

  • i wasnt always heavy, this happen in northern ca. during law school, well my best friend owns a very successful fitness club, revelation fitness, u gotta avoid all processed food, pre cook your meals, and set up what you are going to eat b4 the day starts, you also have to have a 6 meal plan, look at my diary, i eat 6xs a…
  • 50% protein, 25% carb 25% fat, so that means lots of chicken, fish and turkey, lean meats, etc, no processed food, so avoid anything man made, regular butter, not margarine, use olive oil, try to get your max number of protein grams, thats means, if you want to weight 120 thats how many grams of protein you can intake, and…
  • it really doesnt matter, its all about the calories u lose or intake, the amount of sugar that you are taking, whether your eating processed food or not so that it digest properly, so the way it works, for every 3500 cals u lose, thats one lb. of body fat... so if you exercise, and lose 500 cals, and ur goal is 1700 cals a…
  • Sorry to hear about your son, i understand how tough it can be. believe me my life has been a roll a coaster ride. yeah, my little brother fell into the pool when i was 10, he never really recovered, has had cerebral palsy his whole life, its been tough for him, he is 25 now, thats a miracle, i have s sister, she…
  • the way i believe its suppose to work is for every 3500 cals u lose, either way, whether its burning or losing from a diet is a lb of fat
  • I did not have an idea how to check my calories and b4 u know it, a few yrs after college and law sc, this weight jumped on me like an inter tube, this program counts everything 4 u, good luck
  • I watched dr oz the other day, i believe women tend to go to the restroom more , because of the hormones, they showed how many women went to the restroom rather then men after the movie it was staggering, look it up with dr oz
  • i love that , awesome ,can u send it to me, or its just under mini chocolate peanut butter cups, where would i find it, what book, comp? where, so i dont lose it
  • great i dea, i am doing a documentary of the whole process