

  • I am on day 10 of cycle one and have lost 9lbs so far. I would have probably lost more if I was more consistent with work outs and hadn't had a cheat day on day 6 (vodka and pizza). I too plan on doing the diet twice! Congrats on not giving up :) How much weight did you lose from this diet/life style change?
  • Hello, I can relate! Been a member of this site for years but never really used it until just recently! I am 22 years old, 5 feet 5 inches and currently weigh 205 lbs. Also my boyfriend is 40 so I found I could relate to your post! I would love to have a weightloss buddy as well for support as I've found ( much like I'm…
  • I just joined this site a week ago but never really was able to quite follow the rules until yesterday. Sometimes it is very hard not to eat over your calorie intake, it shocks me to realize how much I must usually eat!!! Exersize for me sometimes can have bad outcomes because for some reason no matter how much I want to…