chasabi Member


  • Got your add. Challenge me to a step battle once you've figured it out a bit more. I've only had mine about 2 weeks but it's a great motivational tool.
  • I need some more UP friends to challenge. As you can see, I only have my other half in my team! To add someone, open the UP app on your phone. Mine is Android, iOS might look different. Open the left menu and click on Team...... Then click on the + icon in the top right corner. You can then search for people. Feel free to…
  • Thanks. I took measurements around my stomach (across the belly button), around my chest (across the nipples) and around my waist/hips (just below where me jeans/pants usually sit). Stomach (inches) started 44.5 - Now 38 Chest (inches) started 43 - Now 41 Waist (inches) started 45 - Now 40 For consistency I weigh and…
  • Thanks everyone. I also forgot to add that I drink at least 2L of water a day and usually 1 or 2 cups of green tea. You get used to the vile taste after a few weeks!!
  • WOW! A much better response than I expected. Thanks guys, keep them coming. I'm definitely going to try some veg pots. I'll have a look in Asda tonight. To those of you that mentioned pittas I have a question..... how the hell do you get the filling in without ripping the pitta?? I tried doing my own pittas for a few week…