sjr240 Member


  • Hang in there, NetanyaIrl. Stay with it and it'll start moving in the right direction again. Focus on the positive... I'm sure you already feel better than you did before you started!
  • Mass, not bulk. A pound a month is not uncommon. Half of her one kilo gain could be increased muscle mass after half a month. The first two weeks have the greatest rate. But go ahead and lol.
  • When I lose the weight, I'm going water skiing with my kids. :)
  • Yes, variety is good. Some nuts, some granola, a small amount of dark chocolate, some dried fruits, some fresh fruits, different fresh veggies, some seafood, different kinds of bread... But I do get it about the temptation thing. I love tuna and eat it 4 or 5 times a week. I'll probably lose the weight just in time to die…
  • I've found that over the course of a year there are plenty of ups and downs that don't seem to follow the calorie intake or carb intake. Being 15 days into your program, I suspect you've gained some muscle mass, which weighs more but will burn more calories (even at rest) than fat. So that will work to your benefit in the…
  • For me, the elliptical machine works best. Running seems great when you're very young (as you are now!) but when you get a little older your knees and ankles may regret all the impact. I also find that some basic weights really help raise my metabolism for a longer time. Working with ropes (the heavy ones that lie on the…
  • Hang in there, you'll do great. I find that my main issues are avoiding carbs (like breads and beer!) and working out. The elliptical machine and some basic weights work best for me, but use what you have and can stick to. I don't know much about the timing for women's measurement reductions, but I believe losing a pound…
  • Thanks, man, your timing is great. I've lost 90 lb but have hit a serious plateau for almost 3 months now. My motivation was starting to wilt away, but reading your posts really fires me up. GREAT JOB!!
  • Congrats!!! I moved into some older jeans of mine, and now even these are a little loose in the waist. I don't want to pop to buy 2 or 3 pairs at this size, because I want to keep going. I finally gave in and ordered a new winter coat, because my old one wraps around me too much. What a great feeling, right? Keep at it...…
  • Great topic. I used to water ski a lot. I want to water ski with my kids. I want to be able to stuff a basketball again. It will take time, but I'll get there. 90 lbs gone and a ways to go. That's ok... I made the mess, I'll clean it up.
  • Welcome. It sounds like you're doing well. Sometimes you'll plateau for what seems like a long time and then your body will start shedding weight. Some people like to "zig zag" their calories--consume less for a few days, then more for a few days. I have a personal trainer who strongly believes in one "blow-out" day a…
    in Newbie Comment by sjr240 December 2011