

  • My hubby loves his potatoes and rice too. He finally got on the losing weight band wagon with me, and now we share an occasional baked potato or if he wants potatoes or rice, I will make them them for him at his request and just leave them off my plate. LOL Once in awhile I make them, but measure mine, and if I make rice,…
  • Hi all, I'm so glad I found this thread! I'm 57, and have been on MFP since April of last year. My doctor recommended it to me and I have to say, it's been a life saver for me. I was at the point that if I didn't do something, I would have probably been dead by now, but instead, I'm down in my weight, my A1C is at 6.0, my…
  • It's all in the mind set. I waited till I was 56 to do this and now I'm more than motivated and know for the first time in my life that I WILL do it! The more I lose, the more determination I get. MFP has been a life saver for me. It keeps me accountable, and keeps me on the right track, along with some great people that…
  • Welcome!! I've been on here for about 3 months now and I'm sort of in the same boat you are. I'm going to turn 57 in less than 2 weeks and am just now trying to get healthy. Why in the world did I wait so long? I've been heavy all my life except for one time in my life and that only lasted about a year, then the weight…
  • Hi from Georgia!! I too waited way too long, but hey, better late than never! I wish I'd been this motivated years ago and not wasted all this time. I'm going to be turning 57 in about 2 weeks, and I'm a granma of 17!! I have a few that I haven't even met yet, and I want to be able to keep up with them so I wanna get all…
  • I'm 56 almost 57 and was told the other day that a neck fusion I had in Sept of 09 isn't healed yet and is causing the pain I've been having. The reason it isn't healing? I'm a smoker and I have to quit now!! My husband who is a fireman is a smoker told me he'd quit with me and support me...wrong! He's not, and I'm having…
  • My husband is a volunteer firefighter here in Georgia. He spent 20 years as a firefighter while in the Air Force, then when he retired, he didn't think he wanted to continue, but after three years, he missed it, and when he tried to get back into the field , was told he was too old. He went to work as a contractor on base…