

  • try something spontaneous! Like a new fitness class or new diet meal plan. I recently did something new to break my plateau - I ran a 5k! And now I am starting the south beach diet to get quick weight loss...just helps with motivation! Good luck!
  • i also just joined the south beach plan. i have the book and signed in on the website. this diet is rather expensive, but im looking forward to the phase 1 quick weight loss!
  • Hi - i also recently just decided to commit to the south beach diet plan. so far, 2nd day phase 1. and already feeling that low carb energy drain. hopefully once my body starts processing my lunch, i will get my energy back!
  • in the south beach diet book there is something that says if you ocassionally fall off the wagon, try again with the next meal! i am also starting phase 1 of this diet. good luck!