

  • this is all very well but how can you eat them back if you don't know how many you are burning? i cycle to and from work everyday (an hour each way with LOTS of hills) and some sites say this is 400 cals each way, others say over 1000! I tend to average about 14mph but go approx 8mph uphill and 18mph on the flat. There is…
  • i'm a first thing on Monday morning girl too, good luck.
    in Weigh Ins? Comment by jovbaker June 2011
  • I'm from Cornwall, feel free to add, or anyone else from the UK for that matter!
  • thanks guys, i think i'm going to assume it's the lower number (gutted!) but better to be safe than sorry. @thersh2 not a gym member so can't really give this a go, but thanks for the suggestion :) Becks, think i might give that a go, broke atm tho so can't really justify, maybe next month...
  • i had that about three years ago, but have long since forgotten how it feels, am hoping cycling will work just as well as running, fingers crossed for this milestone in the next few weeks. Congratulations and really well done!
  • i had mine 12 years ago and i'm still losing the baby weight! good luck.xx
  • Hi , thanks, it's amazing the difference a few kind words make :) steering off the scales till Saturday, fingers crossed for then.x
  • hey there, feel free to add me, just joined last week monday. and not a sign of the scale budging. Also in need of additional support :/ good luck. Jo
    in Morning all Comment by jovbaker May 2011