

  • So many of you responded that you want to start Monday which is today. If you started awsome I'm with you. Day 1. If you do not have the schedule or nutrition plan I can try and help you. Send me a response and I'll send you the fitness plan so you can at least get started. yogasara
    in P90X Comment by yogasara August 2011
  • Good luck Fuzzy68. You can do it. Look at the wonderful and inspiring stories on this website. It is amazing what you can do when you put your mind to it.
  • I don't think so. There are 3 nutritional levels within each phase. If you are just starting then you are in Phase 1? I think the most important part of P90X is to listen to your body you may need more than 1 carb.
  • Thanks for the advice. Have a great day!
  • I have been doing P90X for a year now and love how I feel. I am new to myfitnesspal and having difficulty logging in the exercises. Do you use a heart rate monitor? How do you log in your P90X workouts? Thank you for your time. Sara
  • Hi- I'm 48 and new to this as well. I think tracking everything is helpful. Good luck. You can add me as a friend I think the support is wonderful.