, getting so close to goal now which why makes sabotage even more frusterating lol!

    Well day 4 of the 30ds tonight so also hoping that within next week or so will start seeing a difference which will help to spur me on too :happy:
  • Start tracking again and try and nip the problem in the butt first! If you know you binge on chocolate, only have one chocolate bar in the house. What I do is buy a large bar of super dark chocolate and keep it in the freezer, when I have a craving for something sweet I break off a piece and enjoy it. I get enough of a chocolately taste, but since it's dark, I only want to eat a tiny bit.

    Maybe keep 'low cal' treats in your home for when you have a binge moment? Popcorn or veggie chips? Cut up vegetables and lots of fruits.
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