

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,812 Member
    Happy Birthday DrKatieBug xoxoxo
  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Happy Birthday to you, DrKatieBug!!!

    I'm not going to try to answer everyone but I have been reading.

    Life is very busy right now with a couple of not so good things going on. My daughter is still out of work with the same symptoms. She saw the neurologist last week and is scheduled for an MRI of her head tomorrow. They've ruled out inner ear, ocular issues, and the possibility of atrial fibrillation. The neurologist wants to change a medication but a psychiatrist has to monitor the change (to check for some sort of migraine condition that I've never heard of) because it could interact negatively with her antidepressants. Referrals to psychiatrists take a while around here. I did not get to go with her to the appointment but he evidently talked candidly about brain tumors and the possibility of a spinal tap. She's scared and very discouraged and I'm terrified.

    On top of this there is a situation at my second job that is likely to mean that I will turn in my resignation this week. I can't take it anymore. If this happens, it will mean no townhouse for me but my mental and physical health are more important. I will find somewhere to rent and begin my search for the new job I was going to be looking for anyway. This was a major stressor over the weekend but I handled it without eating everything in sight!

    I tripped going down the stairs here at work last Friday and irritated my heel. Even during the moment I was in wonder at the dexterity of my feet. I sure wish I could move like that on purpose! I managed to get some walks in this weekend but didn't get to increase my distance. I did manage to get the time down for a mile from 19 minutes to 17 minutes since last week. I used to walk four miles in less than an hour so this is frustrating and discouraging. I feel like I'm starting over.

    I ordered some weight lifting videos and they came in last week. I got one called Weight Lifting for Absolute Beginners and did the workout last Wednesday. It made me slightly sore (enough to feel but not enough to impede normal activity) so I think it is the right one to begin with. I was able to use 15 lb weights for everything except lateral raises; I used 15 lbs for the first set but then had to switch to 5 lbs for the second set because of the joint issues in my shoulders. It is set to be a four week program and I will start it for real tonight. The only thing I don't like about the workout is that the warm up and cool down are just plain stupid and don't have decent instruction.

    My son came home this weekend (Saturday night through early this morning) and we had a good visit. He came and crawled up on my bed last night just like he used to and we had a good talk until I finally couldn't stay awake any longer at 11:45 p.m. But, drat him, he wouldn't give me a hug goodbye this morning! It made me sad. He was lay reader (liturgist) at church yesterday and was amazing. I can not get over how he seems to come to life when he gets in front of the congregation. He even did an impromptu thing with the children that had all of them AND the congregation in stitches while making his point. He also told me that he has had virtually no IBS symptoms since he got to school. Hallelujah!! On the down side, he needs new shoes and size fourteens are hard to come by and very expensive. His dad said he would give him $50 towards them and I will try to scrape up a little to go with that. AND, he has picked up 25 of the freshman 15. :disappointed:

    I suppose I ought to get some work done. I've eaten my steel cut oats with apples, cinnamon, and maple syrup and am looking forward to my snack of grapes and Babybel cheese in an hour or so.

    I hope everyone has a great day, even if it is Monday!

    Carol in beautiful NC

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Back from the gym and ladies exercise and the grocery and thinking about lunch, what to have???? No idea yet. Beautiful sunny but cool morning here. I am once again trying to eliminate the junk in my meals and between.

    Joyce.........I must say I actually laughed out loud for a long time at the image of you stabbing the life out of that bladder to your waterbed!!!! Thanks, I needed that! Missed the part about the boyfriend being a jerk, too bad.

    Viv........Hi, thanks for stopping by.......best to your DH.

    Heather........I doubt if 2 beds or even a king would leave enough room for the rest of the furniture w/o us sliding by stuff sideways. I think a queen is the limit for that room to look OK. My back was awful all weekend, much better today; hope yours improves too.


    Katla.........I'm changing bulbs to a higher wattage this time of year for the brighter light.

    Carol...... Hopefully the MRI will give you an answer. I have heard of dizziness due to a virus that just goes away on its own but not for a longer time than people wanted to put up with it. Good thoughts are with you and your DD. Also very sorry to hear that both your job and townhouse are in jeopardy. Good for you on the lifting! On your son.....we take our moments from kids that age when they are offered and totally treasure them. ((((((Hugs))))))).

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone. What a crazy night we had last night. Here comes a very long strange story, so feel free to skip this post.

    The four kids were over in the afternoon to play and have dinner. When I took them home at 7:00, everything was fine. Then about 9:30 my son and his thee kids were back at my door. His "wife" had kicked them out and thrown out all their stuff out or her apartment. She threw stuff at the kids, too, trying t hit them. (They have a very strange setup where she has one apartment and he has a separate apartment just down the hall. They mix freely between the two apartments, and the kids have stuff in both places.) She was very drunk and verbally abusive to my son and the kids, calling the girls horrible names that they don't even understand. Well, they stayed at our house for an hour or so and then went back to "his" apartment, only to find her in the hallway ranting, screaming and swearing. They tried to stay in their apartment and sleep, but she kept banging on the door and yelling. She also called the police and the DCF people, telling lies about stuff my son supposedly did, and also called his ex-wife and lied to her. They showed back up at my door at 12:30 and stayed the night. It was awful. Those poor kids were horribly upset. They didn't understand what was going on. They were convinced that the police were going to come and take them away because of what she said. She claimed he was abusing the girls. (The police never showed up at the apartment as far as we know. Hopefully they could tell this was just a mean drunk who was calling.)

    My son said she doesn't drink often, but when she does she does, she gets really mean. She threw him out once before and I thought (hoped) that was the end of it, but he went back to her. They have a strange dynamic between them anyway. It's like she is the bossy, controlling adult and he is the eager-to-please child who needs her to love him. She is in charge of all the money - his checks go into her account by direct deposit, and she is in control of the phone service - so she takes his phone away periodically. Last night she took his phone away and he couldn't even call for help if he wanted to.

    One real tragedy is that she has a 12 year old son who was mixed up in this too. My heart just breaks for him. He's stuck with her and there is nothing we can do to help him. He's a great kid. My son said last night he was crying and hysterical over what his mom was doing. He really loves my son and the other kids.

    So, today is a school day and everybody is tired from lack of sleep. My son is racing around town trying to put out fires, changing his phone number on everything, changing his direct deposit, etc. One of the things she threw down the hallway was his portable oxygen machine, so he has to take that and get it fixed first thing. He really needs that.

    Another bad thing is that he is stuck in a one-year lease on his apartment, which is HUD approved. If he breaks his lease he loses his HUD benefits, which he also really needs. He buys the food for the family and it's all in her apartment, so he and the kids don't have anything to eat, even if they could stay in the apartment. They are staying at my house again tonight, hoping the situation will stabilize and they can go home. So they can eat at my house and they I'll give him money for groceries.

    Oh, and she had given me a key card for the building so that I can get in to get the kids in the mornings and bring them home. So, in the middle of this fiasco she accused ME of stealing the key card and said she was going to have ME arrested for that. I know it's just part of the drunken rage, and nothing will ever come of it, but still... I think a person's true self is revealed when they are drunk or sick, and if this is her true self, she is not a nice person. I never really thought she was.

    My son said that she has done this before and has always apologized profusely afterward and begged for another chance, but he said that this was her last chance, that he won't take her back again. (He said that before.) Not after what she did to the kids. So, their lives are about to get very complicated. I don't know what will happen next.

    My son told me this morning that what set it off was that he watched a movie in his apartment without telling her. Some kind of scary movie that she wasn't even interested in. It's just crazy. I had no idea she drank.

    But if there is a sliver lining, I have found that I'm not craving comfort food. So apparently stress eating is less ingrained that it used to be.

    Well, I'd better try to do something constructive. I hope you all have a terrific day.

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Here is today's Joke of the Day:


    The CIA had an opening for an assassin. After all of the background checks, interviews, and testing were done there were three finalists...

    Two men and a woman.

    For the final test, the CIA agents took one of the men to a large metal door and handed him a gun.

    "We must know that you will follow your instructions, no matter what the circumstances.

    In side of this room, you will find your wife sitting in a chair. Kill Her!!!"

    The man said, "You can't be serious. I could never shoot my wife."

    The agent said, "Then you're not the right man for this job."

    The second man was given the same instructions. He took the gun and went into the room. All was quiet for about five minutes. Then the man came out

    with tears in his eyes." I tried, but I can't kill my wife."

    The agent said, "You don't have what it takes. Take your wife and go home."

    Finally, it was the woman's turn. She was given the same instructions to kill her husband.

    She took the gun and went into the room. Shots were heard, one shot after another. They heard screaming, crashing, banging on the walls.

    After a few minutes, all was quiet. The door opened slowly and there stood the woman.

    She wiped the sweat from her brow, and said, "This gun is loaded with blanks. I had to beat him to death with the chair."

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sylviasmiley-laughing001.gif smiley-laughing001.gif smiley-laughing001.gif
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,363 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good afternoon everyone!

    Sylvia, Carol, so sorry to hear of your extremely stressful times. I hope things settle down soon. :flowerforyou:

    I got back on the elliptical and did another 40 calories. 1500 sounds better than 1460. I am on track with eating so far. We spent an hour and a half at the mall, but I'm only logging 100 cals for it. I managed to buy an LBD (relief). Some of the dresses I tried on were more "glam", but sooo uncomfortable, like tight corsets. This one has long chiffon sleeves to cover my wrinkly arms and a damask design down the front. I chose a "bling" necklace to go with it and some fine black holdups. Got 20% off everything. :bigsmile: I think I will wear spike heeled ankle boots with it so it looks less grannified. :laugh: As long as I haven't got to walk anywhere in them! ! ! They were my wedding boots. :tongue:
    So now I'm all set for my anniversary and my brother's anniversary.
    My silly pom pom Santa headband arrived today and my flashing Santa earrings, so I'm all set for the yoga lunch. :bigsmile:
    My back is very sore, but I survived the shopping expedition. More pain killers required right now. :sad: Tomorrow we are going to soak the dried fruit in brandy for the Christmas cake and make the mincemeat. I have never made my own mincemeat before. DH can't wait for Christmas for the cake so I have bought him one from the shop. :laugh: It was reduced!
    Please look after yourselves my precious women! <3 (*)

    Katiebug - happy 60th! ! ! !

    Love Heather in warm Hampshire UK
  • donnamwebb39
    donnamwebb39 Posts: 315 Member
    Carol - So many times it is the woman who is victimized in a relationship that it is easy to forget there are guys out there in that same, sad situation. I truly pray that your son can break whatever ties bind him to that woman (at least until she gets some professional help and takes the steps necessary to improve herself). Unfortunately, it is likely that he will forgive her again. Just be there for him and remind him that this type of relationship is very bad for the kids to be exposed to. On the bright side, congratulations on not stress eating!

    Sylvia - Sometimes pictures (even emoticons) say so much more than words do. Sorry for the stressful day. Hoping it gets better.

    Heather - Sounds like a terrific shopping trip. And happy anniversary to you and to your brother.

    Just finished week 2 with MFP. The scale was kind and I dropped 5.6 pounds. I am happy, yet it is sort of bittersweet because I know that this will slow down soon to a more regular pace. I am keeping my caloric intake above 1,000 cal and usually below 1,300. As I am really heavy, this results in some nice losses. Also, going from being a virtual couch potato to exercising 30 or more minutes every day helps. I just need to keep doing it and take whatever losses come my way.

    Donna from Western Washington
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    What a beautiful sunrise this am,pinks and blues.We have temps in the 70`s.Our Indian summer.Still have my cough,but feeling better.
    Hugs to all
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited October 2014
    <hands out flowers left and right to those who need them>

    P.S. Gloria in Detroit sends her best!
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Just a little tidbit, for those of you with sagging mattresses. Ours was almost brand new and already had a big sunken spot where my hips go. (No correlation between the size of my hips and the size of the divot, I'm sure.) They wouldn't honor the warranty because of my weight. My hips hurt like the dickens every morning. Horrible pain! Anyway, it was just on my side (material flaw, no doubt) and we didn't want to spend the big bucks for another mattress so soon, so I got a sofa pillow from a long forgotten sofa, and put it UNDERNEATH the mattress in the spot where the divot was. It was like brand new again, and is still going strong. It really fixed the problem.

    I'm so depressed today, thinking about the whole kid situation. I was without them for more than SIX YEARS, then reconnected and now he's talking about having to more out of state to get away from the crazies. It would break my heart, but I know it may have to be done. The situation is getting worse by the minute. She may have sobered up (or may not) but I do know that she's still pulling crazy stuff. She called DCF this morning and told them that he was on drugs, so he went to get a voluntary drug test. She called the apartment manager and asked that he be evicted. She took him off "her" car insurance policy. She's really burning her bridges this time.

    Sorry for the relapse into self pity. Later,

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Hugs to everyone who needs them !!! I sure hope everyone finds the strength they need.

    Kim - Yes, trick-or-treat on the Sunday before. It doesn't seem right, but as long as DS brings home candy he is happy. It was perfect weather, so he wore royal blue: basketball shorts, shirt, sunglass, and felt top hat. Also, how did you like Avenue Q? My DD watches it almost religiously (her dad, my ex, has a new wife, Steven, so she understands, and it makes her laugh).

    Saturday was also beautiful, and I started getting the yard ready for winter. Then, stepped in a hole and twisted my knee, so that ended that. Later that evening my Dad took me to see the Musical "The Color Purple". Wow, those people sure can sing.

    DS had some private bowling lessons Saturday, then won 3 out of 4 points in his scratch league on Sunday. He's not completely happy with a 580 series, but he is proud that he beat the Senior, and his team moved him to third position.

    This week he has basketball try-outs Tuesday and Thursday, and Bowling try-outs Wednesday. He is really hoping he makes the basketball team, but 5'4" isn't exactly tall in high school, so hopefully his strength, speed, and 3-point skill will be enough. And since I just bought his new shoes in a size 10.5, I suspect he is about to grow taller again soon.

    Tonight when I get home I have some Computer Work Training, so I hope I can avoid grazing.

    Take Care All ! ! ! :D
  • Kataniki
    Kataniki Posts: 18 Member
    Michele in NC – hope you are all better now; sounds like a rough few days, your kind thoughts are much appreciated.
    MargaretMN – gangster ghost tour sounds like a lot of fun! Thanks for your kind words about my son.
    WMcmurray61 – sorry to hear about your loss, sounds like you are being mindful of your eating which is helpful in and of itself. Did you make a decision on which job to take?
    Joyce Indiana – what a nice vacation and time with your family! If you don’t want to make such a big trip every year, what are closer options for making memories? What a sweet story about your daughter and her new guy – animals are good at assessing character!
    Heather – I am more than ready to “Fall Back” but it isn’t time for us yet in the US. Next weekend we get an extra hour –wish we could keep adding hours and never subtract… Your plans for DH’s birthday sound like fun and plenty of family time. Love my KitchenAid – best kitchen purchase ever! Yeah on finding the LBD, what are “holdups?”
    Beth in WNY – yeah for maintaining! And pre-planning – you are inspiring me!
    Maggiegirl65 –hope the sun came out for you today! I wish MFP tracked fiber – I need to keep an eye on that as well.
    Vicki – happy Monday! Thanks for your kind words about caring for DS, you are so right! What a shame your co-workers aren’t as thoughtful as you.
    Lesley in Tasmania – sounds like you are missing your regular exercise – at least the new regimen shows some promise.
    Katla – how wonderful that you got to enjoy many years of sailing before your DH became ill – though it must be hard to see the boat and not use it. I sail on a Catalina 25 sometimes – not my favorite though for tacking with that jib rigging.
    Donna – good for you going out for a walk with the power out – I probably would have just curled up with a book… Feeling powerful and Awesome – Yes – Celebrate and be proud! Thanks for your kind words about DS, we are very hopeful. Every bit matters – at least that is what I tell myself!
    CynthiaT – not in Tennessee but my mom went there about 2 years ago to a geneology conference. She passed away very suddenly not long after and her papers are still out – I keep meaning to go through them, my dad wants me to get them scanned into the computer but that will take a lot of time. Best wishes on your guy moving in!
    Patceoh – please share your secret for sleeping so well!
    Sylvia – love that you wanted to play professional baseball! Like you, I was into baseball in a big way but lost interest after a lot of bad business moves messed up the game. Pretty exciting around here with the Orioles and Nationals in the playoffs this year even though they didn’t advance. Angel food cake and strawberries are our traditional birthday treats as well. Congrats on 500 days! So sorry to hear about DS situation, it is so hard to see others hurting and not be able to do anything. DS may want to get an attorney pronto to protect himself or call CPS and get a file going on the girlfriend and let the school know that there are problems at home and see if there is any counseling available for them. Her burning bridges may be the best thing that happens. Impressive that you did not feel like stress eating!
    Deb in CNY – what a great way to burn calories! Love playing in the leaves!
    JaneMartin – sorry to hear about your friend, it is so hard to see others in pain.
    Kim in Cali – lots of driving and lots of emotions for you this weekend! I have to limit my sugars as I am almost “pre-diabetic” according to my bloodwork, so want to not go any higher. The less I eat, the less I want. Thanks for your kind thoughts about DS.
    Welcome to the new ladies! I am just getting started here myself and learning my way around.
    Renny – YOU are awesome taking up ice skating after such a long break! Enjoy your grandbabies!
    Yannijannie – “No”should be used frequently to cure “volunteeritis!” I have decided to step down as chair of one group come January. I need to focus more time on self-care or I won’t be able to take care of others if I get sick. I work 12 hour days and then go home to meetings almost every week night plus other activities – it is simply too much.
    Viv – a week off may do wonders for you – don’t neglect yourself caring for your DH.
    Terewilliams – happy Monday to you!
    Grandmamallie – you are some kind of a saint to do all that! Hope you are able to rest up after the weekend.
    Carol in NC – what a lot you have going on, kudos for continuing your self-care in the face of everything. Hopefully your DD will get some relief soon, sounds like she has good caregivers – not everyone would coordinate meds and it is very important. Sounds like you have a young man to be proud of – even if watching him growing up so fast makes you a bit sad. My sons all wear a size 13 – when the youngest needed shoes last, he found a pair at Payless he liked, I was thankful! We’ve gotten lucky many times at Ross/Marshalls as the large sizes tend to be less popular.
  • Kataniki
    Kataniki Posts: 18 Member
    Nothing too much going on - boring is good in my life! I took a pajama day Sunday for the most part - only went out to buy groceries and pick up Indian for supper as we were too lazy too cook. I was a little concerned about my calories but hadn't eaten much earlier in the day. Not a problem as it was too spicy for me to eat. We've had the same dishes before but not that fiery. Even DS who usually puts hot sauce on everything couldn't eat it without pain. We called the restaurant just to let them know and they were very apologetic and offered us new dishes tonight - which I will probably take them up on since I won't have to cook again. >:)

    Trying to figure out how to get some more exercise in my day. Took my lunch hour to read here and respond, too tired to walk - it will be dark when I get home, so will try to walk anyway.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Vic, here in the US we have what is called FMLA or family medical leave of absence. It os meant to allow a family member time off work to take care of a close family member without punishing you. I have no idea whether the UK has anything like that. I have a good friend that used it to be up at a major pediatric hospital when her grand daughter had open heart surgery. Good luck in squeezing in everything. Remember you have to take care of yours of in order to take care of mine

    We have no idea what happened but last night when Charlie went to the laundry room to empty then race can, trash pick up is today, water was on the floor. So he has been busy drying everything up. The laundry room is the original concrete but right outside the laundry room is the family room and next to it is a bathroom we never use except for storage and the floor there're is wet. He gets very mad at times like this, curses pretty bad and sometimes hits wall, washer or anything that can. He never hits me. But he has a lot of patching in the walls. But he knows when he is like this I just stay away and don't help. If he makes a mess, it stays like that until he fixes what he messed up. Now I know he did not cause this mess but he made messes because of it so I stay away

    Joyce, indiana
  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Hugs to everyone who has had a very stressful weekend.
    Sylvia – Major hugs to you. DS has himself in a terrible mess. I completely agree with Kataniki, that he should contact Child Protective Services in a pre-emptive move and talk to an attorney ASAP. He needs to protect himself and his kids.
    Kataniki – MFP does track fiber. On the full webpage version: Go to My Home > Settings. From there you can track five different Nutrients on your main screen. You can always see the full nutrition breakdown from the reports menu.
    I had a totally exhausting weekend myself. Saturday, I got up early. The dogs and I got the cows fed, then we all went for a “power” walk. I really felt good afterwards and got the house cleaned up. Then went to the feed store to pick up a couple of bags of feed. I hefted those into the mud room, took the boys for another quick walk. Then had dinner with the dogs’ breeder who was in town for a show. We had a great visit (and a fabulous dinner), but it was really late before I headed back home.

    Woke up on Sunday thinking it was going to be a lazy day, and then it dawned on me that I had a Show-n-go (practice match) in two hours and it was an hour away. So much for a lazy Sunday morning. The boys both did nice work. I got to fix a few problems and found a few new holes, but over all they are definitely ready for the next two weekends shows!! Yeah!!

    While I was down south, I had a late lunch early dinner with my SO. After lunch, we took the dogs for a lovely walk down by the river between rain showers. By the time I got back home and got the cows their dinner. It was bed time again. Where does the weekend go?
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,096 Member

    Many Happy Returns!
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Happy Birthday DrKatiebug!!

    Sylvia ... I am so very sorry that your son and grandchildren are going through such a horrible time. I ditto the suggestions of others that he take pre-emptive action. My heart goes out to you ...

    Carol ... I'll be praying that your daughter's tests do not indicate a serious situation and that a remedy for her headaches will come soon! Take deep breaths ... you will get through all of this!

    Donna in W. Washington ... congratulations on another good day at the scale. Do not make excuses for why the numbers are large ... if you were doing nothing, nothing would be moving. These numbers are the result of your hard work and you have every reason to be proud! Yay!!

    Alison ... you continue to amaze me! Truly there is a jewel studded crown being created for you!

    Ooo ... I hear my potatoes boiling over. Will post this and be back later!!

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Well I have stuck to my doctor's meal and walking plan and weighed and measured this morning. Have LOST 5 pounds in 1 week, was flabbergasted. I am NOT supposed to weigh but I keep a spreadsheet and weigh and measure once a week. THAT will keep me going.
    Breakfast = salad and egg
    Lunch = salad and fish
    Dinner = meat and steamed veg.
    I am supposed to walk for 1 hour every day and do NO other training but rest muscles.
    I see dietitian and doctor a week on Wednesday and have to stick to plan until then.
    Ran out of salad today so had poached egg on toast.
    Pensions are in the bank so making a shopping list and off shopping. Lunch at cafe and need to stay strong.
    It is raining hard here again today.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Viv – in the states many businesses have family leave it is a government program like disability to pay you for a short term home helping with family… wonder if there is anything like that in the uk.

    Cynthia – Ben and Jerry’s yyyyuuuuummmmmmmm I can deal with other ice cream but that in the house and it needs to be an empty carton..and emptied into my tummy!

    Fit-abbey – welcome
    Heather – take care of your back, stretching helps mine…
    Tere!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Welcome back, missed you

    Alison – you are a saint…

    Katie – Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Carol – sending good thoughts to you and your daughter! This is a scary and stressful time… take care! Glad your son is doing so well!! As for the job front, you need to take care of you, and maybe this is just what you need to do now to become ready for the next wonderful opportunity.

    Sylvia – my heart is breaking for all the kids, your son, your grandchildren and the step son….

    Terri-Mom – I really enjoyed avenue Q but it was quite racy for the gal I was with…

    Kataniki – you can have MFP track fiber if you want, it is in settings.

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California