

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good morning, lovely ladies (it is morning on the West Coast).

    (*) Mary and Meg - Thanks for your thoughts on statins. I need to do more research. Especially because my high cholesterol is due to genetics. And cholesterol is only one measure. My good cholesterol is good, as are my triglycerides. Both my parents had/have heart disease. Yet my dad lived to be 85 and my mom is still alive at 91.

    :p My long to-do list during my week off is not going to get completed. I was too ambitious, especially since the unexpected visit from one of our sons who is here for at least a week. I will have to roll with the punches. Today DH and DS have gone golfing, so I have the house to myself. I like that.

    I went to Jazzercise for the first time yesterday morning and it felt great. In addition to walking, I have also been doing a few strength training exercises with dumbbells at home as well as squats. I had challenged myself doing the squats with increasing repetitions, but could not keep that up and decided to keep it to 20. My at home practise definitely helped with Jazzercise. My next step is fitting in abdominal exercises.

    Being at home is much tougher keeping to a healthy eating routine.

    Vancouver Island, BC.
  • kayak_kutie
    kayak_kutie Posts: 381 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Been a little while since I posted but have been reading each day. Couldn't believe when I read that a few of you have been having a rough time sticking with the food, especially at night. Seemed like I was reading my story! Can't believe how fast I can go back to eating too much and picking up the weight again. For the longest time I was losing and gaining the same couple of pounds and then it was just gain, gain, gain! I am now almost 10 pounds heavier than my lowest, jeans are barely fitting (and I've gotten rid of the larger sizes), and I feel so blah.
    Last week a couple of things went wrong at the same time we're trying to get ready to head out of town for a week. One thing, my car just stopped running one evening. We had been out getting errands done and heading home when it happened. I was able to coast off the road into someone's driveway so that was a blessing. I was on a small two lane road without shoulders and no one was behind me. If I had been on the main road where people drive 70 (in a 55 zone) and tailgate so close it looks like we're hooked together like train cars, it would have caused an terrific accident as I'm sure they would have run right into the back of me and a large pileup would have occurred. Just so happened my DH had stopped in a local garage near our home because he saw they had a tow truck and asked for a card in case we ever needed a tow. We called him and he was there in about 30-45 minutes which was great timing. After calling most of our friends and finding them either out of town or unreachable, my DH called someone from his Celebrate Recovery group and he came right out to pick me up. The tow driver only had room to take one passenger. So although it was an inconvenience and expense it could have been much worse so we are grateful.

    We head to Hilton Head, SC on Saturday so trying to finish up planning, arranging for the animals and hopefully start packing on Friday. We hope the weather is nice enough to take a couple of boat trips to see dolphins and a sunset cruise as well as doing some kayaking with a local company. Will also see about a day trip to Savannah, GA and Charleston, SC.

    On a great note, one of our foster dogs that we've had awhile found a wonderful home with a young lady. She lives in Frederick, MD and loves to run and hike so the dog will be getting great exercise as well as a great home.

    Kat - what part of Maryland? I live in Southern Maryland (Charles County).

    I think I've discovered why I don't post more although I do love reading all of them. I'm wanting to be so thorough and respond to as many as possible that I feel if I don't have the time to do that when I'm reading that I will somehow find time to come back later and do it. What I find is that I never really have that much time so I'm taking on the mantra,
    DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD! - and respond as much as possible but not stress over not being able to do them all. Whew! I'm thinking this is also causing my issues with the food. It's as if since I can't do it 'perfectly' for that day, I'll start again tomorrow and just go crazy with the rest of the day. Just getting some insight on myself. Never realized I operated like this as I'm not much of a perfectionist on most other things.

    Sorry for the rambling and making this all about me.

    I really do read and care about all that is going on in your lives. I even told my girlfriend that I feel I know more about you and your lives than I do my other friends I've know for years, co-workers, etc.

    Now to respond to an email from a friend that I've been putting off until I had enough time to 'do it right'. :smile:

    Tina in Maryland

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Good afternoon.
    Got my flu shot yesterday.
    No rain today,but no sun either,kinda depressing weather.
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Mary, Meg, Renny.....and, of course, anyone else interested......google time magazine cholesterol. If you click on the item just below the Time mag. cover images; it's from health impactnews.com and titled time magazine we were wrong about sat fat. Loads of interesting articles cited and quoted.

  • Kataniki
    Kataniki Posts: 18 Member
    Hi Tina - I live in Howard County and work in Montgomery County. Enjoy your trip! Hilton Head is great - hope you have some time for Savannah too!

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sylvia ... I have arthritis in both of my knees but my trainer encouraged me to do squats to strengthen core muscle groups. I’m not sure who posted this challenge website: http://travelstrong.net/squat-challenge. I do what is called a beginner counterbalance box squat … meaning my rear end gets to touch a support like a chair or bench. This challenge shows the proper way to do many types of squats. Carol's advice is spot on!

    Kim: cook for me … please …

    Katla: I agree prednisone is probably the weight gain culprit for my son. He just got another prescription again today. I also enjoy cooking … but on my terms. This need to cook from scratch for a period of time feels like forced labor and I’m whining! I need to remember Heather’s mantra: DON'T LET THE PERFECT BE THE ENEMY OF THE GOOD! My husband sat me down last night and reminded me that I just had to take it one day at a time and not get too obsessive about it. Which is my problem … I know nothing of moderation … it’s all or nothing with me. Which is why I have the weight issues I do.

    Barbie … I am going to try these smiley things here shortly!

    Jamie … welcome!

    Heather, Cynthia and Jan … add me to the decorating challenged group. I do not have drapes on my living and dining room windows that face the street because I can’t figure out what to do! They’ve been uncovered 20 years now!! But since neighbors moved in across the street who have cut down their trees … which means I can see them and they can see me … I am faced with this daunting task! I don’t have the money to make mistakes so what I choose has to last for a long, long time… I am paralyzed with indecision.

    Tina … we all seem to have many of the same issues here. Your post helps readers like me remember that I’m not alone in this journey. I’m glad you posted today!

    Meg ... I haven't considered a pain clinic yet for my son. But will give it some thought. Thanks.


    Beth in WNY

  • lisabinco
    lisabinco Posts: 1,016 Member
    Just spent 3 hours cleaning house. I should do it more often ... not just when I'm having guests over. LOL! I have the Time article and I gotta repeat what my Doctor told me. "Don't get your medical information from the newspaper." Or a magazine or the internet. That's what I pay my doctor to know. I'm still keeping my intake of saturated fat to a minimum. I'm stumping along, still trying to shed 6 pounds more just to get back to where I was at the beginning of summer. It's like my body has stubbornly said "No!" But except for a couple of minor falls off the wagon, I'm doing pretty good. Feeling good, at least. I'm so thankful I do not take any kind of medication whatsoever now. A bowling friend told me she has been on some kind of estrogen treatment for almost 10 years, and she's hooked on it. She is afraid to go through menopause effects, even though she's well past 60! I'm glad I never started that; told my old doctor (a man, naturally -- no woman doctor has ever offered it to me) that I didn't want it. That was 8 or 10 years ago. I'm glad I did.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good afternoon beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    To those that are thinking about redecorating or renovating, I finally finished my house at the end of Aug., started in March, I did a LOT of renovating. I absolutely love my home now. It was so worth the aggravation that I went through! I did have a problem choosing paint for my kitchen, I ended up with 14 samples on the wall, didn`t use any of them, the one I thought that looked the best turned out to blend in with my cabinets too much, I finally let the painter choose the paint. It`s a gorgeous green, one I would not have picked for a sample, the painter I hired has been in business for a long time, he`s painted a lot of kitchens and he was right on for the color of mine. It`s a big task and can be costly, but it`s so worth it in the long run!

    Beth :) Have you thought about maybe adding blinds to your windows? You an choose a neutral color that blends in with walls. Most of the home improvement stores carry them. I too would like Kim or Heather to cook for me :D !

    Tina In Maryland :) Sorry you`ve been feeling blah :flowerforyou:, I think it`s going around. Glad you were able to get your car off the road! Enjoy your trip to Hilton Head, it`s just so lovely there, Charleston is another one of my favorite places to go, I almost bought a home there!

    Renny :) Enjoy your week off and the visit with your son! My to do list will take me months to do :ohwell:!

    Carol :) So happy you got to walk for 10 minutes straight today..yay!!!! Hope DD starts feeling better soon, do you have an appt. for the eye Dr. yet? At least it wasn`t raining today, I`m so tired of rain! You really sound like you have a active social life!

    Heather :) I`m sure what you have is not “junk”, I have a cocktail table that all my little sweet fur babies have chewed on at one point in their life, a guy who came to cover a few scratches on my dining room table told me he could repair those, I said no thanks, I think it gives the table character :stuck_out_tongue: . It is a lot of work to get ready to have rooms painted, but it`s so worth it! Happy birthday to your DH! Hope you have a lovely time with the grandchildren :love:!

    Robin :) It is so nice to see you posting again! It does feel good to get clutter cleaned up, I still have a few drawers to declutter, and my closet…it seems to be a never ending job :noway:! So glad Bodi is doing okay. Noel and I send him a hug, and one to Ritter too! Congrats on getting the 7 pounds gone!!!

    Mary in Florida :) Hope you feel better soon :flowerforyou:!

    Brenda from MD :) Nice to see your post too!!! I`m glad you`re celebrating your anniversary :flowerforyou:, I know your daughter would want you too!!!

    Katla :) I know you`re excited about seeing the grandchildren and your daughter :love:! I`m sure they will love anything you plan for them, just being with you will be the best!!! Yanniejannie has some great idea!

    Deb A :) It`s always more fun to ditch the work :stuck_out_tongue: !!!!

    Yanniejannie :) Congrats on the 8 hours of sleep!!!!!

    It has been a day…Noel had a grooming appt. this morning at 7:45, she is a fluffy sweet smelling doggie now :love:. I had a dentist appt. at 10:30, just cleaning and x-rays, everything was good there!!! On my way to the grocery store I saw a elderly man walking in the road, this is a busy busy 5 lane road, he was walking in the center lane, looked like he was talking to himself, it was so sad :broken_heart: . Of course I didn’t have my phone to call 911, I left it at home, I sure hope someone called and he`s okay now, this has bothered me all day! I still have a sinus infection and that`s bothering me, it`s been 2 weeks since I took my last antibiotic. I called the Dr. office today to see if they would call me in something else and I got the “devil” :devil: on the phone, she wouldn`t even listen to me, said it had been too long since I had been seen :huh:, I would have to come in , I told her I was just there a few weeks ago, just ask my Dr., she refused to even ask Sue, who I know would have called me in something else, she told me if I didn`t have time to come in for an appointment they now have a clinic open from 5:15pm to 8pm, I could just walk in, and then she hung up on me :noway:….GRRRR. Is this what our health care has come to????? Okay…no more ranting. It`s time for me to take Ms. Dog out for a walk, maybe it will make me feel better too!

    Hope everyone has a nice evening!

    DeeDee in very nice NC

  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Friday morning here and decided to have a sleep in until 8am and NOT bother with the cardio.
    I have been on the Duramine for 3 weeks and lost 1 pound sigh. Will take printout of results to doctor next week. Plus I have kept my calories between the 1600 and 1900 recommended by dietition, to which doctor agreed, plus trained 6 days out of 7. Is shaking head! I don NOT think she will ask me to continue the Dramine as something else is happening.
    Will do Jeannette's Bikini boot-camp later, walk dog after lunch and clean house.
    I have genetically high cholesterol, I am 66 and was diagnosed when I was 21. Runs in mum's family as far back as great granny. I am allowed 6 egg yolks a week and butter (is better than chemical margarine). I eat good fats in my diet and plenty of fruit and veg as well as fibre. I had a good cardiologist in England at the hospital I worked at and he devised my lunches in canteen and gave guidlines on good eating.
    I have a great doctor here in Tasmania and she listens and suggests things. She said I need to train 6 days a week and continue to eat healthy, as I started body building in 1980.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2014
    Yanniejannie: Thanks for the suggestions. I’ve learned there will be a no-scare little kid event on Halloween evening at the county fairgrounds. It seems like a good idea if the weather cooperates. :flowerforyou:

    Brenda: You have a LOT to deal with right now. You won’t be getting a stern talking to from me. :noway: I will be sending thoughts and prayers your way, both for you and your DD. I also want to remind you to take care of yourself. If you wear yourself out with grief and worry, you can’t help your DD. <3

    Robin: I am so happy to hear that you are feeling more like yourself every day. Sending hugs and good wishes your way. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: You are right that perfectionism causes suffering. I’m working on a less picky attitude. Happy Birthday to your DH. :flowerforyou:

    Carol: You sound like you’re doing better. I’m happy for you. :flowerforyou:

    Tina in MD: My neighbor just returned from a trip to Savannah with a dear friend of hers. She had a wonderful time there. I hope you are able to enjoy your trip. :bigsmile:

    Beth in WNY: Good luck choosing window coverings. I have off white honeycomb blinds. They’re wonderful at modifying temperature, and let light in. I can lower them from the top or raise them from the bottom when I want to see outside. My neighbor has venetian blinds. She can let as much light in as she wants and preserve her privacy. These are just two possibilities for you to think about. :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee: It sounds like your doctor has a cranky pants person in the office, and should be told about the rude treatment you received. She should be ashamed. :embarassed: :blushing:

    This sun was out, and so was I. I got the dinghy off of the back of the sailboat, into the water, down to the boat ramp, onto the trailer, and into the storage unit!!!! Yay! While I was at it, I took my dog on a joy ride in the dinghy the sunshine. The river was glassy calm, and we don’t see that very often. We got past the 5 mph zone, opened it up and flew across the water. :smokin: :love: :love: It was hard to turn around and head for the docks—and the lecture from DH. It seems I didn’t have my phone with me. :devil: :bigsmile:

    Katla in stunningly beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!


  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    Did an hour of yoga and then an hour of the deep water. Tomorrow's plan is to do three DVD's in the Power Fit series (that should be about an hour long)

    After the deep water class stopped at CVS to get Loki's med then went to bowl 2 games (had a coupon that expired today, so only paid for one game)

    Kim - good for you getting that yogurt down. I like your goal to "breathe"

    Alison - your body probably needs that sleep so that's why you're sleeping a lot. Look at it this way -- at least you aren't eating!!!!

    barbie - thanks for telling me how to increase the type of the posts. It worked for me!

    Confession time - I splurged a bit last night as I was cleaning up from Rummikub. It never ceases to amaze me how "yukky" I feel. But I am bound and determined that I'm going to get back on the bandwagon today. I already have a banana defrosting. I've found that if I defrost a banana and add a bit of unsweetened cocoa to that, it seems to help with cravings. I plan to take the rest of the stuffed cabbage to the soup kitchen tomorrow.

    Vicki - my problem in the evening is when I'm cleaning up, I have this "thing" about not wanting to throw out food so I'll have one of this and one of that. Like last night after I'd portioned out the pumpkin muffins (some for the place where I take the extremepump class, some for the Y, some for the bowling alley when Newcomers bowls) there were two muffins left. Well...it's just hard for me to throw them out so guess where they wound up?

    Cindy - have fun in Savannah

    Carol - I only wear shoes with low heels.

    Sylvia - cute joke

    Terri - you go girl!

    Kim - I have to search more for shoes that I like, too. So many of them have those skinny high heels, even tho they aren't safe. I, like you, am fussy about which shoes I'll get. The one time I made the zucchini tots, I made them in a mini muffin tin

    nannyjackie - I usually weigh myself in the morning (after going to the bathroom...don't want to add any extra weight....lol) with just my pajamas on.

    Kat in MD - welcome! Listen to your nutritionist, sounds like sound advice.

    Oops, looks like I forgot to post last night.

    Well, today I did 3 DVD's in Stephanie Huckabee's PowerFit set for a total of 55 minutes. Tomorrow the plan is to go to the Y and do a 20-40-60 second workout. You run for 20 seconds, fast walk for 40, then a bit slower for 60.

    After exercising took some stuffed cabbage to the soup pantry and then went to B i-Lo to get the items on sale, then stopped at this Farm Supply place. We need to put down grass seed. The man was really nice, since the area we need to seed isn't big, he let me just take some hay (it might have been straw, I don't know) off the ground, so I didn't even have to pay for it.

    Joyce - I so enjoy reading all about your trip

    Pat - happy birthday to your daughter

    Vince and I went out and put down some seed in this one little area (where I'd gotten the straw for). Came in and I made some fudge for when Jess comes down this weekend.

    Jamie - come back often

    Terri - I really like bowling, but the food --- now that's another story altogether. I just wish they'd have more veggies. I do have to say, tho, that the one bowling alley by us now has at least a little bit healthier. Not by much, but a little bit

    Brenda - happy anniversary. Good for your daughter getting herself back together, or at least starting.

    katla - I see you've gotten some great suggestions

    Beth - I was watching Dr. Oz last night and I thought of your son. He was saying that fresh ginger constricts the blood vessels when someone has a migraine. Can't hurt to try, eh?

    Carol - I haven't given up on the nutrition course from corsera, but I do wish they had something more indepth. To me, it's pretty basic

    Tina - I'm so sorry about your car. Good thing you were able to get into that driveway! Have fun in SC. How wonderful that dog found a home!!! Sounds like a great match to me

    I was feeling so much better, but lately I've been baking and, of course, taste testing. Lynette just called and asked if I'd bake a cake for her accounting group on Wednesday. I just can't say "no", so it looks like I'll be baking again. Update: made her pumpkin spice cake. I usually make them in mini muffins, so wasn't sure how it would turn out as a cake. I also made chocolate chip pumpkin bread

    You can certainly add me to the decorating challenged group!

    Does anybody else have this problem and how have you solved it if you did? When I go to my "bookmarks" and click on that, there is an ad that comes up OVER the bookmarks. I've tried closing the ad, but the only thing that happens when I click on its "x" is that it starts playing.

    DeeDee - I'm so glad you love your renos. How well I remember all you went thru! That's horrible about your MD's office, that they wanted you to come in. Almost makes you feel like they want you to come in just so that they can get your money.

    Katla - I can feel how wonderful your ride was, getting out in the open like that and just going fast.

    Better post this before it gets too too long

    Michele in NC
  • BonnieandJack1
    BonnieandJack1 Posts: 10 Member
    I'm glad to see an over 50 group here. When they're talking about running....well, Iets just say I'm thrilled to be out walking on these beautiful fall days. My husband was diagnosed with early Parkinson's this summer. After spending a month reeling in self-pity and denial, we are getting into some exercise routines...which is what will help him tremendously. My Fitness Pal has given me some stability in taking care of myself, which in turn is actually motivating him. You all are so "real" and nice and I'm loving reading the comments! Bonnie from Michigan
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    edited October 2014
    smiley-happy093.gif The squats I do are called plie squats or sumo squats and so far they haven't been hard on my knees....in September I did a squat challenge that did a few more squats each day getting to 250 by the end of the month

    smiley-happy093.gif My new computer and printer have been sitting in the spare room for a long time and finally tomorrow the computer guy is coming to get everything set up...then I should be able to spend more time on MFP and respond to more of you.

    :):) Today I taught the intermediate line dance class---the regular instructor has gone to Maui for two weeks with her husband for their 40th anniversary. I spent an afternoon practicing the dances because it's different to be in the front of the room than it is to be dancing with the group. I was nervous but it went great. Tomorrow I'll teach my usual beginner class.

    smiley-happy014.gifRobin, it is great to see you posting again...Brandy and Sasha send hugs to Bodi.

    Barbie from beautiful NW Washington smiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    October Resolutions
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
    *strength training twice a week
    * answer the letter to my friend that I've been putting off too long

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,979 Member
    edited October 2014
    This is very weird...after I posted, I wanted to correct a few error and the icon for editing wasn't there, so I have some extra letters and some blue text that I can't change :'(

    I just figured it out--You have to have the cursor over your text or the edit icon doesn't appear.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    DeeDee...my doc had a cranky pants receptionist/secretary in his officr for a while. What a horrible experience!!! Fortunately, common sense prevailed and he has some nice personnel. Now, granted, my doc does NOT have the best people skills, but at least his front office does now. My sympathies.
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Sorry I did not get to check in earlier. My internet wasn't working for some reason at the studio today, so I had to wait till I got home. I did get some things accomplished at the studio (couldn't waste time online, so I had to work! Go figure!). Then picked the kids up from school and took them home, then went to Joplin to my friend's house for our painting night. Such fun! We did abstracts tonight, and it was such a mess, but a total riot!

    Thanks everyone for the info on squats. I will give it a try. I found a youtube video that has pretty good instruction.

    I've only had time to quickly scan but will go back and read more tomorrow. I'm really tired now, and have a little headache.

    Here is today's (lame) joke of the day:


    Two roofers, Larry and Joe were on the roof laying tile, when a sudden wind gust came and knocked down their ladder. “I have an idea” said Larry. “We’ll throw you down, and then you can pick up the ladder.” What, do you think, I’m stupid? “I have and idea” said Joe. “I’ll shine my flashlight, and you can climb down on the beam of light.” What, do you think I’m stupid? “You’ll just turn off the flashlight when I’m halfway there.”


    Good night ladies!

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Lesley – you are so dedicated, it is inspiring!

    Heather – my bed room needs a re-do also; I love the color it is a grey blue, but needs a repaint, and new curtains or some type of window covering – it is a sliding glass door… :star:

    Nannyjackie – weighing with shoes???? That’s not the way I would do it.. even at the Dr. I would take my shoes off!!! :anguished:

    Joyce –what a great time… I love to snorkel and even scuba dive…

    Sylvia – thanks for the lead on Lisa Scottoline; I am weird I love love love wordy books with tons of description… heck I talk like that too….

    Barbie – thanks for the smile link!!

    Katla - So the way I got a book mark is this
    1. Log in
    2. Click on community
    3. Click on motivation and support
    4. Scroll down until I found our group
    5. Then to the right of the group name is an outline of a star click on the star, it will fill in yellow. You have now book marked it.

    To find it later:
    1 . log in
    2. click on community
    3. in the upper right – across from the title “message boards” is a grey star, click onit and any thing you book mark is there.

    See long winded with lots of words!!!!!!

    Heather – maybe the painter would paint your furniture? :wink:

    Jamie – welcome

    Alison – trust your body! If right now you need that sleep just go with it.

    Brenda – good for you to help your daughter with packing up those items… a roommate can be great fun, if you find the right one. Pre-MFP I had a few; as I too live in an expensive area and needed the income.. I did the craigs list system and interviewed and ended up with some great ones and some I could use to write a book, but all was a learning experience.

    Robin – great job on loosing the 7lbs! and working on the clutter- I feel better in every way when I de-clutter.

    Tina – ramble all you want!! I love to read it and think it is really interesting the insights that this process has given us on how we each operate…

    DeeDee – next time you do see your doc, you should tell them about the devil woman….

    Michele – I hope what you got from the farm supply is straw NOT hay as hay has seeds in it and you’ll be growing more hay…

    Bonnie – welcome, Parkinson’s is a tough one… sending warm thoughts.

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,385 Member
    bonnie from Michigan - welcome! I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's recent diagnosis, but glad you're here.

    Kim - I THINK I got straw and not hay. I THINK the guy said that the pile where I got it from was straw. How can you tell the difference?

    For some reason I just can't get to sleep. Was having a hot flash earlier tonight, that kept me up part of the time.

    Michele in NC
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,349 Member
    Welcome new ladies!

    DH'S birthday! Off to London in a mo.......

    Heather in sunny Hampshire UK
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Hi Sorry I've been missing for a few months. My hubby has been quite poorly. Have spent a lot of time flitting between work, hospital and home. He's home again now and much better in one way but now has developed a nasty cough and sometimes has a tight feeling in his chest. As he's a smoker I am a little worried and trying not to fear the worst. He's going for a CT scan next week.

    I need to start logging my food again and getting myself healthier. So here I am back to square one. I'll start logging and exercising again - starting off small and working my way up.
    - Wish me luck -

    I have a lot of catching up to do - sorry I've been a bad friend.

    Viv (Wizzy)