Weigh Ins?

How/where does everyone weigh in? Do any of you meet up and do a "group" weigh in or is it just alone with the bathroom scales and update on here?

I will weigh in at home on Monday morning each week but just interested in how everyone else does it. :smile:



  • jovbaker
    jovbaker Posts: 11
    i'm a first thing on Monday morning girl too, good luck.
  • JessesGirl05
    JessesGirl05 Posts: 253
    I do it at home, then report it in the "check in" tab. or whatever that little tab is (sorry im tired)

    I weigh in whenever I feel like I need that motivation or accountability. Sometimes its 2x/wk, sometimes its 1x/month
  • kaylemartin
    kaylemartin Posts: 235 Member
    I weigh in every Tuesday morning, as soon as I get up (but after going to the bathroom).

    Keep it consistent - wear nothing, every time!
  • mmaggio80
    mmaggio80 Posts: 15
    I started MFP on Thursday so thats when I weigh in, first thing in the morning. More important to me is how my clothes and uniform fit, that's the true result of what I am doing. If you add weights to your exercise actual weight loss will be slower because muscle is heavier then fat but your figure will slim.
  • kazza97
    kazza97 Posts: 13

    I weigh Monday morning's at home and then spend the rest of the week trying my best not to weigh in again!!

  • wenders123
    wenders123 Posts: 338 Member
    I weigh in every Monday morning like you :smile: . I get up, make myself a cup of tea, go to the loo (:embarassed: ), and then weigh myself. I make sure that I wear the same every week as well (my special 'weigh in' pyjamas). I try to only weigh once a week, but I do sometimes sneak a peek mid way through the week :glasses:
  • gdr1976
    gdr1976 Posts: 460 Member
    I do it on Thursdays, until my days off change.
  • jetsec
    jetsec Posts: 79
    lol at the weigh in pj's! I am trying not to weigh myself every day but I know I will! I am going to measure myself tonight as well as when I did this last year my measurements went down a lot quicker than my weight and that always makes me feel better.

    Good luck everyone!

  • Texaganian
    Texaganian Posts: 67
    Every day, second thing in the morning (right after taking my resting blood pressure/heart rate).
  • julieannebyrom
    julieannebyrom Posts: 205 Member
    Up until this week I weighed in at home on a Wednesday morning. I joined a local slimming group last night and from now on I'll get weighed on Mondays at 5pm, I've asked my hubby to hide our scales so that I'm not tempted to do mid week weigh ins. I also have a group of online friends for support on facebook in a secret group for motivation.
  • jetsec
    jetsec Posts: 79
    Jingly, I have 2 friends on FB who are doing similar to me and we are trying to keep each other motivated and give support, I think that plays a massive part in sticking to it. I did SW before but now I have children I find it easier doing it this way. See if I can still say that in a months time!

    Good luck with the slimming group.

  • Loxytroy
    Loxytroy Posts: 2
    I'm a Monday morning girl too - after the loo, before breakfast and naked. I try not to peek during the week, but sometimes I've been so good I can't help it! :)
  • fitnhealthyccthatsme
    fitnhealthyccthatsme Posts: 359 Member
    Saturday morning weigh in for me. It helps me not to blow it on Fridays with the thought of a weigh in the next day. :-)
  • AngieM76
    AngieM76 Posts: 622 Member
    I weigh in every morning. The scale is right there in front of me and I just jump on after going the bathroom every morning.
  • TheOnlyMe
    TheOnlyMe Posts: 23
    I'm exactly the same as loxytroy!!
    I had a bad weekend and put on a 1lb since last monday :( but trying to get back on it this week. Always the blasted weekends lol xxx
  • retromomof2
    retromomof2 Posts: 44 Member
    I use my home scale to keep on track but have been part of a Weight Watchers meeting since November. That is where I weigh in on Thursday mornings.
  • TwiFan5
    TwiFan5 Posts: 419 Member
    At the moment I weigh in on Monday Mornings after going to the toilet and before breakfast but am going to start weighing in on Friday Mornings as well just to see how I am going.
    TWEETIE19 Posts: 54
    I weigh in on sunday mornings, it helps me stay on track over the weekend... Good Luck!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • FabOma08
    FabOma08 Posts: 500
    I weigh in every morning. The scale is right there in front of me and I just jump on after going the bathroom every morning.

    Me exactly! I don't post my weight here daily but I do consult my my magic white box every morning! For me it's a daily reminder of what I'm trying to accomplish. I know it will fluctuate from day to day and that's ok. It keeps me focused. Normally I post on Sunday and Wednesday.
  • roseymacdoo
    roseymacdoo Posts: 113 Member
    Hi Jayne

    I get weighed once a month by the nurse at my local GP surgery, and I'd really recommend it, it's been a massive motivation! I just had a chat with her when I took Jakey in for his 3 month jabs and said I'd like some help losing weight and she's been a great support.

    Knowing I've got someone else looking at the scales is a huge incentive to keep at it! And I think once a month is good as your weight can be so up and down throughout the month with cycles etc that it can be a bit disheartening I think if the scales haven't moved from one week to the next.

    I'd also recommend measuring yourself too - you can change the default things to measure on here - I do boobs, hips, waist, neck, arms and thighs

    C xx