After maintaining some lost weight for a few years, I've just about lost the remainder. I'm 5'8, just dipped under 150, and I know that I'm probably in my "goal" range, but I'd like to lose as much fat as I can before I switch to maintenance. Any suggestions? My plan is to maintain and continue to do bodyweight exercises.…
So I few weeks ago I bought a pair of rings. I have a pull up/dip rig I built, but never really had anything high to hang the rings from. I had started practicing the support hold on the parallel bars on my little rig and was actually doing okay (in my opinion). Today I got the chance to hang the rings and test out a ring…
Hi everyone, A little background on me: I'm currently 22, about to finish college within a year. Going way back, like beginning of gradeschool back, I used to be a skinny child. 2nd grade and on I blew up like a balloon, and stayed this way throughout high school, and the first year and a half or so of college. At my max,…