South Beach Diet Followers?



  • Goddaessa
    Goddaessa Posts: 10 Member
    I am starting phase 1 April 1st. I've recently bought a steamer to cook my meat and veggies to keep it low fat and to eliminate processed foods as much as possible. Would love to make some friends to give and get encouragement.
  • KenosFeoh
    KenosFeoh Posts: 1,837 Member
    Tried it in the past, felt great, lost weight, then the holidays came along, and I fell off the wagon HARD. That was 2 years ago, and I'm just now getting back to it. I've been trying to ease into it by cutting carbs slowly so that full-on phase 1 doesn't come as such a shock this time.

    Counting calories alone hasn't been working for me, even the 4-5 weeks that my calories were set at 1200, and I logged every bite to the best of my and the database's ability. I've been gaining and losing the same 4 pounds.
  • Barbsunshine
    Counting calories alone hasn't been working for me, even the 4-5 weeks that my calories were set at 1200, and I logged every bite to the best of my and the database's ability. I've been gaining and losing the same 4 pounds.

    That sounds just like me! I'm not on SB currently, but followed it a number of years ago with success. I'm thinking about going back on to try and jump start things since I don't seem to be having luck with calorie counting and exercise alone.
  • jessicle322
    Hi Everyone!! I'm about to jump back on the SB bandwagon! I had great success with it back in 2007-2008 and lost 42 lbs. Unfortunately the stress of finishing up a PhD program and life in general has caused me to gain a little of that back...but I will succeed! I have been eating as best as I can and exercising, but I plan on really being on point starting 4/29. (My final defense is on 4/25, so all that stress will be over and I can devote all of my energy to me, yay).

    I have most of the SBD cook books, an Ellie Krieger book, and some old WW cookbooks. There are a lot of great recipes, including phase 1 stuff. The only thing that usually gets me is breakfast. I always eat breakfast, but I'm not the biggest fan of eggs. Anyone have any interesting breakfast ideas? Usually when on phase 1 I'll default to rolled up low salt/fat lunch meat and some veggies, but I'm totally open to new ideas :).
  • sunnyskys2013
    sunnyskys2013 Posts: 159 Member
    I would like to, i'll have to read about it.
  • spruitt417
    spruitt417 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey all! I'm following the South Beach Diet pretty closely, along with the calorie recommendations of MFP. Is anyone else doing this? Would love some more friends that are walking a similar path! :happy:

    This! Would also love to have more friends.
  • Barbsunshine
    I'm now on day 5 of Phase One and feeling great!

    I do have problems with eating eggs every day. I like them but I get really tired of them, and a lot of times I just don't have time to cook in the morning. On days that I'm running late or going to the gym early, I'll pack a couple of hard boiled eggs. On the days that I'm home I'll make them with sauteed spinach and mushrooms, that's yummy. I had been going by my old book that came out before Greek yogurt found it's way into our stores, but now I see that we can have it, even on Phase One. I still can't wait until I can have my steelcut oats again!

    I originally thought one would have to join the South Beach online in order to get the recipes, but that's not the case. There are some good ones on the above link :wink:
  • chinkle86
    chinkle86 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm on day 3 of Phase 1 and feeling GREAT!! Down 4lbs so far :)
  • chinkle86
    chinkle86 Posts: 5 Member
    I made a crustless quiche like thing for breakfasts, made of 2 "pies" worth on Sunday to pack for breakfast to heat up at work. It was really simple and tastes so yummy!

    12 eggs
    1/2 cup 1% milk
    1 box frozen spinach (thawed)
    1/2 cup chopped mushrooms
    1/2 cup chopped cooked broccoli
    2 cups reduced fat shredded cheese
    salt & pepper

    I mixed it all together, poured it in 2 pie dishes that were sprayed with "Pam" and baked at 350 for about 15-20 minutes.
  • Barbsunshine
    That sounds great! Thanks for posting the recipe :smile:
  • dunitlange
    I am on Day 3 of phase 1 and loving every minute of it! I have lost 4.6 lbs. so far and even though that may be water weight i still feel awesome! I have also been in workout mode for 3 days straight and the energy i have is amazing! I am definitely a happier wifey and mommy already :smile: I highly recommend the leslie sansone walking dvds to jumpstart your new way of life! Always looking for more support from others following south beach and mfp :happy:
  • karonbrinkley
    I started the south beach diet today,and will start entering what I have eaten tormorrow. I signed up on the southbeach webiste,but will cance in the morning.I like the fitness pal best and a whole lot easier to enter your foods.
    I have never been on the south beach diet but looks very healhty and will be a lifestyle . I need friends to join me on this for support. I have been on HCG, Weight watchers,and this looks to be easy and I am ready to get with it.
  • chinkle86
    chinkle86 Posts: 5 Member
    Day 9 of Phase 1 and down 7lbs!!!!!!
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    Just remember that while you do lose weight with SB, it is really meant to be a change in lifestyle once you get to phase III. Failure to adopt SB as an overall lifestyle going forward generally results in gaining the weight back because you go back to old habits. I didn't do SB, but I lost a lot of weight here on MFP watching my calories and eating very similar to phase 3/Mediterranean combo inspired diet that I still follow now at maintenance.
  • chzu
    chzu Posts: 4
    i also just joined the south beach plan. i have the book and signed in on the website. this diet is rather expensive, but im looking forward to the phase 1 quick weight loss!
  • iamferf2
    iamferf2 Posts: 14 Member
    This is my second time doing the SBD. My DH and I are on Day 2 of Phase 1. Totally agree that this must become a way of life not just a quick fix; however, it is definitely a quick fix for my sugar cravings that I had eliminated but now have back, and HOW!! I had totally eliminated my "need" for sweets and lately have not been able to get enough sugar in me :(

    I am looking forward to my DH and I both adopting a healthier lifestyle and being there longer for our children!

    I also must say that I totally agree with preferring this website to the "official" SBD site. Almost every food that I was entering on their site needed to be manually entered. I called and cancelled the membership after 24 hours.
  • Jenny12678
    Jenny12678 Posts: 1
    I am near the end of phase 1. I really love it! Sugar cravings are gone and because this is a high protein diet, I don't ever feel that "starving hungry" feeling I have had with other diet plans. I have to say though, it was a little tough over the Memorial Day weekend to stay with it (I did stay with it!) when I went to a BBQ where there was a ton of food that is prohibited on SBD. I am looking forward to starting phase 2 on Monday!
  • iamferf2
    iamferf2 Posts: 14 Member
    Yesterday my DH and I took a road trip and managed to eat 2 meals out and stay on the plan!!! We had salads from Applebees and Arby's for both lunch and dinner and just ate nuts for our snacks. While the salad from Arby's was not loaded with a variety of veggies and had a little bacon on it, we still fared quite well for being away from the house for 12 hours!! Huge success for us.

    As of this morning I am down almost 5 pounds, and he is down 8! Woo Hoo!
  • sewcute
    sewcute Posts: 31 Member
    anyone want to be SB buddies?! I just started phase 1 today
  • iamferf2
    iamferf2 Posts: 14 Member
    That's what this thread is all about sewcute. Good luck to you. Phase 1 is tough but is a necessary part of the program, I am on Day 7 of Phase 1 and I'm seeing great success. Down 7 pounds after just 6 days! MFP has really helped to ensure that I am getting the correct balance and staying on plan!