

  • THIS....IS...AWESOME!!!!
  • Congratulations Graduates!
  • I haven't been doing anything guys. First I was drained by the heat and now I have sinusitis. I was invited to Zumba today but as of right now, I'm really not sure if I'll be going. They say when you're sick and you workout it helps heal you quicker and makes you feel better. I know that the mornings are the worst when…
  • I don't have any good books on nutrition but Netflix has some great movies you can watch. Take a look at Food Matters, Food Inc, and Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead. I swear, you'll start looking at all your food like o_O. These are eye opening movies for sure. After watching them, I'm definitely thinking about making that 30…
  • Totally forgot about posting here. So far, I've only done one day of Level 1. The best part about that is, I didn't quit! Yay!! I had a bit of soreness in my shoulders but I liked it, nothing I couldn't deal with. I really want to get into the habit of doing the 30 day shred daily but I want to do other workouts as well so…
  • Ok. I put myself as number 5 but now I am not on it. Just wanted to make you aware of this. I think several people have had this same issue.
  • Totally forgot to do the workout yesterday. I got off work, did laundry that took FOREVER and I was at a friend's house so we ended up drinking a few beers and watching some comedies. BUT i managed to stay under my calorie goal for the day. Beers and all!! OH YEAH! I have a BlastFit class today and although I'm not excited…
  • I have the 30 day shred DVD and i've never made it past the 1st week. I've been wanting to start back up with it for a while, but haven't had the motivation. I guess I'll get back on it today after laundry :)
  • I have a fantastic 2 year old and I've been "trying" to lose this "baby weight" for about...2 years now lol. I figured it was time for me to try harder, especially since I'm looking at going to the reserves next summer and I have to start training for that. I have 55 lbs to lose before I can enlist and 14 lbs left to lose…
  • I'll be returning to school in August and I'm so excited. Only 42 hours left until I get my BA in English yay! Anyway, I'm looking for friends to keep me motivated as well. I'm bigger than all of my friends so none of them really make a big deal about working out because they really don't have to. I've decided that I've…
  • This is great! Very well put. I agree that weight has nothing to do with attractiveness. I was with my ex for 5 years and I only weighed 150 lbs when we met. I got all the way up to 243 while I was pregnant and now I'm 220 and he still loves everything about me (even though we're not currently together). I have met very…
  • I haven't burned anywhere near 3,500 calories. I worked out on Tuesday 6/19 and Thursday 6/21 and I may have burned 900-1,000 calories total (I'm pretty sure I'm off on that number). I plan on kicking it into high gear. It's really tough when I'm trying to eat right and my co-workers bring cookies and cheesecake bites to…
  • Well I'm in. I'll get started on this today when I get off work. I plan on burning 3,500 calories this week and doing Billy Blanks Insane Abs at least 3 days a week. Wish me luck!! Will post results tomorrow ^_^
  • @lovecrystaljoy thanks for the suggestion!