bms34b Member


  • Everyone prefers to weigh in at different times. Personally, I weigh several times a week, but many people weigh once weekly. Many suggest that you don't weigh at all, but you take measurements of your body around your waist, legs, hips, etc.
  • "Low carb" depends how low is low and what kind of energy you want. Cutting out refined sugar will make your daily log much lower in carbs, and that's a good thing. A general rule of thumb in low carb is to eat how a diabetic would eat...If it's too low carb for them, it's probably too low carb for you. (Obviously I'm…
  • Neither... New Rules of Lifting SUPERCHARGED. Much better way to get started, and I started with NROLFW.
  • Shoutout to whoever said tortilla pizza. I get flatbread from Aldi and put on pesto, cheese, leftover meat, whatever. ALWAYS delicious and low carb/low cal/depending on what I put on it.
  • Then you should ESPECIALLY look to weight training as opposed to primarily cardio ;)
  • I'd look more to weight training than to cardio if you're looking to tone. Which isn't that specific. There's a book called New Rules of Lifting for Women, or Stronglifts 5x5, or any weight training things that are accessable for beginners. Those will help tone a lot more than elliptical and other assorted things with…
  • I have pants problems too. Thick muscular (and beautiful feminine) thighs and backside, and littler waist in comparison. Do some trying on research by going to stores and asking sales associates what their best fit is for you, and tell them the problems you normally have. My best fits: Levi's Curve ID: size 6 with bold…
  • If that few carbs are messing with you that much, you should check in with your doctor again. I recently had a close family member diagnosed with type II, and he has 60 carbs or less per meal. 25 causing problems means you probably should be on some different meds....
  • That's all great! Congratulations!
  • As a fellow big-thigh-haver, your best bet is to lower body fat percentage and keep that lean mass. Actually, your best bet is to love your healthy body. You're 117, you're clearly not overweight, I'm sure your figure is beautiful!! It may be time to focus less on weight loss and changing your body and more time to focus…
    in big thighs Comment by bms34b July 2013
  •'s already been said a bunch, but as someone who herniated a disk and went through physical therapy to finally get better, keep that butt out and back flat. Engage your pilates muscles! (If anyone knows what I mean, I'm tellin you, they're the key to back support)
  • I love hiking, walking, and swimming...although to be perfectly honest, I usually get distracted during all of them. My most recent favorite is this game in the pool (obviously with someone I know well) where we bounce a ball off of a wall and try to catch it first...we end up wrestling, and by the next day, I'm pretty…
  • I'd focus on getting your calories from really protein dense foods - i.e. lots of meat. Grab a grilled chicken breast (or any non-fried meat really) as a snack, and I'd bet you'll be way less hungry come meal time.
  • My boyfriend has PF and that can be BRUTAL. That being said, he will bike 10 miles some days in the summer. I'm not sure if that's an option for your knees or not, but it may be worth a try. He also loves...and don't tell him I told everybody...but he totally loves yoga.
  • It's rumored that a highly effective professor (and composer) at my University does this. (Look her up - Chen Yi. She's rad.) She has the most energy of anyone I know and is an extremely prolific composer - and she sends emails and does work at all hours of the night, and is frequently seen napping in her car. That being…
  • Never faced this myself, but it makes sense if you're working with weight training and stable fat-loss that your body is just adjusting in its normal ways. Count your blessings!....or grab a preggo test. ;)
  • may want to check out...
  • Maybe your diet needs more variety - make sure you're getting enough protein and other fresh veggies, and hopefully you won't crave only nut bars. :) Either way, exam weeks are allowed to be a little nutty with your diet. (see what I did there?) After you have more time to relax, you'll be fine. Plus, our brains burn way…
  • As a former every-day-weigher, I now only weigh occasionally. Not only does weight change frequently due to things other than my progress, but my scales can change their mind by POUNDS after turning off and on again. For me, it's for the best anyway. It's hard to trust myself, but it's really about how we feel about…
  • At this point, it may be a good idea to see a professional (as in a certified nutritionalist). Best of luck!
  • Water retention is the culprit. Your muscles are working on healing so they keep water to help. Other non-exercise related gains can often be due to sodium...if your weight is up, check your diary for the past few days and look at your sodium numbers. Either way, try eating/drinking more anti-inflammatory foods. Smoothie…
  • Has anyone mentioned lifting heavier? OP says there are lots of squats...body weight squats? Go for heavier (slowly work up to heavy) and there will be butt.
    in Butts?? Comment by bms34b May 2013
  • Variety!! It sounds like you have a couple of solid options. Keep it varied so you don't get bored.
  • Mmm...I couldn't agree more. I'm so excited for my juicer to get here, and for all of the extra time to rest and take time to watch what I put in my body!
    in Summer reset Comment by bms34b May 2013
  • I tend to weigh daily. When my weight loss was more steady, I found that I would be doing 1200 for two or three weeks then bumping up to more relaxed calorie limits for another 2 weeks or so. That cycle helped me a lot. If you've not tried it, I highly suggest it. You may gain a few pounds while you eat at your…
  • I agree with most of the stuff here that says to use height of hands to modify, not knees. If you have stairs, use them. It's an easy way to measure. Start four stairs up, do as many as possible, work up to twelve, then move down a stair. You'll be doing floor push-ups in no time!
  • New Rules of Lifting for Women is a great way to get started. I absolutely recommend that book and program.
  • My mom has had great luck with hormone therapy - you're on the right track guessing that hormones are making a difference. She takes troches (spelling? I don't know) and they totally make a difference in how she feels, her energy level, and her whole body, including weight! Ask your doctor. :) Good luck!
  • I'm currently starting NROL supercharged, and really excited about it.
  • Don't do lots of cardio - that won't help you gain any muscle anywhere. Read this article, it may help. It explains that squats can help strengthen knees. It would be important for you especially to make sure that your form is correct.…