

  • I'm not sure what you like...but you can get the 35 or 45 calorie bread (which tastes great by the way) and use egg beaters (we buy kirkland brand cheaper at Costco which also tastes great) and make french toast (you can always add cinnamon & truvia if you'd like for added flavor.) Just the egg beaters with or without…
  • Our 7-11 has Crystal Light Slurpee's, does yours? That is low calorie but YES, it is the fake sugar which isn't all that great for you. But, it is an option when you want a "slurpee!" :D
  • Hi, I'm not your friend, so I can't see your food diary. Bu, if you use "fake sugar" like Splenda, STOP! I found that THAT was the cause of my joint pains. I found that truvia (I get the off brand) does NOT cause any joint pains. Just an idea! I hope it helps! :happy:
    in joint pain Comment by aleyten May 2011
  • OOPS! ...sorry, it gives you another dark green veggie to add to your what I meant to say! :happy:
  • I have recently tasted kale (dried/baked) in the oven. Sprinkle salt (or season to your liking) and bake them in the oven & they taste yummy. Now I have NO idea what kale tastes like because, before that, I had never tried it. But, it does take the place of chips & gives you enters another dark green veggie in you diet.…
  • If you don't eat something, you'll feel weaker & get less of a workout. But, I don't like eating right before my workout because it makes me feel sick. So, really, if you have enough time to let your food settle, I'd eat prior to the workout. Just my thought on that! :D
    in Query Comment by aleyten May 2011