Food Plain!!! Help!!!!

:smile: Can any one help me set up a food plan!! I really need the help!!

Sorry For the Title Typo!!! Dumb Phone


  • Diem30
    Diem30 Posts: 92
    Food Plain? I've never hear of it... or is it a typo thats supposed to be Food Plan? either way I'm interested
  • pickleanmeangreen
    50% protein, 25% carb 25% fat, so that means lots of chicken, fish and turkey, lean meats, etc, no processed food, so avoid anything man made, regular butter, not margarine, use olive oil, try to get your max number of protein grams, thats means, if you want to weight 120 thats how many grams of protein you can intake, and eat the fruits that are low on sugar, for eg, berries, all veggies apply
  • dragonbug300
    dragonbug300 Posts: 760 Member
    Food plain? Use seasoning. I like oregano and chili powder.
  • frugalmomsrock
    frugalmomsrock Posts: 1,123
    I can give you some examples of my eating....

    today, for breakfast, I had:

    1 Xtreme wellness tortilla (71 calories)
    2 egg whites (34 calories)
    1/4 c. egg beaters (30 calories)
    1 c. diced watermelon (46 calories)
    1/2 c. fruit salad (pineapple, blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, and blackberries; 50 calories)
    a sprinkle of Kraft touch of Philly Mexican cheese on the eggs, inside the tortilla (38 calories)

    total: 269 calories, 24 g. protein


    Quinoa salad (it has turkey, garbanzos, quinoa, lettuce, and a few other things; 286 calories)
    1/2 banana (55 calories)

    total: 341 calories, 12 g. protein

    For supper, I'm having:

    1 6-oz. tenderloin filet (304 calories)
    2.5 c. sweet butters lettuce (10 calories)
    2 TBSP light Italian dressing (35 calories)
    1 Xtreme wellness tortilla (71 calories)

    total: 420 calories, 57 g. protein

    Today's snacks have been:

    1 Fit and Active chocolate fudge bar (it's like weight watchers, but I like the Aldi brand better)
    about 15 raw almonds

    I may have something else to snack later. I'm not sure yet.

    I like to have some variety, so some days I'll have a protein shake/meal replacement instead of breakfast, some days I'll have a more plain breakfast burrito AND a protein shake (just 2 egg whites and the tortilla are 105 calories, and the shake is 140, so it's 245 calories for breakfast those days). Some days, I'll have a smoothie (I do 1 c. of blueberries, 1/2 c. OJ, 1 c. of another berry-whatever I have, 1-2 c. of raw spinach, and 3 oz. of baby carrots and water for blending) instead of either breakfast or lunch. Sometimes I'll have either a sandwich wrap (on the 71 calorie tortilla) or a sandwich on thin bread (90 calories for two slices of whole wheat pepperidge farm very thin) with 2 ounces of reduced sodium turkey or chicken lunch meat and raw spinach on it with a TBSP of low fat mayo.

    The key is to get enough protein and get your veggies/fruits in with the lower cal items (lettuces, strawberries, watermelon). Get whole grains. And drink lots of water.
  • pickleanmeangreen
    i wasnt always heavy, this happen in northern ca. during law school, well my best friend owns a very successful fitness club, revelation fitness, u gotta avoid all processed food, pre cook your meals, and set up what you are going to eat b4 the day starts, you also have to have a 6 meal plan, look at my diary, i eat 6xs a day, mix it up with some protein drinks, throw some berries in there, my one problem right now is that i eat the heck out of protein bars, im turning into a monster, which i dont want, lol im a swimmer, but i will take the muscles any day, but yeah, stick with foods with high protein, avoid all whites, such as bread, rice, etc