

  • I am a big sufferer when it come to cellulite, I am only 18 & its rather bad on my thighs as you can imagine, its no way to be at my age.. what would you suggest?
  • I know as much as i wish we could spot reduce its never going to happen, you've found HIIT? what is this? and ill look it up, thanks.
  • I know, they are the most difficult to get rid of but unfortunately for me, its the places i put on weight most, my upper half is fine as far as i am concerned its just my lower stomach and thighs. - its not really patience for me, its the food consumption, as i get hungry really easily, I'm easily tempted into the fatty…
  • well done you look amazing, a true inspiration, keep up the good work
  • Thanks you, it is greatly appreciated, i didn't expect such a response so soon,the thing is I've gained 11lbs since I've been in a relationship, Its not that i eat too much because if you view my food diary its on the down low, im so fed up with yo yo dieting, and i am not really an active person, i am going to take up…