krislady Member


  • Day 6. Still so far so good. . .I've handily avoided bread, potatoes, sugars, fruits, alcohol. . . we got this. BUT. Tonight's pizza night. Every Friday night, for the past -many- years, we have pizza. And beer. It's a matter of my husband's a New Jersey transplant, and "you can't get good pizza around here" (not entirely…
  • Thanks. :) So I'm on Day 5 of Phase 1. I got on the scale this morning and I'm down almost 5 pounds (4.8). Granted, at this point, it's probably mostly water (I feel like I've been peeing every half hour!), but STILL. Also, I saw a passing mention on a blog to someone doing her "yearly return to Phase One" - is that at…
  • I find that at (ahem) "certain times of the month" I gain weight no matter what I do (or don't do).
  • Interesting article - thanks for sharing! I guess the warning to avoid tea grown in China shouldn't come as a huge surprise, yet somehow it does. I mean TEA and CHINA, it's like, well, peanut butter and jelly! :) That said, the Earl Gray green tea I bought says its country of origin is . . . Great Britain. I'll have to…
  • So . . . is anyone else still working on the Green Tea Thing? Gosh, I'm so awful about lack of routine on the weekends, though - BUT with the warm weather coming, I know I'll be drinking EVEN MORE water - it's just a matter of swapping that out for tea, I guess. AND - last week, I added a handful of fresh mint to the tea…
  • I'm having an AWFUL time getting into the swing of it! I apparently have very deeply ingrained habits. . . even though I try to be flexible. ;) I'm on vacation this week, and last week, I was so busy I barely had time for coffee, let alone tea! BUT today, I've got a pitcher of green tea brewed, and I'm drinking it from my…
  • 8 cups? Yikes, I've only been aiming for 4! I do drink a lot of water, besides, though . . . habit I picked up when I quit smoking several years ago. I found that subbing peanut m&ms for cigarettes while driving was a BAD idea (part of why I'm here now! :ohwell: ), so I started keeping lots of bottled water in the car…
  • I make steel-cut oatmeal in the rice cooker - 2 c. oats to about 6-7 cups water. I let it cook about an hour while I'm walking the dog. I usually eat it with a spoonful of either homemade jam (apricot is the best) or I canned some apple and blueberry pie filling this year that are good, too, plus a scoop of plain yogurt…
  • I typically plan my dinners for M-F, with weekends being either leftovers or something super-quick, depending on what's going on. Weekday breakfasts are frequently leftovers, and for lunch at work, I bring a salad - a quart mason jar with romaine lettuce and a portion cup of (usually homemade) dressing. I also try to keep…
  • Glad to help! :) I always have trouble on the weekends - my daily routine just falls apart! That, and I'm getting forgetful. :wink: Anything I can do to make it easier to remember things . . .
  • Hi! I'm in! I'll have to stop on my way home from work, though, for green tea since I don't have any in the house. With the warm weather coming (any minute now!), it's the perfect time to brew some iced tea, too. I think I've seen green tea in Earl Gray (one of my favorites). Kris
    in Hello! Comment by krislady May 2014
  • I'm in the same boat - joined here a while ago, and finally starting to get serious about it. I need to lose about 50 lbs. Ugh.
  • My one thing is black licorice. I've actually bought a package, opened it, taken a serving (handful) out, and HIDDEN the bag from myself. 10 minutes later, I'm digging it back out of whatever inaccessible place I stuck it. And now? The DOG has gotten hooked on it too, so I have to share - so I stopped buying the stuff!