momgorz Member


  • From Waukesha, starting over for the new year. Go Packers.
  • YOu look fantastic. good for you
  • I would love to join you, I am 5 5 and now about 227, so same journey. Add me to your friends list if you want.
  • WOW, you are amazing. You look like a different person. I will use you as motivation. Thanks for sharing.
  • excellence
  • No sugary coke, diet coke only. Also McDonalds is usually just a sugar free vanilla iced coffee, that is my treat a few times a week.
  • Thanks for your reply. You are the first one to tell me not to worry about sugars in fruits, etc. And that is what I am trying to do. I am trying to eat more fresh fruit, veggies and fresh fish and meat (mostly chicken, maybe pork once in awhile), so will keep that up as well.
  • Well, now 4 weeks in and finally dropped 2 lbs. However, I was pretty sick last week and ate under a few days, so would have thought maybe a bit more, but I'll take it. I promised myself I would give it a month and I have, so now I will just keep going. I still may see the doctor and show her my diary to see what's up.
  • What do you think my calories should be at? I am using the 1500 calculated by MFP, for my weight of 232....
  • P.P.S just ran reports for carb, sugars and sodium in last 30 days. Carbs are actually pretty good, over a bit a few days, but under alot of the days. Sugars are way over. Sodium is all over the map, some days under, some over a bit, some over alot.
  • P.S. I changed my diary to include sodium...
  • Thanks for the replies. A couple of things, I do drink water (probably 6-8 glasses a day) but have not been good at logging that. I am now trying to log that and all the stuff I drink (Diet soda, etc.). Regarging the sugars, most are from fruit - so I ask, how do you change your diet to healthy food and not eat fruit? For…
  • Any ideas on how to speed it up?
  • Most of the sugar is from fruit, so I guess at this point I am not willing to give that up yet....
  • Understand about consistancy, though I have read and been told that sometimes it is better to mix up (more some days and less others). As long as the average for the week is good, I should still be losing weight. I should be allowed to eat more on some days and less on others, that is rea life.
  • I record any fluids that have calories (I.E. McDonalds sugar free coffee, skim milk, beer, juice). Otherwise I drink water, lifewater or diet coke and I don't record those.
  • I vary my exercise. Eliptical (20 minute HIT training) and then additional 10 plus weights or treadmill (walk or walk/run) and weights and then sometimes walk outside.
  • I am not measuring, good thought, I will do that. But my clothes feel the same and usually I can tell....
  • Yes, I am perimenopausal ....
  • Thanks for the encouragement and tips. I will open my diary up to the public. Just to add - I have been exercising for years, so that is not new to me. What I am doing differently is changing to HIT for both the eliptial and treadmill and then wakling, trying to rotate so my body doesn't get used to one. For the treadmill…
  • Well, I did lose 3 lbs, but I was not tracking the last two weeks, got sidetracked with some health issues for myself and my hubby. Back on track today. I am going to track exercise minutes, but just put down 1 calorie burned so I don't see those extra calories. Need to stick to it consitently for at least a month and then…
  • thanks for all the posts and encouragment. I decided to log my exercise, but just put down 1 calorie burned. That way I am still tracking it, but not adding the extra calories. I am trying to cut back to 2 diet cokes a day and add in more water, too. We'll see what happens.
  • Thanks so far. BTW, I am 49 and have been working out almost daily for a long time, so do have alot of muscle, but also alot of fat. I am trying some different workouts, as I don't think the old ones are helping me lose (if I stopped, though, I would gain). I do drink alot of Diet Coke (probably 3-4 per day) and probably…