

  • yanniejannie
    yanniejannie Posts: 1,090 Member
    Home from dr..........got a reprieve on the flu shot, they were out.

    MNmargaret...........Gorgeous tree, maple?

    I sometimes jot down a few shorthand notes on a paper but seldom can remember what I meant by all of them.......so, I just do the best I can.

    Heading out to do some fall yard work..........couldn't be a more perfect day here!


  • crazyDogLady61
    crazyDogLady61 Posts: 62 Member
    Let me introduce my self. I'm Sally W, the crazy dog lady. I have two rough collies and we train for obedience and herding. I've been on MFP for about 3 months and just stumbled on this group a couple of days ago. It is exactly what I was looking for. You are a wonderfully supportive bunch. So kind to each other!

    Background: I dumped 50 lbs about 2 years ago during and extremely stressful period in my life. Only really good thing was the weight loss and the odd self awareness that came with it. This summer I noticed that the weight was creeping back, because it was the stress not a real lifestyle change that made the weight come off in the first place. I stumbled in to the MPF app when I was just looking for a way to log my food and found a lot more. :D

    I'm now sitting at the lowest weight of my adult life, with my goal just another 5 lbs away. (*)

    The weight loss has actually been hard on my dog training. Their target points on my body have moved radically. We needed to retrain a bunch of basic skills. They are finally back and ready to hit the show ring again.

    Looking for the joy in everyday... just like my dogs!

    sally W.

  • mabug01
    mabug01 Posts: 1,273 Member
    Just a quick note to mark my place. Still feeling under-the-weather. Gained a pound because I'm only eating saltines and graham crackers. Best to all.

    Mary in south Florida
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    edited October 2014
    I just found this thread using my phone. I am so excited.

    The computer guy is here now setting up the new laptop and printer. :smiley:w16sqbvbcemx.jpg
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    CynthiaT60 wrote: »
    Katla: bareback is good for your balance. That means: DO NOT USE THE REINS FOR BALANCE. :D But I'm sure your instructor will watch out for that. Walking bareback is no problem, and cantering is actually not bad. Trotting is the hardest, and the return to trotting from a canter is famous for flipping people off the horse. :o Looking forward to a full report!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:

    I have been flipped off a horse a few times in my life, and it was my error each one of them. I've never actually been hurt when I fell off of a horse. I hope to avoid injury today, too. . :noway: Full report later. :flowerforyou:

  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    edited October 2014
    Been gone most of the day & had a nice lunch out.Maybe tomorrow I can try to answer some posts. Pat

  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    TGIF~~have a good one.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Hugs to everyone who needs them (including me)!
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • ljashley1952
    ljashley1952 Posts: 273 Member
    Hi all! I'm Celeste and I'm in eastern Wash. state. I'm 61 and I've just been on MFP for 3 wks. I'm mostly walking or bicycling for exercise due to knee replacement surgery. I'm not able to do a lot of impact cardio, so I'm also watching my diet closely.

    I'm not one to set goals, but that doesn't mean that I don't have any. But I find that if I make a resolution to meet a certain goal then instead of using that as motivation, I tend to sabatoge myself. Saying I'm going to lose 5 pounds in a month will set me up for failure.

    I'm exercising daily and keeping close track of everything I eat. I weigh and log everything. I feel like if I'm at or under my caloric max for the day I'll get to my ultimate goal sooner or later. I need to lose about 25-30 pounds, but just getting that first 20 off will be a huge relief. My long-term goal for that is before next summer. I want to wear a pair of shorts with confidence and put on a swimming suit and not hide under a towel or beach cover.

    I'm glad to find a community of vintage women who want to live healthy, active lives.
    Celeste in beautiful eastern Washington state.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited October 2014
    :D Hello lovely ladies.

    I am pleased to report that I have another Jazzercise class under my belt. I am also pleased that I could keep up :p Tomorrow morning I start a weekly yoga class.

    This is my final day of a week's "vacation". The reason why this word is in quotation marks, is because I had so much on my plate that I needed time off work to get all that stuff done. So now my to-do list is turning in to a "Ta-Daaaa!!!" list. Needless to say, I am a happy camper.

    (*) Barbie - the picture of you in that costume. Wonderful. What an awesome smile.

    (*) Katla - horseback riding is something I have never done. My youngest sister has always had horses and she and her daughter are amazing at it. I have added it to my list of activities to try out when I retire. Kayaking and/or dragon boating are some other ones.

    (*) Sally - hi!! There are a number of crazy dog ladies on this forum.

    (*) Robin and Viv - so very happy to see you both posting again.

    (*) Cynthia - (((Hugs)))

    (*) Bonnie - Welcome and (((hugs))) to you too.

    (*) Celeste - Welcome. I like your description of us vintage women :D

    Has anyone heard from Anne (strassenkoenig) and Barbara (auntiebk) lately?

    Vancouver Island, BC.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Michele – the only way I know is to water it and see what grows….

    Viv – it sounds like you have had a lot on your plate; sorry to hear about DH – good to take care of yourself too… :smile:

    Alison – should you do a check in with the Dr? Kidney disease is nothing to fool around with. Later*** sorry your schedule is got mixed up!

    Tina – This site has helped so many of us… log your food and visit us regularly !

    Pat – if it is tiny type hold down the control key and touch the + key makes it bigger.

    Jamie – you can do it, just one meal at a time, don’t let it overwhelm you, just do one at a time.

    Heather – that is a new look for DH? Glitter Grandpa! :star:

    Katla – I might paint with the same shade, but it is 15-20 years old so it would look brighter I am sure…. Also I’ll pick window coverings first. I think it is so cool that you are taking horseback lessons…so cool to learn something new.

    Carol – how funny we all assumed that you were a heels gal!

    Terri – Kale chips is a good idea, but I would bring my own snacks… grapes? Something you can pop in when you are tempted – and/or taking up something like needlework to keep your hands busy.

    Margaret – I love your smiling posts!!

    Robin – great job getting the closet done – it is beautiful here maybe the exercise and fresh air will give you a bounce up!

    Cat – 1200 calories is hard, is that what MfP set you to? The way I do it is open a Word document window and read a post or two and then write my comment in word when I am ready to post, I copy and paste.

    Sally in Oregon – love to have you join us.

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • grandmallie
    grandmallie Posts: 9,810 Member
    Barbie~ love the pumpkin costume picture sooo adorable...
    if symptoms persist I will check with the kidney Dr,promise
    I am going to take some classes on saterdays starting in Febuary to become a hospice volunteer.. i work every other saterday,but they are going to have to find someone for a few of them. this to me is important..
    also filled out a application for a medical receptionist at one of the local physicians offices, I am right down the street from both of them, although I havent worked in a medical office ,I have worked in the medical field and at a dentist office, I pick things up very easily..
    also applied part time at whole foods as a cashier, putting my irons in the fire so to speak..
    hope everyone has a super duper weekend, I will be working tomorrow,and probably wont get out at noon which is alright i can make up a little time.
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Saturday here and completely LOST IT yesterday. So annoyed that Duramine NOT working and keeping within the set calories for 3.5 weeks. SOOO ate chocolate ice cream in afternoon, while watching TV. Thoroughly cleaned the whole house and did some gardening, so at least house is clean.
    Jumped on scales this morning and weight is exactly same as when I started Duramine 3.5 weeks ago. Felt like shooting that darned scale. Doctor will NOT be happy and refuse to take for another month. BAH! So Duramine is NOT the answer doctor hoped for. Will see what tape says on Monday.
    Today got up early and did 31 minutes Wii Gold's boxing, going to do Jeannette's cardio kick-boxing soon and walk dog in afternoon.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    I can't do the note thing on the iPad.The small type keeps me from reading a lot of posts,but who knows,maybe they will fix that.Hope hope :D
    Looks like a chilly,windy wk end here. Good weather for reading ,football & hot tea. :D Love it......
    Dd sent a video of Gr Grandson,7 mos last wk. He crawled across room ,went in bathroom & hauled himself upright at the tub,with his Mama filming from behind.He was proud of himself, :#

    :) Carol,hope your DDS found some help.
    :) Beth,good luck with helping your son.Your DH is right,one day at a time is all anyone can do.What a blessing that is!
    :) Alison....sounds like you will find a job to suit you.Good luck.

    Welcome newbies.Tell us about yourself,where you are from etc.It's the best way to get to know each other. Pat

  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    bump for now; going to bed after I fell in the driveway for some reason; not sure what happened. I found myself on hands and knees and my head hurts so I think I hit that too. A good night's sleep will help! Take care, meg
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Hello everyone! It's been another busy but productive day for me. I spent the whole day at my potters wheel, so my back is aching and I can tell my legs will be sore tomorrow. When you haven't done it for a while and sit at the wheel, with legs spread, and you bear down on the clay, it pulls strange muscles in the legs. Tomorrow I will feel like I've been doing the splits.

    We had a sandwich at the mall deli for dinner. I was too tired to cook. When I logged in to MFP I found that there were 38 new messages. :o Things move fast here!

    Welcome to the new ladies. CrazyDogLady-great name! You will find several dog people here. I have a whippet and a half whippet-half Jack Russell. Please post photos of your collies! I'd love to see them!

    Sorry everyone, I'm just too pooped to write more. Have a great evening.


  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Meg, I'm sorry to hear that you fell. I hope you didn't get a concussion or something. Take care of yourself.

  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,779 Member
    Today was a good day!

    After seeing DS#1's neurosurgeon, a change was made in his medications and he is seeing marked improvement in his posture in just 24 hours.

    DS#2 is finally getting relief from migraine.

    Despite a few Snickerdoodles, I stayed within calorie goals and even got some exercise today. DS#2 and I bought a refurbished Wii and tried it out. I bought the WiiFit game and I'm waiting on a refurbished balance board. Got the Zumba fitness too! :D

    Dinner was a bust. Husband went fishing and brought home King Salmon ... but it's past spawning time, the fish was a little beat up and it just didn't taste right ... so just rice and stewed tomatoes!

    Have a good weekend!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,394 Member
    Did an hour of a speed interval on the treadmill today The plan is to do Jillian Michael's 30 day shred DVD tomorrow.

    Heather - happy birthday to your dh

    Viv - so sorry to hear about your hubby. Don't forget to take care of yourself in all of this

    Alison - do you monitor your intake of protein? Kidney beans are high in protein, but if you haven't had much protein earlier in the day, it's probably OK. I hope you don't have to go on dialysis. FIL was on it, and I know it's no fun. Good luck on the job hunt. I know you'll get something for yourself

    Tina - welcome to a great group. Come back often

    Jamie - you've done something really awesome, you've come here. Continue to.

    katla - no, my hot flash didn't last too long. And it wasn't real bad, either. I firmly believe that my exercising keeps them in check. I still remember how bad they were when I couldn't exercise because of trhe broken bone in my foot. I just got up, had some of the frozen grapes, then watched some TV (and wound up sleeping on the couch). Good luck on the bareback riding

    Carol - sometimes we just need to splurge a bit. The problem comes in when the splurges come often. But if you only do it once in a while, you'll be OK

    Terri - I usually take some baby carrots to senior bowling with me. I don't think the bowling alley would say much since they don't serve them. I also take my own hot tea since all they have is iced tea (now who in their right mind would want it in January?)

    Evidentally Loki sat on Vince's stomach last night so he was sore so he didn't want to go work outside. Therefore, I made a salmon loaf for us for later in the week, some marmalade chicken and some buttermilk donuts (they're baked) for Kris. Only Jessica called to say that she wouldn't be here this weekend but she'd be here next weekend. So I put them in the freezer for next weekend. One good thing happened when Vince went out to get the mail -- one of the neighbors stopped him to ask him when he was going to start putting up the Halloween decorations. I would liked to have started already.

    Right now I have some butternut squash soup cooking. I made a butternut squash yesterday only I boiled it for too long in the hope to get the skin off so it was really more like mush. I'm using that for the soup.

    I had written down in my calendar that I had a dentist appt next Tues. Since I'd just been there I called to confirm and they said that I didn't. Last night I couldn't find in the calendar where I had my physical scheduled so I called the office. I have it scheduled for next Tuesday. Evidentally, I'd written down the wrong doctor! I know I'll get my flu shot, get orders for my DEXA scan, and probably some other things. At least I got my blood work done already.

    Jan - when my friend first told me that the watermelon salad she'd brought to mahjongg had watermelon, red onion, celantro, feta cheese, cucumbers in it, my first thought was "yuk". Boy, was I ever surprised! It was gggooooooddddd

    Cat - I much prefer to use my mouse on my laptop. I have a wireless one that I can use. After I read a post, I jot my notes down in a notepad on the computer then cut & paste it at the end of the day.

    Anyone who has a FitBit - have you been following the comic "Zits". The family got one and his way of getting in his steps was to "get around to it", translated that meant that he'd lay around the house (he's a teenager, so what else is new) and hook it to the overhead fan.....lol Today's was where he just blew the father away with his "step count"

    Cynthia - we seeded this one little area. We were thinking that we needed to put down hay but when I called this farm supply place here, they told me that for grass I really wanted straw since hay can have seeds for weeds in it.

    Sally - we're so glad you found us! I'm trying to think of an example of how your weight loss had changed your training. Can you give me one?

    barbie - I'm going right now to see if I can get to this thread by my phone. I can't seem to get it on mine. What kind of phone do you have? I have an android

    Celeste - welcome! Sounds like you have a great plan there.

    Cynthia - ((((hugs)))))

    Kim and Terri - one time I took grapes with me to bowling. One of them rolled away and someone stepped on it. If someone steps on a carrot, it doesn't "squish" which is why I always took carrots with me.

    Lesley - you are such an inspiration -- you never give up! I'm proud to call you my friend

    Beth - glad your sons are feeling better.

    Michele in NC
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    edited October 2014
    exermom wrote: »

    barbie - I'm going right now to see if I can get to this thread by my phone. I can't seem to get it on mine. What kind of phone do you have? I have an android

    Michele in NC

    I just went to the internet on my phone and entered www.myfitnesspal.com and then had to enter my screen name and password......My phone is an android--Samsung S5--it was awkward but possible---it even allowed me to add a smiley and a picture from my phone
