Someone PLEASE help me quit smoking!



  • khk2010
    khk2010 Posts: 451 Member
    You gotta do it. Gotta quit. Don't miss out on opportunities and your health for a smoke.

    I started smoking at 16 and smoked for about 18 years. I quit 3 times but it never stuck. I finally tried hypnosis and it worked. I thought it was expensive to pay for hypnosis but looking back it may have saved my health and future.

    Quitting smoking was one of the hardest and most worthwhile things I have ever done for myself.

    You can do this! Do it now. Make a choice to live smoke free and healthy.

    And get your partner on board with this. You can both quit and be healthy. Or at least get him to smoke outside and keep the ashtrays and lighters and cigs away from you.
  • Run4iiiiiit
    Run4iiiiiit Posts: 489 Member
    I smoked for 20 years. I tried numerous ways, with no success. I was only able to quit when I actually WANTED to quit. I simply stopped buying them. I started running and now I chew gum all day. I am coming up on 3 yrs no smoking. It's the best decision I have ever made. Good Luck.
  • packbacker
    July 29th will be my first year without a smoke or a chew of tobacco. I've smoked for 20 yrs. I'm a 53 year old business man and my wife smokes still. I quit cold turkey because I could not stand the thought of being a slave to tobacco. It's not easy, so tighten your belt and put the word can't out of your vocabulary. After all you want to join the fire dept. don't you? Consider it part of the training.
  • janetruppert
    I'm 56 almost 57 and was told the other day that a neck fusion I had in Sept of 09 isn't healed yet and is causing the pain I've been having. The reason it isn't healing? I'm a smoker and I have to quit now!! My husband who is a fireman is a smoker told me he'd quit with me and support me...wrong! He's not, and I'm having a really tough time since every time I walk outside with the dogs, there he is smoking. If I go anywhere with him, he lights up. When he comes home, he lights up. When we finish a meal and take the dogs out, he lights up. It's really hard on me, so I know what you're going through. I'm down to about 4 or 5 a day from 2 packs a day, so if I can do it and I've been smoking since I was can do it too. Mind over matter!!! Trying to lose weight AND quit smoking at the same time is pure hell, but how much do you want it? We're women.....we're strong! We can do this!!!! Come on girl!!! Hang in there! Feel free to add me if you want to. I know I'm a lot older than you, but I'm here if you want to talk!
    Mamma Janet
  • plainjoe81
    plainjoe81 Posts: 53 Member
    Thirty years later i quit...

    It was just time, lots of practice trying.

    1) Set a date, in stone. Consider day of week, your appointment book, time of month whatever works for you. Plan ahead, do your research, give yourself at least a month to plan it out. Once you set your date, THAT'S YOUR DATE! No changes.

    2) Ask BF to be considerate of a few things including your possible grouchiness, but don't ask him to do anything that you wouldn't.

    3) Change your habits, break them in that way. You're planning ahead a month in advance for a reason. Whenever you want to light up during that 4th week b4 u quit wait 1 minute, check your phone whatever but you have to wait at least a minute... you can always just wait one minute right? If you forget to light up after you waited a minute that's fine right? Third week before you quit, require 2 minutes, it's just another minute and by now your getting at it, plus you still get your butt. Nothing to this, you got it under control stick to it so YOU know that YOU have it under control every time. VERY IMPORTANT THAT YOU HAVE CONTROL< NOT THE ADDICTION, plus many times if you wait you forget the trigger and the initial need. Still with me? Second week b4 your date, change 2 minutes to 5 minutes, really need to be using a time piece of some sort. Last week before quitting you wait 10 minutes.

    4) (Don't set your date before reading the plan on one of these packages, or their website) If your not going to go to a doctor (I'm not suggesting you don't, some people just won't take that route) go to Walmart (btw NY Sate has a quit smoking hotline use it, FREE stuff! Can't speak for other states) buy some of their store brand (much cheaper) of quit smoking lozenges. Read label b4 buying and definitely before using, stick with their advice. Yes, think it takes about 4 months with this program but it's a great deal less then 7 years. No excuses ("they taste like *kitten*") like butts taste good? Ad****tions (spelling intended) have their own language, listen to your head, NOT the addiction.

    5) Lastly if you pull this off, and you can, reward yourself. Your not going to be able to save eevry penny that you would have smoked during this 4 month period, but in that pre-month do the math. Honestly calculate how much you would have spent if you kept smoking. save as much of that smoke $ as possible and buy yourself a present, go ahead pick it out in advance, then buy it after you pull this off, you would have just been messing yourself up with this money anyway so you've earned this gift X2. Guess what? Just for S**ts&giggles let me point out that you can do this for the rest of your life too... every 4 months!

    Best wishes
  • vicki915
    vicki915 Posts: 38 Member
    You can do it, it is hard I wont lie to you, but you CAN do it. I have been smoke free for one year now, I smoked for 25yrs. I used "Chantix". I had no problems or side effects. Lots of gum and suckers, also anything to keep your hands busy. Each craving will be less intense as time goes by. Good luck, You can do this!!!!!!!
  • mcdebbie
    mcdebbie Posts: 940 Member
    Thanks for all the advice and suggestions, I also want to quit.