outscore23 Member


  • For many years I did the same exact thing. I was so afraid I'd fail that eventually I stopped trying. I finally have come to the realization that even if I am doing something it is better than nothing. You need to know that you have tried your best and keep putting one foot in front of the other. Today I exceeded my…
  • 1.5 cups of california blend veggies steamed, with a small slice of velveeta melted on top, a cup of cantelope and a half an english muffin wtih peanut butter. Orange/Tangerine Mio Water on the side.
  • I totally agree. The people close to me know I am trying to lose, that is what matters to me. However, I have to be careful to accept their help - and how they give it. For instance the other day I came home from a tough interval training at the local Y and grabbed about 10 pieces of popcorn. Immediately my husband was on…
  • This is great! I too struggle with thinking I should be eating more fish but can't stand the smell or taste. I am glad to hear I am not alone. Does anyone know, does substituting Fish Oil pills make a difference?
    in Fish Comment by outscore23 March 2013