JeAnnRandallGraham Member


  • Good for you for seeing the value in lifting weights. There are too many women who fear that lifting weights will make them "too big". I too love the results I get from lifting. It makes us look leaner as well as an overall better shape as we get older. It also helps women maintain good bone density. Keep up the good work…
  • I have been stressing myself out about the exact same thing. My hubs and I both work full time and my son is a senior in HS. Our schedules don't always mesh so I finally told them that I will cook nice family meals on the weekend and during the week we will all be fending for ourselves. We started shopping a little…
  • Jillian Michaels '30 Day Shred' for sure. short workouts but very effective. Have fun :)
  • the problem with really restrictive diets is that you lose weight quickly because you are basically starving yourself. these types of "diets" are impossible to stick with for the any length of time. you are also slowing down your metabolism by restricting calories to that degree. Once you try to go back to normal eating,…
  • ooo... I like the flax addition. I should try that :)
  • Hello Apryl. I'm a fellow Minnesota girl myself. :) Welcome to My Fitness Pal. this is probably the best online food diary that I've ever used. it tracks everything and is excellent and taking out all of the guess work. Eating healthy can be a challenge sometimes especially with all of the "quick", easy, and cheap food out…
  • I usually try to make a couple of extra portions when cooking dinner. I portion them out into containers for my husband and I to take to work the next day. I have also grilled up a bunch of lean meat on the weekend and portioned it out with some veggies into individual containers and you're set for a few days. If eating…