Jreeves9210 Member


  • My bad, I was originally going to put this into the general/weight loss board, but I wasn't sure it if falls more under maintenance or not. I'm wondering how much would be too much weight to lose
  • So cut the cheat meals. Think about it. Two cheats a week is going to add up extremely fast over the long haul. I couldn't justify a true cheat meal if I tried, and I have. I know I'm not the only one either.
  • Every day. As soon as I get out of bed, I hit the bathroom, and then weigh and log it. It takes a whole 15 extra seconds, and then it's done. No thinking required, and there's no element of timing needed. Even on a weekend, if I sleep in a bit, no biggie. Get up and weigh.
  • I weigh first thing in the morning, every morning, and just pop the number into the MFP app. I don't log the food part, I do that on my own, but it's cool to have the weight chart
  • counting macros. I've turned eating completely into a numbers game, vs "oh i wish I could eat more. when I eat one serving, I'm perfectly fine with it because I've accounted for that and only that (unless I purposely measure out 2 to begin with). It strange compared to before where I'd eat a bit, then give in and keep…
  • I did that. After I lost 60 lbs over a year and a half or so from my job, I grew complacent, and actually grew a little more out of shape. The weight stayed the same but I know I've lost some muscle since then. I've tried a few times to get back on the horse, but never really had a plan to follow. I think it's about having…
  • It's a sore, necessary evil at first, but it gets better after a bit.
  • every day as soon as i wake up. I got the idea from a post I saw on here to keep a daily track and graph it. Obviously there will be fluctuations, but it was very cool to see the long term progress made.
  • I've noticed since I've started making the effort to lose, and I don't know whether it's just subconscious, but the first time my alarm goes off, I'm able to get up almost right away as opposed to going back to sleep without even getting the chance to get up.
  • Agreed with the above. Once I (eventually) hit maintenance mode, I'm planning on trying to eat decent, but estimating and just maybe track weight weekly and maybe adjust as needed. Maintenance, the implication of the word, means that there's still work involved, but because you're starting in a more ideal location, the…
  • 22 y/o, reporting in! I'm going to post pictures after work, just got on here like a day ago. My goal is a little vague, but it's gonna take me some time to get it, so I'll be around for a while I'm sure. 164lbs, 1600-1800 cals a day, counting macros. trying to lose fat then build muscle with a combination of bodyweight…
  • I'm not worried about the frustration. I've never been truly fit or strong, and it's killed my self confidence and, in turn, my social life, so this, aside from any academic/professional pursuits, is my only real goal. I've got a couple of peripheral hobbies, but my fitness is my focus. I've fallen off the wagon and gotten…
  • I have a related question. I'm mainly losing for fat loss (I don't use the food diary thing on this, but I count macros. 1g protein per lb of lean bodyweight, .4g fat for lb of lean mass, and the balance carbs), and am planning on primarily using bodyweight exercises with some kettlebell for resistance, nothing crazy. Is…
  • I add up all the calories / macros (in my case) of all the ingredients, weigh the finished product and distribute calories through the weight. doesn't work as well for watery ingredients. I enjoy it though, so i don't mind. Certainly not the easiest method at times though
  • I love weighing my food now. I wouldn't say i look at it like a game, but it kind of is. I count macros, so i love the challenge of figuring out how to keep the balance close at the end of the day.