

  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    Seems the site has changed a bit whilst I've been away, hope I can find you again tomorrow. <3
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    morning kiddo's
    just popping in to see how things are..had my ezekiel 4.9 english muffin with natural peanut butter and an apple for breakfast, have minute rice medley with kidney beans and roasted asparagus for lunch and will have 2 nitrate free turkey dogs for dinner,
    I am going to try and stay in the 1200 calorie range and keep it there..
    I am worried that my kidney disease might have progressed and that is why my left kidney has been bothering me.. I am hoping that I wont end up like my mom on dyalisis..
    oh well off to walk the dogs, check in on my DFIL, then to an early morning wake and to work.. then work tomorrow morning.. and see what the weekend brings
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    Viv :) So nice to see you back! Hope things are okay with DH!!!

    I see the format has changed yet once again:frown: :sad: :grumble:.

    Wishing everyone a beautiful healthy day <3

    DeeDee in chilly but clear NC
  • 120mustdo
    120mustdo Posts: 48 Member
    Hi, my name Tina and I live in SC and I just found this group. My birthday was October 14 and I am 49 years old.
    Oh my, I do not want to be 50 years old and still OVER weight.... I am 4ft10 sometimes... Shorter.
    My ultimate goal is to get my eating habits and weight under control. I have got 1 year to meet this goal. Lose 50 pounds! :D
    My current weight is 175.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :D So now that I've figured out so much about the new format, there have been changes and some of them are awesome---like the choice to preview your post and the opportunity to go back and see every thread you've ever posted on smiley-happy093.gif
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    This is so odd. When I started to read MFP this morn,type was bigger,so easy to read. :D Now it is back to teeny type. :'( Pat
  • lawpoet
    Hi all. Just getting the hang of this and beginning again.

    I've gained a lot of weight and am heavier than ever, so today:

    Finnegan Begin Again. . . .

    Lately I'm feeling as though I can't do anything . . . as though anything I say I'm going to do I won't do.

    But I need to start again and just get through a few hours or a day with some self-control, and I'm sure that success will build on success.

    237 today. Please God let this be my heaviest and give me the strength to improve my health.

    Jamie in US
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,361 Member
    Just taking the chance to jump in and have a chat while my granddaughter is asleep. DH and DGS are doing crafty things like sticking and cutting out. :laugh:
    I am going to go along with DDIL when she takes DGD for her injections this afternoon.
    DH had loads of presents this morning and arrived to home made cards and cake. We will open our presents (mine as well) when DS gets home. They have bbq steak for us for dinner and, no doubt, lots of wine. I have 604 cals from exercise to use plus 400 to meet TDEE so shouldn't be too far out of whack!
    Viv - Welcome back! :flowerforyou: We have all had a chance to get used to the new format, but it was frustrating at the beginning. :ohwell: So sorry to hear of DH'S health problems: what a worry for you. <3
    - DDIL is using this time to do a phone "consultation" with a patient. Modern life, eh! (She is a psychologist)
    - DGS showed us his school report. He is socializing very well and they said he was very polite and "kind". (*) <3o:)
    - Alison - should you go in for a check up?

    Well, my friends, I will pay attention to DGS. Apparently DH'S brand new trousers are getting covered in glitter! :laugh:

    Heather in warm and sunny London UK
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2014
    Bonnie & Jack: Welcome to a great group. I’m sorry about the Parkinson’s diagnosis, and hope things go as well for Jack as possible. There have been some amazing surgeries in the news. The ones that I saw were musicians and the surgeons did something that gave them the ability to play their instrument without tremors. They were awake and playing their instruments during the surgeries. Miraculous compared to the old days. I hope for continued breakthroughs and improvements. :flowerforyou:

    Barbie: You were born to teach and to dance. :bigsmile: You’ve been much more patient waiting for your computer to be set up than I would have been. I hope you’re back in business before the end of the day. I love the blue text. I wonder if you can do it on purpose. How did you find out about the changes and improvements to the format here? :huh: :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee & Renny: DH’s neurosurgeon doesn’t have the best people skills, either, :noway: but he has an amazing staff and even more amazing surgical skills. Once we got past our initial appointment with him, and had our own “support team” help us out, things went much better. I have to admit that our social skills were not at their best for that first meeting, either. :noway: :blushing:

    Kim: Are you thinking of repainting with a fresh coat of blue, or planning a color change? I agree with your advice to Michele about straw v hay. :flowerforyou:

    Michele: When I can’t sleep at night, I get up and haunt the net. I hope your hot flash didn’t last too long. :flowerforyou:

    Heather: Happy Birthday to your DH! :flowerforyou:

    Viv: Welcome back! I’m sorry your DH has been having so much trouble with his health. :flowerforyou:

    120mustdo: You can get the weight off, but timetables are tough. Just keep doing the right things and you’ll get there eventually. Count your calories, including every bite and swallow, drink plenty of water, and move more. As you go along you’ll find strategies and foods that work for you. Come by here often for suggestions and support, plus the occasional good laugh. :bigsmile:

    Horseback riding lesson number 2 is today! I can hardly wait. My teacher said that we’d try bareback today in an effort to help improve my balance. I’ve NEVER ridden bareback before. There will be a saddle pad but no stirrups. I’d love suggestions from those who ride. I did look this up on the internet and watched a lot of teenage girls with great athletic ability vault onto the backs of their horses. That won’t be me. :noway: Wish me luck. I’ll let you know how I do. :flowerforyou:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!

  • nccarolb
    nccarolb Posts: 858 Member
    Good morning! It's Friday!! Yay!

    My daughter has an appointment with an ophthalmologist this afternoon. I'm so happy that they got her worked in today but sad that another Friday afternoon is going to be spent sitting inside a medical facility. I'd really hoped to be able to get some errands run and to get outside a bit. :neutral_face:

    In response your responses about low heels: I was complaining because he wants me to wear heels. I'm a flats person! He'd like me to wear 1 1/2-2 inch heels and I'm happier with no heel. In fact, I'm happiest barefoot! :grinning:

    DeeDee - I agree! No rain was nice yesterday. It is supposed to be beautiful for the next few days. I'm really hoping I can get outside some. I love green! My house is pretty much done in green, blue, and yellow (the exception is my son's room and bathroom). I love the peacefulness of those colors and plan to keep them in my new home.

    Dang! I've really got to start making more notes. I've forgotten everything again.

    I blew it foodwise yesterday. :disappointed: Someone had brought baby cheesecakes to work at job #2. They were amazing! Then, :angry: I did something I typically don't do; I compounded the problem with a milkshake! I beat myself up all night, too. Today will be better!

    Viv - It's nice to see you back! I'm sorry about your hubby and hope you find ways to take care of yourself, too.

    Welcome to the newcomers! We're a chatty bunch so buckle up and ride this journey with us.

    Lesley - I'm sorry the meds are not doing what you'd hoped. I hope you get some answers on your next doctor visit.

    Alison - I hope you get your kidney checked out SOON!

    Well, I'm off to get some work done. I'm sure my daughter will be calling momentarily to ask me if I'm taking her to lunch before her appointment. It's sad that cheap and healthy don't go hand in hand at restaurants.

    Carol in beautiful NC

  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Michelle (and everyone else) - Thanks for the pep talk. I needed it (and still do).

    I enjoy watching bowling, and all the other sports, but sometimes it feels like the "universe" is out to get me. DH bowls 1+ times per week, and starts coaching Varsity High School next week. DS bowls 1+ times per week, and is also in basketball, baseball (DH is coach), and track. DS will be on the H.S. bowling team if he does not make the basketball team. I just get tired of eating salad all day every day so I can afford to eat the "junk' offered at these events, or having to eat out several times a week. I think it's time to upgrade my cell phone, so I can start accessing MFP on the road. Maybe that way I won't feel so self-defeated before it even happens.

    I think Sunday I will try to make several different flavors of kale chips, so at least I will have something to munch on while everyone else pigs out at all the evening events.

    Terri (50 degrees and sunny) Milwaukee
  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Good Friday morning!!!

    DH off today. DD and I going for flu shots.....usually I wait until Thanksgiving but realized that was because I'd wait for college break for her to be home, not necessary this year.
    She's due at one of her barn jobs at 3pm.

    MNMargaret.........Your delight with all the icons made me smile!!!

    Brenda.....You've been through so much, be patient and kind with yourself.....no lecture here....you are dealing with major, major events. Sounds to me like your plans for getting through the anniversaries are both commendable and practical.

    Heather.......How did the leek, walnut, and tomato soup turn out? Seemed interesting.....sometimes foods blend well that you would never think of putting together. Hope your weekend with the DGC continues to be as fun as it sounds so far!

    Tina......Enjoy Hilton Head. I've never been there but did live in Charleston and absolutely loved it!!! Would have been happy there forever. Post all you want. Happy your car incident turned out as well as it did.

    Kat.......My 22yr. old is at home after college too............

    DeeDee..........What a horrible phone experience!!! Would definately make dr. aware.

    Katla........Your choice for DGC activity is great! Should be a hit! Made a good memory for yourself on the river. On bareback, it's DD favorite type of riding. Her advice---keep your hips loose and your shoulders back.........don't ride defensively or try to outguess the horse, go with the flow.........hope that means more to you than it did to me.

    Hi to everyone else!
    mid-Atlantic..........sunny and warm

  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    ok I am peeved....
    I got texted by the so called office manager saying that the schedule had fallen apart and not to come in until 1:30, really?
    that gives me 26 1/2 hrs as I am working tomorrow...
    when the medium said a new career I didnt think she ment this fast.. at 54 this is freakin rediculous.
    oh well off to scour the want ads
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,095 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good Morning Friends, talk.gif


    welcome.gif Newcomers :flowerforyou:

    Alison joining in on how important to make sure kidneys are o.k. smiley-sick032.gif

    cheer.gif for all who are working on and achieving their October goals.

    Yesterday was spectacular. yikes.gifThe trees are in their flower mode with colors of red, yellow, and orange.

    Having fun looking at all the smiley choices. Some are quite humorous. Some just make me smile.

    Today catching up on chores around the house. smiley-chores004.gif

    2014 word: contentment

    rose.gifMN Margaret


  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good morning ladies,
    So I tackled the junk/candle closet yesterday. It looks so nice and I found things I had forgotten I had and I got rid of a bunch of stuff I had forgotten I had. :bigsmile: I am not sure what to work on today. I may just take it easy and go for a nice long walk. I am feeling a bit blue today compared to the past few days. I know there will be ups and downs and I guess today is a little bit of a down. :cry:

    Have a great day all
    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    Hi everybody, it's me, Cat. I haven't posted in awhile because my mouse wasn't working properly, and having to rely on the touchpad makes me absolutely, hair-tearingly nuts.

    Speaking of hair, I got a new haircut. Cut off 4-5 inches so now it's a chin-length, slightly stacked bob. It's still all smooth and salon-styled, so we'll see after I give it it's first shampoo. Maybe I'll finally get around to adding my picture.

    I got a FitBit. My husband helped me to sync it up to MFP. Yesterday I did twelve flights of stairs and walked 6500-ish steps, which amounted to 162 calories burned. Does that sound right?

    I still feel very challenged in keeping my food intake to 1200 calories. I haven't lost any weight (well, gee, I could try harder), but I'm still getting up to speed. Steep learning curve for the technologically stunted, like myself. Not to mention, lazy sometimes.

    And so I have to ask: When all you lovely ladies write your responses, compliments, and encouragement, do you read through others' post with a pen and paper by your side so you'll remember what tidbit to address? Or is there some magical computer-y thing you can copy & paste to help you remember what each person was talking about? Lame question, I know. I need all the help I can get. Thanks for reading.

    Wasatch front in Utah
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,095 Member
    edited October 2014
    Cat sometimes I respond to something that I connect to other times. If I have many to respond to I put mymiewpyj4pvuj.jpg
    response on a word document. Then I can write a response on they go back and forth between the board and my word document. It is also good to use the word document if you don't want to keep having to reenter your ticker and or cookies you use frequently. This only works when I use the same computer.



    Picture was from my walk yesterday. The trees are in their flower mode.
  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    So, Margaret, you copy & paste from your word document to MFP? Makes sense. But cookies??

  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,095 Member
    edited October 2014
    The cookies I am referring to are like the flower I have by my name. Rather than going to the smile site that Barbie gave us. It is easier just to have it on my word document. Now of course I am on a different computer and do not have access to that word document. :ohwell:
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    edited October 2014
    Katla: bareback is good for your balance. That means: DO NOT USE THE REINS FOR BALANCE. :D But I'm sure your instructor will watch out for that. Walking bareback is no problem, and cantering is actually not bad. Trotting is the hardest, and the return to trotting from a canter is famous for flipping people off the horse. :o Looking forward to a full report!

    Michele: exactly what hay and straw will look like will depend on the area where it's grown, etc. Hay is basically dried grass, so it will look like dried grass. Not too thick, greenish gray/brown. Straw is stems. So a piece of straw will be thicker, and yellowish, and kind of hollow. (I missed the post that says why you're looking at hay and straw.)

    Cynthia :flowerforyou: