

  • Try find other people that have your same goals and talk to them. Try to find out what they are doing. I work out with some friends at work so that helps me.
  • Great job i hope that some day my after pics will look that good.:wink:
  • Not for sure. I would make sure you continue to eat right drink plenty of water and get your rest. Doing this will keep your body from getting run down.:wink:
  • listen i have put on 100 plus pounds since high school as well. No matter what put yourself first you are the only one that can change you. I woke up in September last year and decied no matter what it was time to get off the couch and do something about my weight and health. I have lost 90 pounds plus since. There is not…
  • Put your health first. We all have money problems. I have them too and it has been tearing my insides out but i have pushed through it. Just get you eating and exercise back on track and in no time you begin to see the results again. Hang in there. :wink: