Kataniki Member


  • Read through all the posts and caught up but will not have time to respond individually today - want to walk my 30 minutes at lunch and have to go to a staff meeting this afternoon at another location and then a meeting at 6pm - going to be a long day. At least I am rested up after a quiet weekend. I went out to dinner…
  • Reading through quickly today so I can walk out for 30 minutes. What is NSV? I am guessing N-something Something Victory. One quick thing about drama queen/king kids: my oldest son is a bit of a drama king - he has mellowed quite a bit from 19 (he is now 25). He embellishes stories too - calls it "emotional truth" ;) The…
  • 10/30/14 Kim in Cali – massages are so worthwhile! Definitely go back if you can! As part of my journey to better self-care, I joined a local spa’s program where I get any service for $65/month plus discounts on other services. I am saving money plus I go on a regular basis – my massage therapist is beyond wonderful – she…
  • Was at a work conference all day yesterday – ate pretty well, it is always hard to figure out portions from meals out, I used the visuals of a deck of cards, etc… the lunch provided was pretty healthy overall – I ate more than intended as I had not had breakfast. Green salad with some blueberries and mandarin orange slices…
  • Thanks to everyone for the tip on tracking fiber – I added it in. I also like to add meals before I eat them to see if I need to make any adjustments. I am low on calories every day but sodium is crazy high – I need to eat fewer processed foods, eek! I really need to get some exercise in but have been exhausted after work…
  • Nothing too much going on - boring is good in my life! I took a pajama day Sunday for the most part - only went out to buy groceries and pick up Indian for supper as we were too lazy too cook. I was a little concerned about my calories but hadn't eaten much earlier in the day. Not a problem as it was too spicy for me to…
  • Michele in NC – hope you are all better now; sounds like a rough few days, your kind thoughts are much appreciated. MargaretMN – gangster ghost tour sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for your kind words about my son. WMcmurray61 – sorry to hear about your loss, sounds like you are being mindful of your eating which is…
  • Checking in after a few days - eating and exercise haven't been a priority but paying some attention. I have to confess that I don't own a scale, I only weigh in at the gym and haven't been for awhile. I did walk some and have been sweeping/raking leaves daily for at least 30 minutes - that has to count for something,…
  • Donna - thanks for your kind thoughts - your daughter should consider the crosslinking, the sooner it is done, the less likely her condition will worsen. Everyone has a unique experience, some never progress much - hopefully this will be her situation. Michele - good for you taking all these preventive measures! I am with…
  • Just dropping by to keep myself out of kitchen - reading and enjoying all of the wisdom and support shared here. My son is having the first of two procedures on his eyes tomorrow and the second on Thursday- I am really happy it is finally happening and a bit nervous as it is his eyes. Someone asked about his condition, it…
  • Spent the weekend mostly outdoors – moving more than I have in a while. I slept really well Friday night after a massage. Saturday was a lot of yard work and helping DS pack plus I did a two hour qi gong workshop. Enjoyed a story teller in the evening – quite engrossing! Today was bowling and then straight to sailing –…
  • Hi Tina - I live in Howard County and work in Montgomery County. Enjoy your trip! Hilton Head is great - hope you have some time for Savannah too! Kat
  • Good afternoon Ladies~ Taking a minute on my lunch break to read and catch up a little here. Overindulged last night and felt bad today about doing so. Sad that I am not taking better care of myself despite my best intentions. Did manage to get a healthy lunch together but also have some Pop Chips to keep from feeling…
  • Thanks for the welcomes! I was away over for a long weekend visiting my son at Virginia Tech, in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA and went on a digital diet to enjoy a 4 day break - so no posting. Food was another story! Lots of delicious food - and lots more simple carbs than I have eaten in a year. The B&B hosts made breakfasts…
  • Good morning! This is my first post and I hope to find community and support now that I've started using MFP on my phone to track my food and exercise. My name is Kat and I am 51. I have 3 sons who are 19, 22 and 25. I am pretty active - play soccer, sail competitively and go hiking fairly often and try to walk every day.…
  • Hi, my name is Kat. I just starting using MFP and thought it might help me to be part of a community. Love the idea of breaking down goals into baby steps, I am a big fan of Kaizen. My goals is to get leaner and healthier - not a specific number of pounds lost. I do want to go down 2 clothing sizes. I have been learning to…