Help, I am not losing weight



  • CharmCityBella
    CharmCityBella Posts: 37 Member
    Don't give up! I went through the same thing and then, out of no where, the weight started to fall off. Keep doing what you're doing, make sure you eat enough and drink a ton of water. Just hang in there and know that even if the scale doesn't show it, you're doing something good for yourself!
  • DKBelle
    DKBelle Posts: 585
    I am not sure what kind of food you eat, but what I do is that I avoid sugar, salt, carbohydrate and eat pretty healthy, but almost everything.
    If you need some fast, easy, healthy recipe idea check my site:
    I am also using fish oil, c vitamin, calcium supplements and because I don't eat enough protein I also use protein shakes.
    Hope it helps. Workout matter only 20 % main thing is to eat healthy 80% of the time. Its more like a lifestyle challenge not a diet.
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    your diary isn't public so its difficult to give you any sort of specific advice, but these are things that might be hindering you:

    1. if you are using MFP's estimate for exercise calories burned, then you are probably overestimating calories burned since most folks who acquired a HRM have reported that MFP's estimates are 30-50% high on average. soooo, if you are using MFP's exercise estimates AND eating back all of those calories, then you are probably eating too much for weight loss. Either eat back only half of the calories or get a HRM for accurate burn totals.

    2. For me, the whole calories in/calories out equation doesn't always work so well. I'm not a proponent of low carb, but I am a fan of certain carbs being better than other carbs. Specifically, I aim for carbs with a low glycemic index value to keep insulin spikes minimal. See, when there is insulin roaming around in your body, things get stored instead of burned. Most/all processed foods have refined sugar of some sort....and that has a high glycemic index value. breads/grains don't help either. For me, I have better results in weeks where I largely cut out the breads/grains/pasta and refined sugars. I prefer my carbs coming from berries, apples, pears and veggies. Your body might work the same way.

    3. High intensity interval training (HIIT) has been shown to trigger fat loss. Since you have been working out for a while, you could probably handle some sprint interval training. Here's my blog with HIIT that I do.

    4. With respect to your daily intake, do you record everything that goes into your mouth...and I mean everything? A few unrecorded bites can add up...especially if your exercise burns are miscalculated.
  • patski2011
    I am glad to read someone is having the same problem as I am. I will continue the fight and hope to win the battle soon. It was great to read all the comments though, very helpful to know I am not alone. :smile:
  • jaxCarrie
    jaxCarrie Posts: 214 Member
    Without seeing your diary and your exercise log, I'd suggest switching up the exercise a bit (if doing the treadmill switch to include inclines or speed intervals or try a new exercise DVD) anything to break out of an 'exercise rut'. I think you said you drink a lot of diet coke, why not try to limit it to 1-2 a day and then up your H2O intake....I know (for myself) if I drink a lot of soda the scale doesn't move as easily...maybe it doesn't 'flush' everything out as good as H2O? Regardless, you are on the right path, don't get discouraged. I always like to remind myself that the pounds didn't come on overnight or even over 1-month, so I shouldn't expect them to come off overnight! Good Luck.
  • Scatterdragon
    Scatterdragon Posts: 225 Member
    Ditch the soda, and drink water water water!
  • H_Factor
    H_Factor Posts: 1,722 Member
    I do drink alot of Diet Coke (probably 3-4 per day) and probably not enough water, so need to get on that bandwagon. Maybe less carbs and more protein??

    In my honest opinion, yes, you need to cut the diet coke and get more water. And change up you equation, I cannot lose weight on low cal, I have to go low carbs and more protein. Remember weight loss is 90% what goes in your mouth and 10% exercise (even though some will say different)!

    Try low's really quite easy!

    I agree that 80-90% of fat loss is made up of what goes into your mouth. exercise brings other benefits (i.e., cardio health), but its important to get the eating correct. I spent the first 2 1/2 months of this journey just focusing on eating and I lost 21ish pounds without a single lick of any exercise. I then started doing some cardio, added resistance training a couple months later, then HIIT, then increased the intensity of everything over time.

    but, as I said above, I don't believe you have to go low carb to be successful...but I do believe which carbs you eat makes a difference (see above post of mine). What's important is choosing a meal plan that you believe you can follow long term. If low carb isn't something you think you can follow long term (I can't), then I don't recommend doing that.
  • Idabud
    Idabud Posts: 12 Member
    I am going through the same thing. But everyone keeps telling me to give it time and that you gain muscle.
    Even though the scale is not moving, my clothes are fitting slightly better.
    Just keep going and don't give up!
    Also, try to stay away from processed and fast food.
  • russellma
    russellma Posts: 284 Member
    Sometimes, women have hormonal imbalances after having a baby or in peri-menopause that affect weight loss.

    I had some pretty serious imbalances, and, like you, was very discouraged with eating right and some exercise with no results.

    I lowered my carbs to about 150 grams per day and raised my calorie limit by about 200 calories per day (by setting my goal to 1/2 lb per week) and it has done wonders. I also try to eat back all but 100-200 of my exercise calories, and I have consistently been losing ever since.

    Good luck to you!
  • kayti2020
    2 to 4 quarts of water are essential. Cut down the diet coke. Do not use the NET calorie guidelines. You think you can eat more. Even with exercise, for a woman if you are eating more than 1200 calories a day, you are going to have a hard time taking off the weight. You have to burn over 3500 to loose 1 pound.

    I agree with limiting your carbs and perphaps increasing your protein.

    Best wishes
  • zontuin
    zontuin Posts: 72 Member
    I can tell you that it will take a good 4-6 weeks on adhering to a good plan to see some good solid results. 2 weeks is not a reasonable amount of time to expect results. Patience. There is no instant fix.

    I totally agree. You need to keep with it for longer than 2 weeks before knowing whether or not there's a problem.
    Lots of water is essential. Eating vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains are very important. Trying to cut down (or eliminate processed foods) will help as well. One step at a time. Keep at it. Measure yourself every other week. Weight yourself every week, but don't worry about what the scale is saying right now. Stay within your calorie goals. Exercise. Stick with it. You WILL see results. You WILL. The scale will catch up with what you're doing. Stick with it. It will happen!
    You have to burn over 3500 to loose 1 pound.

    Yes! So this means you MUST create a deficient of 500 calories per day in order to lose 1 pound a week.
  • emtastic929
    emtastic929 Posts: 20 Member
    Try cutting out the diet sodas for a week and see what happens. They do have quite a bit of sodium, and can make you retain water if you are drinking a lot of them and not drinking enough water. Also, keep at it. I'm in the same boat. I've been getting pretty frustrated this week. But everyone who suggested pulling out measuring tape is right - I've lost about a quarter inch off my waist. Also, if you have a scale that measure body fat percentage, that might be helpful too. My body fat percentage went down 2%. And my belt loop had to go a notch tighter - a notch I've never used before in this particular belt. :) But even with those results, I'm still frustrated that the scale says the same weight, so I totally get it. But I keep trucking along. I guess it's all we can do. The results we want will come if we continue to keep working hard towards our goals. At least, that's what I keep telling myself. :D
  • momgorz
    momgorz Posts: 29 Member
    thanks for all the posts and encouragment. I decided to log my exercise, but just put down 1 calorie burned. That way I am still tracking it, but not adding the extra calories. I am trying to cut back to 2 diet cokes a day and add in more water, too. We'll see what happens.
  • momgorz
    momgorz Posts: 29 Member
    Well, I did lose 3 lbs, but I was not tracking the last two weeks, got sidetracked with some health issues for myself and my hubby. Back on track today. I am going to track exercise minutes, but just put down 1 calorie burned so I don't see those extra calories. Need to stick to it consitently for at least a month and then move forward.