

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    Kat, thank you so much for your advice and the links and the message. It is really good information. I will pass it on to my son.

    I am, at this very moment, sitting in the lobby of the local "safehouse", while my son is inside talking to an intake worker. I called them this morning and explained what was happening and they said they can offer him some help. He was afraid it was just for women, but they said at least 40 percent of their clients are men. That made him feel better. So, they can arrange for legal services, restraining orders, counseling, and other things. It sounds good so far.

    This morning we arranged for new car insurance, and talked to their apartment manager who was very supportive. The wife even called the manager in a drunken rage a couple of times, so she was well aware of the situation. They offered to move her to another floor. So, that should help.

    So, things are looking up.

    Thanks everyone! I promise to be less self absorbed very soon.


  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sylvia: I would never think of you as a self-absorbed person. You are the best possible mom and grandma. I hope you won’t wear yourself out. You really can’t make up for the bad actions of others, but you can provide safety and a good environment, and those are things that you do very well. :flowerforyou:

    Terri: “Get more life insurance so I can mourn in Hawaii” is a nice way to let your DH know you worry about him without nagging. You have a wonderful sense of humor. :laugh: :laugh:

    DD and the grandbabies are here! :heart: They are currently upstairs napping. I have a few errands to run, and then I’m home for a while. :bigsmile:

    Katla in beautiful NW Oregon

    “Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.” Thomas A. Edison

    October Goals:
    1. Log every bite and swallow.
    2. Cardio exercise at least 3 days a week.
    3. Have fun every day.
    4. Drink at least three glasses of water daily, preferably more!

  • Vickil57
    Vickil57 Posts: 1,812 Member
    Good morning ladies, Hope you are having a good day. Well weigh in this morning I am down 1.5 from last week. But I am still up 4 pounds from the first of the month. Trying not to let it depress me. The important thing is I am not giving up.
    When I called my mom Sunday she said that my brother that lives in Kansas City wants us all to come there Thanksgiving weekend. That is the weekend we were planning to go out to mom's. So not sure what we will do now. The holidays are coming fast. I made the call yesterday to give up my volunteering in the hospital gift shop until after the first of the year. The last couple months I have really stuggled with it and so taking a break. Have mixed feelings about it, but mostly feel relaxed to have one less thing to do right now.

    Renny--Sounds like you had fun and that is the important thing.

    Katla--Sure nice of you to give DD and DH some bonding time and getting pampered at the same time.

    Yanniejannie--I have that problem also. Guess I am afraid they won't like me if I say no. Have to get over that I know. So sorry to hear about Gin. Hugs and prayers.

    Joyce--Hugs and prayers for you and DD. Sometimes the more we try and guide them the more they try to do the very thing we are trying to save them from. I am upset with my DGD's husband as he is not working again. She is working and putting in alot of overtime and he just doesn't think he needs to work. I know she could do better and I tell her since she is supporting her and the two boys she could do it. But she is so against her boys having a step-dad or no dad around. I pray for them daily. I just make sure she knows we love her and are here for her. I agree you should call your insurance company. When our basement flooded the last time I was so overwhelmed I asked DH to call. Well they came in and cleaned it up, dryed it up and treated so there would be no mold and replanced the carpet and painted. All we had to do was pay our $500 deductable. Sure worth checking out.

    Marleyjoe63--The one thing I have learned is this is a life style change. Welcome and come often. This is a great group.

    Viv--sorry to hear DH is having some many health issues. Take care of yourself also.

    Allison--WOW!! what a weekend. They are so lucky to have you trying to help. Prayers sent for Ray and Ruth.

    Katiebug--Happy B-lated Birthday.

    Carol--Prayers and hugs.

    Sylvia--How terrible. They are so lucky to have you to help. I do hope DS is able to get some help with this mess. Sounds like she is a very unhappy woman. The DGKs are so lucky to have you.

    Heather--Congrates on the LBD and bling.

    Well ladies about time to get things done. Take care and remember we are not in this alone.
    Blessings, Vicki GI NE
  • terri_mom
    terri_mom Posts: 748 Member
    Sylvia - Thanks for sharing. I will keep your entire family in my thoughts and prayers. I really wish everyone the best of luck. And I agree with Kat that knowledge is power. If you all start understanding her illness, you can get closure sooner. I like to donate the items I crochet, so the next time I do, I will choose a safehouse and think of your family.

    Kat - it's rough getting myself up so early, so I'm sure you can imagine what it is like getting a teenager out of bed so early, too. Luckily, DH gets up at 3:30am every day, so if I'm not up at 4:20am when he leaves, he finds a (mean) way to wake me (shake the bed, turn on the light or TV, tickle my feet, etc).

    Congrats to everyone who is having good days/weeks. Keep up the good work.

    And thank you to everyone here ! ! ! I feel so supported, even though I am so new. :D
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,079 Member
    yanniejannie so sorry for your loss. :flowerforyou:
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good early evening beautiful ladies :flowerforyou:

    I so wish I had time to respond to everyone, know that I'm wishing everyone well <3 !

    Yanniejannie :) So very sorry to hear about Gin's passing, you are such a wonderful friend!

    Jane Martin :) Hope you're feeling better!!!

    Sylvia :) Sending you a big hug my friend ❤️! Hope things work out well for your son, I hope this time he will refuse to even talk to her, your grandchildren are so very lucky to have you❤️!

    Viki :) Congrats on getting 1.5 off, you'll have the other pounds gone soon!!! Good for you taking a break from your volunteering job, I find that when I get burnt out I don't feel like I give all I can to the job, a break for a bit gives you time to recharge!

  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Grrrrrr....I didn't use a word doc. this time and it didn't post the rest of my reply, I have no time to repost right now....

    Know that I'm thinking of you all ❤️

  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited October 2014
    Sorry, somehow a duplicate post.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Just a quick note with special hugs for Sylvia and Yanniejannie.
    We're going to see the pet orthopedic guy tomorrow to see whether a shoulder brace would help.

    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Hugs to Sylvia and Yanniejannie, and any others.
    Only managed 3533 steps yesterday with food cals at 1987. It was shopping day but made a good choice at cafe for a change. It rained HARD all day with high winds. Stan lit the wood fire for last night and so cosy. Weight this morning same as Tuesday so no problems there.
    Raining again and will have to walk on Wii, only thing for it. back to salad and egg for breakfast and salad and salmon for lunch again. Used to the salad now. Food cals at 1435 for the day and have posted and printed out. Only need to keep to this until next Wednesday, but will keep the salad and fish for lunches and Jeannette Jenkin' breakfasts. Hoping the scales, BF% and tape are kind again for the next week.
    I have been using Katch McArdle for calories but chemist said to switch the Harris Benedict due to my age !?! as cals are lower.
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Yesterday evening 2 girlfriends & I went and got a massage - wonderful!! then we ended up back at one gals for soup and salad supper...
    - I could go again tonight for an other massage.... but not in the budget! Years ago I went once a month, but I probably have not been for 2+ years.. This place we went is very clean, but plain and tiny. All run by folks of Asian decent (not sure which country), their English is very challenging, however a great basic massage and cheap ---Here the going price is $ 80-90 per hour; and they charge $30... so us gals were talking about trying to make it a regular event, and the gals who's house we had dinner at lives just 4-5 minutes from the massage place.... hmmmm

    Tomorrow is my gourmet group - the one with the fall out in August; well the gal who caused the scene is just not acknowledging that there was a scene at all - and seems to think all is better - I am not all better about it, but I am making appetizers (zucchini tots and baby cheese balls shaped like bats) and a drink and will see how it goes.... I am not looking forward to it; but maybe it will get addressed in person. I will take a pic of the appetizers..

    Joyce – did you (or Charlie) ever figure out what made the area wet in the first place? Later - I second or third the idea of calling insurance!

    Viv – sending good thoughts…

    Fit Abbey – just visit often and jump in…

    Alison – I don’t know how you do all you do, but please consider taking care of yourself too!

    Heather – Love the saying “hunger is not an emergency” making tots tonight – got some chili jam to serve with them…

    Sylvia - You are doing great things! Those kids (including your son) need you – and you’ll find a routine… Later: The safe house idea was brilliant! And you are NOT self absorbed, far from it you are keeping a family safe!!!

    Swimnurse – welcome

    Terri – we all love rambling posts it is like a window into our virtual friends lives…

    Kataniki - I have found that making an early morning walk a habit has helped fit in the exercise.

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    exermom wrote: »
    barbie - I've always been able to log my breakfast and dinner for the next day. Also, around holiday time when I know that I'm not going to be logging in, I log my breakfast the day(s) before and MFP always counted that as my having logged in. Is there any way to find out how long you've been here? Isn't there some way to see all of your posts (not all of the groups', what I mean is all of the ones that I did)

    Michele in NC

    I didn't know that if you logged food ahead, it would count as if you logged in...unfortunately, almost every time I've been without internet, it was a surprise and not something I knew the day before. With all the changes on MFP, I don't know the answers to any of your other questions and if I did, the format would probably change the next day and my answers would be wrong. :lol: If you have been logging your food since you started you can go back in your food diary and see when you started.....I tried that with yours and I think it was December 2009

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,968 Member
    edited October 2014
    Jake's angiogram turned out fine....the doctor didn't do anything (no stents or recommendations for other procedures) so he didn't have to stay in hospital overnight. He's in the little "hotel" at the hospital and his friend will drive over and pick him up at the ferry. They'll go out to lunch on the way back and I'll see him when I get home from dancing.

    This is what I did while he was gone:

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,373 Member
    Did 45 minutes of Gilad's Step and Tone DVD today. That's one DVD that's good for a change. Tomorrow's plan is to go to yoga and then the deep water class.

    Viv - sorry about your hubby. Let us know the results, OK? It's perfectly OK that you reminded me to make the appt for my colonoscopy. I'm waiting for a call back from the place so I can set it up. It's something that needs to be done.

    Saw that Vince finished the fudge last night so this morning I made him a triple chocolate cake. Of course, I had to have some, but I did log it!

    Today it's supposed to be in the 80's. Saturday it's supposed to be in the 50's. Is that crazy or what?

    Sylvia - what a mess for your son and the kids, and how great of you to be there for them. I just can't for the life of me understand someone being like that. But then again, there are others that I just for the life of me can't understand one bit

    swimnurse - welcome to plateau land. Many of us are there, so you'll find lots of support and perhaps even some ideas here. Tell us more about yourself.

    Terri - I laughed out loud at your wanting to mourn in Maui

    Joyce - just thought of something, if you need to get carpeting etc replaced, can't you take that off your income taxes?

    Sylvia - you are NOT, and I repeat NOT, self-absorbed . Caring...yes.

    katla - I bet you're having loads of fun with those grandbabies

    barbie - thanks for checking when I first joined. Yea, 2009 sounds about right. Holy cow!!! It's 2014, that means I've been here 5 years already!!!! So happy for Jake

    Michele in NC
  • kaekencoffee
    kaekencoffee Posts: 81 Member
    edited October 2014
    Hi all.

    I'm back yet again, but this time with more motivation! Just turned 50, husband had a serious workplace accident (machine flipped on it's side, husband knocked unconscious, fuel tank ruptured and caught fire) and he has now become very angry (taking it out on me), I've been off work for a month because of the accident, mom is awaiting results as to whether or not the 5cm tumour on her kidney is cancerous, friend and extended family member just killed in a car accident, on and on with life stuff.

    Anyway, found you guys and your wonderful support for one another and thought I'd check in.

    Starting Nov. 1st to do JM's 30 day shred (2 days shred, 1 day running or elliptical, 2 days shred, 1 day rest). Have 40 pounds to lose all together and because things are SO upside down right now, THIS is something I can do for ME!

    Hope you all have a good night and blessings to you all!!!

    Heather Mac on beautiful Vancouver Island.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,647 Member
    Barbie - So glad to hear all is well with Jake!!

    Heather Mac – Oh my you have plenty on your plate! Your hubby may be “kinda” grieving for life prior to such an awful accident… hope your mom’s news is good, and so sorry for the death in your family… Good for you to make doing something for you a priority.

    I better start thinking of Nov. goals….

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • genealace
    genealace Posts: 240 Member
    Just a quick note. I've nearly caught up with the messages, but felt I wanted to make a comment to SallyW who said she was getting late because the dogs would do what dogs are supposed to do when you let them out. My sister has trained hers to go when and where. It started with her saying "go busy" whenever the dog was doing just that, and then she said it when they were out for a walk and she was ready to go back. Now she does it on command, if she (the dog) needs go.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    Thanks for all the concern over our wet basement/family room. It was only in two small areas and I hope we have it all cleaned up now. It does appear to be dry but of course we don't know what the pad is like. I have suggested to Charlie that we call our home owners insurance guy but he is just proud of himself that he got it cleaned up and did heavy work and so angina.

    I can't remember who has to go into the hospital for husband for results of CT scan. Doesn't sound real good. barbie, so glad the cardiac cath went ok. I wish our hospital had a little mini hotel type room for recovery.

    Warm weather is over for the week. I just wish I had gotten pictures of the wonderful leaves before the rains and winds took a lot of them down. But I am looking forward to wearing my new clothes. I have been looking for a red sweater or blouse for our Christmas and haven't found it yet. I will ask the choir director tomorrow night what we have to wear. Then I will ask Christopher Banks if the plan on having a winter line what has red in it. I know I can also look in the consignment shops. I need to be frugal since I am really, really missing my laptop. I had told myself that I needed to get an Apple product and it seems for my needs the Mac Book Air is what would meet my needs but I just can not justify spending $750 or so for a laptop. And that's for refurbished ones. But I have been using my iPad mini for all my computer needs during the day and evening since I use my office and my desktop as my cool down/relax for going to bed time. But the iPad is getting slower and slower. I have tried to look to see where I delete history. I think I found it but it really didn't help much. I know about swiping your home screen with all 4 fingers to close out all the windows. Simple Mac opens here on Friday but I think you have to pay for help not like going to an Apple store and using the genius bar. I did sign up for a free mac Air but I'm sure I have about a chance in two million to get that.

    Joyce, Indiana
  • dreamwriter
    dreamwriter Posts: 610 Member
    It's been a busy few days here. Birthday suppers, potlucks, etc. Hard to keep myself in check at them. More Dr. appointments coming up and I hope they can figure this out. I read some of these posts and wish I knew how to help. I was a hit at the store on Saturday for our annual potluck/costume contest. Felt like a celebrity with people calling out "Beaker, over here". I did a lot of waving. Would have talked but was not aware that all he says is "Meep, Meep" Some women even took photos for their husbands who love the muppets.
    Sunday was very slow in the morning after a very bad night. The afternoon was an improvement as I went mini golfing with my son, his family and 2 other grandchildren. No score cards with a 2 yr. old. It was so much fun and a lot of laughter (the best medicine). Yesterday was an Empowerment conference call, a requirement for work. I felt like I was 10 listening to a lecture. Today I had my hair done and I am ready for a new day tomorrow. My first weigh in since starting back on here. Wish me luck.
  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Good morning everyone!

    Kim: massages rule! Do it as often as you can.

    Barbie: good news!

    Heather Mac: oh my goodness; good luck with everything!

    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Cynthia :flowerforyou:
