Has anyone given up chips for good?



  • Kanzaki3
    Kanzaki3 Posts: 656 Member
    I gave up all junk food. I don't know how long that will last though. It has been about a month so far.
  • chylom
    chylom Posts: 48 Member
    I don't want to have to give up anything for good. But, chips are a tough one. Have you tried PopChips? Pretty tasty, not as bad for you.
    I love Pop Chips !
  • d_smith85
    d_smith85 Posts: 94
    I count measure out half a portion... I could go a month with out them for sure, but the rest of my life.. I'm not willing to make that change lol I love em!
  • ehilgeman
    ehilgeman Posts: 45
    Here's the thing - I have certain "red light" foods that, once I start eating on them, I can't make myself stop. And, for those things, I either need to not have them in the house, or to take them out of the larger container and measure out a reasonable portion and put the rest away in a place that's above my eye level, so it's not staring at me. I do still eat chips, by the way, but I love Ruffles Light (great nutritionals!) and HATE baked chips, except for the baked Doritos. And, even with the light chips, I need to measure before I eat.
  • xraychick77
    xraychick77 Posts: 1,775 Member
    nope. i ate a whole bag of cheetos over the course of three days
  • pawprint_net
    Yes - as someone with absolutely no will power - I have completely and forever changed my eating to not eat things like this - ever - period. That's much easier for me then trying to do anything else. Pretty much given up Chips, Soda (not that I ever drank it much anyway), Bread, Potatoes, Rice, etc...

    Many say you don't have to give up anything - technically that's true - but it's much much easier for me when I just do. Anyway I find when you start eating better - the good stuff starts to taste better and cravings change to more appropriate choices.
  • dleithaus
    dleithaus Posts: 107 Member
    A rare treat for me. One that I either consume a single portion bag with a known calorie load or I weigh them.
  • supersecretsquirrel1877
    Of all the bad foods I used to eat, giving up chips was the easiest. Not real sure why, I used to sit down with that glorious yellow bag of Lays Original and my eyes would glaze over as I made my way through the ENTIRE bag. My husband still buys chips but I don't even look at them twice. If only the pop and pizza were as easy....
  • aleyten
    aleyten Posts: 6
    I have recently tasted kale (dried/baked) in the oven. Sprinkle salt (or season to your liking) and bake them in the oven & they taste yummy. Now I have NO idea what kale tastes like because, before that, I had never tried it. But, it does take the place of chips & gives you enters another dark green veggie in you diet. It's worth a try! Let me know on my page if you liked it or what you thought!

  • aleyten
    aleyten Posts: 6
    OOPS! ...sorry, it gives you another dark green veggie to add to your diet...is what I meant to say!

  • TaberMrt
    TaberMrt Posts: 8 Member
    I know. I am the same way. I guess the only way is to stop them altogether---Boo Hoo!
  • LG61820
    LG61820 Posts: 372 Member
    I can't make up my mind about this. My last go round with weight loss I gave up chips altogether because they are my best comfort food. I did really well and then I let well-meaning friends convince me that I no longer need to "deprive" myself of the things I like because I had lost the weight and could keep it off. So I let chips back into my diet little by little and gained a little weight, but wasn't too concerned. Then I decided to quit smoking. I'm glad I quit, but I got depressed for awhile after and managed to gain back a bunch of weight, Of course, chips were very "comforting" during that time.

    This time I decided to keep chips in in a limited way. I thought I could have a can of Pringles or Stax on Friday or Saturday night. Well, it has turned into Friday AND Saturday, sometimes Sunday and if life is particularly stressful Monday or Wednesday. . .

    I tried making kale chips but couldn't get it right they were either still soggy or burnt, same with beet chips. I may try to make them again, but I believe I'm going to have to keep potato chips out of my diet. Of course, I'll probably have to have a "goodby" bag of Lays before I do. ;->
  • CASue13
    CASue13 Posts: 15 Member
    We eat the Pop chips - especially like the BBQ'd. Sunchips are a good alternative too. I literally count out a certain amount and it is satisfying.
  • nurse_carolyn
    nurse_carolyn Posts: 348
    When there is an open bag or bowl of chips I find that if I don't even have one I can usually resist but if I have one, it's game over :(
  • Lifetime4Me
    Lifetime4Me Posts: 5 Member
    I only allow chips or nuts in my house on special occasions. I have found them to be too much temptation. I have tried swapping them out for other things like Wheat Thin Stix or Crisps, Veggie Straws or Chip In's (like a pop chip). Although I have found these to be great substitutes I still find portion control to be an issue.
  • MyNameIsNotBob
    MyNameIsNotBob Posts: 565 Member
    I haven't given up chips, but I don't buy them to keep at the house. I'll eat a single serve bag when I'm having a sandwich for lunch, or if I'm at a BBQ or something, I'll have a handful. Occasionally, I'll get a bag from a vending machine, but I try to keep snacks with me so that I'm not tempted.

    I don't "give things up," but I do keep them out of my house! :
  • lucycaz
    lucycaz Posts: 191 Member
    I really love a bag of chips as a treat once in a while or as a standby snack if I am on the road...

    Weightwatchers do a great range that taste good and are around 80cals per bag so fit in nicely with the calories I leave for snacks...

  • SaddyPants
    SaddyPants Posts: 152 Member
    I've given up all chips except for Stacy's Pita Chips. I love those things! lol And they just taste so good with Wholly Guacamole.
  • Peep_chic
    Peep_chic Posts: 369 Member
    Yep, I agree with finding alternatives. Every now and then I'll have tortilla chips but I'd rather save up calories for such ocasion. I wasn't a pretzel fan until recently. Nature's promise organic has a kind pretzels which are kinda sweet and they are a good serving for 100. I also found out today that by warming a wrap on a non stick pan without even spray the wrap will get a crispy and is so good! I use joseph's lavash which is 100 calorie for a large size pita.
  • abyssfully
    abyssfully Posts: 410 Member
    Thanks for the awesome ideas and tips, everyone! <3