

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    Oops, didn't copy my whole post. So here's the rest:

    Jane - it hurts so much to see our friends in such trouble, especially when it first hits us.

    mrsmuchster - yea for no pain!

    renny - you're right! You used to see when you joined MFP but no longer, I just never noticed! I turned off the "days logged in" feature, too. It can be so bogus. If you log even one item, MFP shows you as having logged in. So even if you are away, all you have to do is log one item (and this can be done beforehand) and you'll keep your days. To me, that's not what it's about.

    Cynthia - I searched on my phone for "weightbot" but there were no matches :( I like my sugar too. I did find that if I have some silken tofu and put that in a blender with unsweetened cocoa, that seems to fill me up and squelch cravings for sugar. Admitted, at first it's almost "yuk" because there aren't any sweeteners, but it does seem to curb the sugar cravings. Another thing that I found was that I took a banana that I'd frozen, defrosted it (there will be some juice from the defrosting) and then added some unsweetened cocoa. The banana does give it a bit of sweetness, but not much.

    Donna - you SHOULD be proud of yourself!!! I'm proud for you

    Sylvia - happy birthday to your hubby! How nice that he wanted to spend it with the grandchildren

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    smiley-happy110.gif It tells me on my home page how long my streak is of continuous log in days. If you miss a day, it starts counting over at 1........you have to actually log in, you can't log food for tomorrow and have it count as logging in. I have been using MFP since February 2009 but my log in streak has been broken by days without access to the internet. There is a way to contact MFP and get them to restore your missing days (I know someone who did) but it feels like cheating to me to get credit for continuous logging if I missed a day, no matter how much it wasn't my fault. I turned off the reporting feature but it still tells me on my home page.

    smiley-happy020.gifBarbie from beautiful NW Washingtonsmiley-happy093.gif

    The reason most people fail instead of succeed is that they trade what they want the MOST for what they want at the MOMENT.

    My word for 2014 is “mindful”

    October Resolutions
    *walk 18,000 steps a day
    *act the way I want to feel
    *strength training twice a week
    * write the letter to my friend that I've been putting off too long (I finished this and sent it off---I am very happy)

  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member

    Heather – keep at that typing… it’s worth it.. Ice blue goes with everything! Mine is bright red and doesn’t match anything but I love it.

    Kataniki – sending good thoughts for your son… glad it is going well

    Vicki – I hate it when folks can’t tidy up after themselves…

    Amyllu – for me I try to do it meal by meal so if I make bad choices at Lunch, I try to get back on track for dinner - Now, of course I am not always successful ! but I figure if I am successful even 10% of the time that is an improvement over 0!

    Renny – good for you getting out on the ice!!!

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California

  • MarleyJoe63
    Hello - I have posted a couple of times in this community and though I know we are all very busy I wondered if I could get some help. I would like to attach my tracker to my post and can not determine how to accomplish this task. If someone could assist me it would be wonderful.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    A looong time ago we bought a waveless water bed. When Charlie moved in bed I did not feel it at all. Now we bought the full wave waterbeds for the girls at the same time and they had great time with their beds. they used them for years and Michelle got heavy enough that she sunk down to the frame of the bed and one time actually got a burn on her butt form the heater. It was a sad day when we got new beds. It was awful trying to remove our water bed mattress. That dude was heavy. We tried to empty all the water out of it, picture your standard outside hose connected from your bed upstairs to the outside! But then we had to deal with the issue of getting the empty bladder out of the house. It was a California king and was wanting to stay in our house. Then I got to take out all of the frustrations I had ever had and slash that thing to death with a good knife so it could go in the trash. But I did not miss trying to put a sheet on the bed.

    Does anyone have a problem with getting friend requests that are your old friends? Michelle joined MFP about a year ago but found it to difficult to enter her food on her not to smart phone so quit. I got a friend request from her the other day and she says hse hasn't been on MFP for months and didn't initiate it. She also got one the same day from some one she didn't know. Here II was all excited, Michelle is now nicotene for 3 weeks, has a new man in her life and was going to get back here! No go.

    Charlie isn't as nice about this situation about Michelle's boyfriend as he was to her last night. I just told him that knowing her and her attitude of things and people that are important to her, if we reject him than we lose her. So therefore I accept him. Now after getting to know him and he is a total jerk I will try to counsel her but ultimately it is her choice. She is almost 34 years old

    Joyce, Indiana
  • MarleyJoe63
    I am 50 (shhh...) and have tried the "diet" gimmicks many times. Though every time I have failed; I still refuse to throw in the towel. My desire to drop 40lbs more, while keeping the already lost 21lbs (lost these during the past 2 months) from finding me again, really seems to be closer to reality this time.

    My goal for October is to move (maybe some form of exercise) at least 8 (20 minutes or more) times during this lovely, colorful fall month. Challenge accepted and movement happening...yes!

    I hope to meet some of you during this time of our life changes and sharing with you during our times of greatness (more of these) and struggles (less of these).

    Ladies, goodnight. I wish you all a healthier tomorrow. :):)
  • donnamwebb39
    donnamwebb39 Posts: 315 Member
    Thank you everyone for your support! Tomorrow is scale day. Will be interesting. I am sore today after the extra yesterday, but it is a good sore! Not much to say today. Best wishes for everyone for a great Halloween week. Oh, and a reminder to all those in the US, clocks fall back this coming weekend. An extra hour of sleep for all those not working nights!

    Joyce - My daughter's boyfriend is also a jerk. I tell her honestly what I see and my feelings about him, without criticizing her personally. I tell her she deserves and can get better. I also don't allow him at my house, because of the type of guy he is. But you are right in saying it is her life and her choice. Just support her as best you can and be there if it all falls apart. Good Luck.

    Donna from Western Washington


  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Life keeps getting in the way, but I WILL try to catch up with you even if it is only a quick post every few days or so.

    Hubby still not well, I'll be phoning the doctor in a minute to try and get him an appointment to sort another problem he has now - Thrush - I don't know he seems to be getting one thing after another this last few months. He can hardly swallow and as he is still not eating properly this is the last thing he needs.

    Still very busy at work and wondering if I should have a week off to re-charge my batteries. I'll have a look to see how much leave I have left this year and book some time off - also hubby needs looking after at the moment with appointments etc.

    Hope you are all keeping well, I haven't read the posts yet but just wanted you all to know that I am thinking about you and hope things are going well with you and your families.

    Take Care

    Viv (aka Wizzy) from Sunny but cool York UK
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Michele: agree; I think “bump” has lost its meaning in the new situation. Well, that’s one advantage. What kind of phone do you have? I have an iphone; maybe weightbot doesn’t exist for other platforms. I like your idea of the banana and cocoa. Do you blend it?

    Not much to tell today. Went over my calories again yesterday; our favorite outdoor café (± 20 years) is closing and we want to go there until the very end...but they don't have all the menu items anymore. So you end up with french fries or something. Anyway, my total wasn’t as bad as on the recent days I went out in the evening for a carton of Ben & Jerry’s….

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

  • fit_abbey
    Hello Everyone, as an "50+" [technically it is 60+], I think this message board might be helpful to me on my journey to weight loss [again]. I'm posting here at the end of Oct, so that when the new month of Nov rolls around, I've a few days experience already under my belt. Or on my keyboard.
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,366 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good sunny morning from Hampshire UK! :drinker:

    Yanniejannie - We have a bed with two mattresses as DH likes his softer. Now he wishes he had a harder one as his is sagging. I am thinking of buying twin beds to have side by side when we have the redec, or at least splitting the bed completely (it comes in two halves) so we can make up the beds separately. I have the same problem with the nightly dances as DH'S meds make him twitch a lot. That was why we unzipped the join. I often go in the spare room at night if he snores or I can't sleep. You are entitled to a good night's sleep. :flowerforyou:

    I have a really sore lower back. It has been coming on for a couple of days and got bad last night after sitting badly doing the typing. I had to lie on the floor last evening. This morning I managed 130 cals on the elliptical, but only 30 on the recumbent bike. I didn't try the rower ! ! ! We are going out later to our local superstores to buy Christmas cake supplies and to look at LBDs so I will probably notch up another 100 there as the place is huge. I will dose up with pain killers and be sure to buy more. I haven't had a bad back for years. :sad:

    MarleyJoe63 - I got my ticker by going to the ticker site and copying the bbcode and pasting it . I have to paste it every time, but on this Android tablet I don't copy other things so I don't have to recopy. Of course you have to do it for each computer. Some people who are working on laptops and pc have made a Word doc where they have copied the ticker and write on that doc and copy and paste it over.They use 2 windows so they can reply to people more easily. I must say that, although my weight has gone up by 2 lbs, it is too much trouble to change my ticker! I just hope I am soon telling the truth!! ! ! ! ! !

    Will have to be strict today with the food intake. Only 1460 cals to play with. Looks like tandoori chicken and mounds of green veg. :laugh:

    Love to all from a Heather feeling sorry for herself in the south of England.

  • terewilliams
    terewilliams Posts: 336 Member
    Happy Monday!
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2014
    Heather: We share a queen-sized bed, but there are nights that one of us will move to the other bedroom or the couch downstairs. Snoring of one person or restlessness of the other factor in. So do aches, pains, and general wakefulness. :ohwell: My SIL and her husband share a bed that is made up of two twin beds side by side. There is a King bedspread over the whole so it appears to be one bed. They inherited the bed from DH’s parents. I have no idea how long it has actually been in service, but DH & I have been married 44 years and they had it before our marriage. Things were made to last. :star::star::star: I’m sorry to hear that you are feeling down. I wonder if it is seasonal because of shorter day lengths. I’ve had issues with seasonal affective disorder for decades and have some remedies. I take vitamin D3 with calcium daily, which helps. I also have daylight temperature lights EVERYWHERE in my house. You could perform surgery in most of he rooms in my home without additional lighting when I have everything on its brightest setting. Well, that may be a slight exaggeration, but it is bright in here. :laugh: :flowerforyou:

    Tere: You’re back! I’ve been missing you. I hope things are going well. :flowerforyou:

    I have a saved word document on my computer that has my ticker “url address” saved on it. I write nearly all of my messages on the word document, post it, and then delete the message leaving the goals, signature, and ticker in place for the next message. I started this practice after losing too many posts that I was trying to type directly into MFP. My weight has been stable, so I haven’t messed with the ticker. I don’t know whether it is updating or not. I really think they should reinstate the tickers and let people decide whether to show theirs or not. That was always a personal choice in the past.

    DD and the grandchildren arrive tomorrow! I hope we are blessed with good weather while they are here. There are favorite places to visit, and they are so much more fun in dry weather.

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!


  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    morning ladies~
    sorry I had internet connection at the Cape..
    I am totally wiped out...
    I think that will probably be the last time we go up to see Ruth and Ray..
    Doris finally cracked before we left and told her off..
    Ruth is 87 years old and has been in and out of the hospital and nursing homes for the last 5 yrs, she is home now, and has lost her left leg above the knee due to being a diabetic..
    Poor Ray has been battling lung cancer, he is in remission now, but is having fainting spells..
    Ruth is from Germany, and is Leo,so very very bossy,and everything has to be her way,and everything has to be just so..
    poor Ray is trying to keep up at 83, but all she does is yell at him..
    and it doesnt matter if we are there or not..
    we got there around 11:30 on Saterday and left around 2:30 on Sunday. I slept on the couch upstairs in the living room and got maybe 4-5 hrs, if that, right now Ruth has a picc line in her arm that feeds antibiotics 24-7 that has a pump, and if she moves the wrong way it beeps, so between that , and both of them sleeping with the t.v.s on ,I was up and out of bed at 4:45, swept the floors, made coffee for them, made myself a cup of tea, did a load of laundry and ran the dishwasher, Ruth got up at 7, and that is when I started the real work, that was sunday morning, saterday when I got there, I re arranged all her med supplies in the closet in smaller boxes so that the visiting nurses could get to it better, well the one saterday night that came had a fit, because it wasnt right.. so had to find smaller boxes and i finally got it all set, because they were all in her room and living room, and she has to get around in a wheelchair, the the nurse couldnt find the antibiotics, which were in a seperate fridge, found those and got them in the right fridge..
    they have a 3 season porch that I tried to get some of the stuff in the living room out onto, she has 3 comodes(?) and a wheelchair that I got out there and behind a small sofa, she buys alot of stuff that is in boxes all over so tried to organize that too. finally fell asleep on the couch around 9:30 saterday night, but was up alot because of the noise..
    they have a finished cellar, and that was a mess, I went down to check on Doris, and Ray has a studio down there, he does pen and ink drawings and sells them at craft fairs, but with him being sick, he hasnt really been down there much, the whole ceiling down in his studio is full of black mold :s dangerous dangerous stuff, so I told him on the QT, about it, I dont know if he will do anything, If I told Ruth she s=would have started screeching at him..
    my job yesterday as she cant stand was to rearrange the linen closet,but all the sheet sets have to be the correct color and folded a certain way, and put on a certain shelf, and then poor Doris was roped into cooking lunch,and so Ruth was telling her from the other room how to do that, and me how to do the linen closet and poor Ray just stayed in his room. we went to the beach in the morning and walked for 45 minutes , that was our favorite part,LOVE Cape Cod... then Ruth wanted a couple of floor lamps, so I took pictures at the Christmas tree shop and brought them back to show her, then she picked what she wanted, gave me the cash and we went to get them and light bulbs, got those back and set up and put where she wanted..
    I understand how frustrating it is to not be home, not have your own things and try to get around in a wheelchair is just horrifying.. but poor Ray I am amazed that he hasnt murdered her yet...
    so we left there around 2;30 yesterday afternoon ,after Doris, told her she is a bully, and that Ray is sick very sick( mind you Doris' husband passed away 24 yrs ago of lung cancer) and that she needs to be nice she just said well I am sick too, again it is all about her..
    so off we went and I didnt get home until 7 pm last night, because we take the backroads home,not the highways, some of it is beautiful... typical new england small towns
    saterday I got 2 calls from the convalecent home which I missed ,that my DFIL was looking for me and wondering when I was coming, I called back and told them i was out of state and that his son would be down eventually...
    all I can say is it was one heck of a busy weekend., and now I get to go to work to relax :D
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,815 Member
    didnt have internet connection
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    Hello - I have posted a couple of times in this community and though I know we are all very busy I wondered if I could get some help. I would like to attach my tracker to my post and can not determine how to accomplish this task. If someone could assist me it would be wonderful.

    You can't actually attach your ticker to your post unless you know the techno trick that some of us have found.....we keep a word processing document on our own computers that has the ticker code on it and we compose our posts on that document then copy and paste it into the reply box.

    :D Barbie from NW Washington

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    fit_abbey wrote: »
    Hello Everyone, as an "50+" [technically it is 60+], I think this message board might be helpful to me on my journey to weight loss [again]. I'm posting here at the end of Oct, so that when the new month of Nov rolls around, I've a few days experience already under my belt. Or on my keyboard.

    :) Welcome, I started on MFP in 2009 at age 62 and have enjoyed the support and encouragement of women on this thread since then. Be watching in the evening of October 31 for the link to the new thread for November.

    :D Barbie
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,097 Member
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    edited October 2014
    Well, I forgot to log on yesterday and lost my streak. It was probably for the best since I have been backsliding some. Today is the day I turn 60 so it is appropriate to begin afresh!

    New week, new year, new goals for me. Thanks in advance for the support. This thread rocks!

    P.S. The birthday cake and margarita mix are gone, thank goodness!!!!
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Off to the gym.........but first, a quick Happy Birthday to drkatiebug!!!!