not making you cook these. putting it out there for anyone that may be interested. If you get the right ingredients you can make them healthier
If you cut 24 brownies using large baking pan its about 125 calories each... 12 grams fat, 12 grams carbs, 7 grams protein... These are using generic ingredients. i use less honey and chips and more protein(isopure) and it lowers carbs and fat while raising protein values
ive tried man, android and apple. jefit is the best ive used. especially if your going to be pushing yourself for gains
congratulations..... be patient and positive. as for anything to target that area specific, id suggest a balanced approach. you already have the first steps done... decide and inform, only thing left is the action
i had that mindset for a while. i would trash talk myself during a workout or leading up to one and go in there and kill it now i talk positive to myself and i feel like it helps me fight through fatigue and get that extra push but, whatever works for you.... DO IT
i do CAD work, so im behind a computer for 8 hrs. when i print though, i run in place at printer while i wait for my projects to finish..... helps make getting to my goal of 12000 daily a bit easier
YES!!!!!! YES!!!!! its your goal to conquer. it can be done. stay focused and youll only have memories of days like today
BRAVO man. i want a similar post in a year
make your "cheat so often" a once a week treat instead of a cheat. for me, i find its about perception. instead of "cheating" and putting a negative spin on it, build yourself up and "treat" yourself. once you cheat, mentally you accept the breaking of rules and might find it hard to stop. just how i approach it from a…
12x9 pan about 45-55 minutes 24 brownies
thank you very much
thank you both. i got one and used it last night for a 1 mile jog and my weight training. im happy with it. not interested in something i wear all day as i already have a fitbit flex and love that as well.
good work man. 225 is the magic number, once i could use that weight for 3 sets of 12 cold i started pushing heavier after my injury.... now sets of 12, 12, 20+ happen easily
Proud member Bench: 405 Squat: 495(x8.... i don't squat for less than 8 reps due to an injury) Deadlift:405(see squat note)
im going with sushi here.... pho is good but the sodium level in restaurants always makes this my cheat meal.
My daughter runs and i don't want to slow her down by being the dad that tells his kid to "quit playing" or "come here". I prefer to encourage her active lifestyle aaaaaaand, it feels great when im done
part of the reason its hard to stay fit...... GOOD FOOD. LOL EDIT: thank you for the welcome ;)
good luck. its never an easy battle, but its usually the most rewarding, IMO