

  • I dont have ton to add to this, but I do know that eating just to satisfy a number, even though you are full is not good. But i will say that maybe you can try it for a bit and see if you continue to lose. If you are under but still losing then it doesnt matter as long as you aren't doing it on purpose to starve yourself.…
  • I get this way too, but its usually because I am not eating enough, or im eating the wrong kinds of foods that have spiked my sugar levels or whatever and then i crash. I would pay more attention to what your eating and make sure its filling calories, and healthy calories. Also be careful not to make to big a deficit, it…
  • I dont have hyperthyroidism, but I do have Lupus and I am taking a steroid that makes me EXTREMLY hungry all the time!! I hate it becasue unlike you, my metabolism is not all reved up and I will gain weight if I just feed my body when its telling me too! I agree with what the other person wrote though, eat healthy food and…
  • I hadn't seen this and I have some of the almond milk in my fridge, I am gonna try it in the morning! Thanks! I am the same way and love my coffee nice and sweet and creamy!
  • I dont understand it at all but i totally get it! I am the same way. If I am not constantly working my butt off and watching everything I put in my mouth then im screwed! I hate it
  • They didnt have any that were my size :(
  • Hungry Girl has an awesome recipe for a cheeseburger quesadilla that I make all the time, its under 200 calories and its amazing and it uses boca burgers! I love them!
  • The hunger game series Something borrowed Water for Elephants Dear john
  • I agree that you are pretty well at your ideal weight so your body may just not want to change. As far as dieting goes you sem like you are doing pretty stay right at where you are supposed to be and seem to even have a few cheats in there which is good. I would say either a) try yo yo dieting for a bit to see…
  • I was watching Burlesque today and that was pretty good...they are all so sexy and confident! Made me want to feel that way!
  • I saw get whatever you feel like eating. Either one is a cheat I am sure, so you might as well enjoy your cheat...thats kinda the point isn't it?!
  • You can def.see a difference! Good work!
  • if I could eat 3400 calories a day I would be in heaven! haha
  • I so gained 5 over the weekend too but then it fell off again...maybe it will do that. I dont know if you realistically can gain 5 lbs. Its probably mostly water and stuff...dont get to discouraged!
  • Im not to worried about when he comes home. He is a health nut so still working out is not a problem. We are very supportive of eachother in that way. Plus when he works I have time to get my work outs in. I just am worried about blowing it right before he comes home. I can't seem to figure out what to do to just maintain.…
  • New to MFP and just saw far my biggest downfall! My cut off is 7 and only one snack after dinner and it must be a healthy choice. One day every other week I allow a cheat. If were starting from the first of May.. Me- 9 LNS- 2
  • So good to know I am not the only one! I think the same thing! I run every day..if I take a "day off" I still end up doing some hard cord walking lol. I have to run every day and not small amounts either. Plus I walk every night and usually every lunch time, plus I do resistance training every other day. I still feel like…
  • I have been wondering this same thing! I am right about where I would love to stay but I dont want to start eating more and gain it all back...I am almost scared to eat more. I don know what to do!?! I hope someone responds with good advice!
  • My husband gets this way sometimes too. I am smaller and have lost a lot of weight recently and he worries that I starve myself. I have the same intake as you. But I just have to remind him that a 2000 calorie diet is not for everyone. That girls can't typically eat like guys and that you have goals. As long as you are…
  • I used to feel this way at one point to, and my only piece of advice is to just walk in like you own the place. Confidence is key! You deserve the right to be there just as much as they do!