

  • This is actually working - I've gotten down to 191. w - 39 H - 46 Also (and most important), I'm starting to feel just a bit more fit. My recovery time is starting to get better, and I'm starting to FEEL like an exerciser again! THAT makes me happy, because I've always defined myself as a fit person. I LOVE walking fast,…
  • Definitely looking forward to seeing what a doctor has to say. I have thyroid problems (had it treated with Radioactive Iodine when I was 16 due to Graves' disease) and that DOES make it difficult to lose weight for me. But I find I have to adjust my goals somewhat (eat really healthy, but around 1500 cal per day and…
  • Down to 195 this week, so losing a bit. Waist: 40 Hips: 46 Clothes are fitting better, too!
  • I do both side and front planks, as well - when I do my pilates. So my numbers are going to be really wimpy because I do them at the end :). I will have to get a watch with a second hand! 7 minutes? Good god Maude!
  • I would do the riding challenge - I think that we could customize it to meet our goals. I wanted to do the couch to 5k one except that I just cannot run. I have a bum ankle (horse fell on it ten years ago) and while I'm doing pretty well, it's not up to an actual run for a long time - it would probably take me a year! I…
  • I am really stuck in a rut (and journaling my food is sure making me realize it!). I seem to eat either oatmeal or eggs every single farking day! I need to go shopping instead of leaving my DH to do it.
  • I'm so sorry that you're going through this. One thing that helped when I was going through my divorce was to think of my exercise time as my sorting out time. I set aside blocks to sort through my issues and as my "me" time. It kind of became sacred to me, to the point where I now almost resent my DH of ten years (I've…
  • Ugh. January 2, 2012 45 years old, 5'4" 198, NOT highest ever, but close :( 41 waist, 47 hips didn't measure body fat % (even though I have the good scale I don't think it's accurate anymore?). Will do that tomorrow am, though. Created by - Free Weight Loss Tools
  • So I weighed myself this morning and was horrified - salt kills! We had the traditional NY meal of ham and hoppin john, and I gained 3 pounds - up to 198.
  • I might be embarrassed to do it, but I'll go ahead and take a deep breath and say ok. It may be the motivation I need to really get going.