

  • CynthiaT60
    CynthiaT60 Posts: 1,280 Member
    Argh. Bit the dust again this evening. :s
  • Kataniki
    Kataniki Posts: 18 Member
    Thanks for the welcomes!

    I was away over for a long weekend visiting my son at Virginia Tech, in Blacksburg, Virginia, USA and went on a digital diet to enjoy a 4 day break - so no posting.

    Food was another story! Lots of delicious food - and lots more simple carbs than I have eaten in a year. The B&B hosts made breakfasts that were really feasts and then we went out to dinner at restaurants. I skipped lunch given we ate late but then ate too much bread and pasta because I was so hungry by the time we ate. The food was all very fresh, fresh pasta and truly gourmet and local but.... We did walk a lot and I went hiking Sunday afternoon but also sat in the car for 5 hours each way. It was relaxing - something very good for me as I tend to lead a high stress life.

    I made some big diet changes last fall after my check up blood work showed numbers that were on the edge of being too high - mainly blood sugar and C-reactive protein. With the advice of a nutritionist, really cut back on carbs and started thinking more about the kind of food I eat. I would be happy to lose 30 lbs - 50 would be better but I find I do better with baby steps, so my current goal is 20lbs.

    I look forward to getting to know you - and will try to keep up with the posts.

    Kat in Maryland
  • bwcetc
    bwcetc Posts: 2,777 Member
    edited October 2014
    Stress eating again :grumble: Not getting exercise :grumble: Gaining weight!! :scream:
    So while I'm reading your posts, I'm doing squats. I will feel this later I can tell. But things have to change here.

    Took DS#2 in for another IV infusion. Injectable Imitrex did nothing!! :disappointed: This infusion was more potent than usual ... a fact that had the nurse concerned ... but she verified it with the doctor. Hoping it helps...

    At a loss as to how to help DS#2. Taking some of the advice I've received and really going back to cooking without any additives/preservatives ... especially no glutumate enhanced products ... which means scratch cooking. This seemed to work the best this summer and we sort of slipped away from it. It's so much work ... but if it helps, I'm going to have to go with it. Finally, husband is on board with it too so that should help.

    My son has put on 40 pounds over the last 6 months ... probably from all the prednisone, but also the migraine issue itself causes him to be depressed and then to eat. I really think exercise will help him too. We were going to start back to the gym yesterday when this newest headache started. He's worried about his weight too ...

    Welcome to the new ladies!

    Beth in WNY
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy hump day!!
    Another rainy day here.
    My grand daughter picked yarn for her new baby sister-yellow and orange,it came today.
    The blanket sure will be bright.
    Welcome new ladies.
  • GodMomKim
    GodMomKim Posts: 3,657 Member
    Heather – thanks. :smile:

    Nannyjackie – I weigh 1st thing in the morning, after elimination, no clothing…. I figure I can recreate that every week, and I am not willing to put on the same outfit just to weigh myself. :sunglasses:

    Kat – sounds like you are doing good! Baby steps are best!

    Beth – I wish you were closer, I’d bring you a meal…. You all had a pretty good summer; I’d go back to the “clean” eating plan. And the gym seems like a good idea… I wish there was “fairy dust” to make the headache go away….

    Cynthia – you can do this, dust yourself off and try again….

    Smiles Kim

    October Goals:
    Log every day
    Walk every day

    Kim from N. California
  • Lestan48
    Lestan48 Posts: 489 Member
    Thursday here and hairdresser this afternoon. Scales still obstinate, Duramine NOT working.
    Food = 1930 cals, exercise = 479 cals, so should be OK/
    I weigh in crop top and shorts after cardio in morning
    Lesley in Tasmania
  • cityjaneLondon
    cityjaneLondon Posts: 12,349 Member
    edited October 2014
    Good evening!

    We went out today to buy garlic and beans for planting. DH decided he wanted to plant more narcissus and crocus in some shady plots he has cleared so we bought those. :smile:
    I went and picked up some prescriptions from the chemist, bought some healthy bread, picked up my rethreaded jet bracelet and we were on the way home when DH suggested we go and look at some paint shades for our bedroom. We have the painter who did the outside last year coming tomorrow to give an estimate for the bedroom and for renewing some guttering. He and his wife have become friends and we hired their house in Brittany this May for a week. I had decided some time ago that I wanted one wall wallpapered so we spent some time dithering over colours (I find this sort of thing really hard) and eventually picked a wallpaper that threw our colour choices out so we had to start all over again. We have some samples to think about. :ohwell: We will need to re carpet and buy new blinds as well and, of course, new bed linen. Ooooohhhhh the expense! :sad: I would much rather spend the money on holidays, but the room is looking VERY tired. We didn't spend much on the place when we moved in, apart from the living room, so it is well overdue.

    I booked the Oxford hotel this evening. :bigsmile: and managed to find something for my step daughter's birthday, (relief) I am sending it to her office as she is never in for parcels.
    It's been raining non stop and will be tomorrow. Done well on calories today despite being tired after another interrupted night. :grumble:

    I heard on a science programme tonight that cold, simple carbs are less quickly absorbed than hot ones i.e. pasta, and more remains in the colon as helpful fibre. (Diabetics? ? ? ! ! ! !) Amazingly the effect is even more pronounced if the pasta is reheated. ! ! ! ! ! The programme was "Trust me I'm a Doctor" on BBC 2 and is associated with the Open University. They also looked at the good effect of sunlight on blood pressure, nerve stimulation in paraplegics (good results) and the best way to boost vitamin D. I thought the reheated simple carb thing was very interesting. Left overs are good for you! I love left overs! :laugh:

    Night, night my friends. Heather in showery Hampshire UK27681614.png
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Hi gals. Another quiet day at work; I just love going in on shut down days. I get so much done. But that’s it for the week. My course starts Monday and all hell will break loose LOL. My brother and sister in law are in town and we are going to Applebees for dinner. I have preplanned what I am going to have and am looking forward to a 7 oz steak, garlic mashed potatoes and a ceasar salad. Hmmmm maybe some wine. I don’t know how their wine selection is though.
    Heather: all your travels sound so exciting. I wish you could pack me up in your suitcase! I plan to try chrome next time (I forgot this time) but really hate that format. I guess you can’t please me! LOL I think I sound like an old bat! Sorry!!!!! OK how do you post the ticker?
    Sylvia: hooray for no salt added items! I love the Rotel. I did buy a bunch of no salt added tomato products and made lasagna for that big dinner two weeks ago and boy was it bland. I’ll have to remember to add some salt which I never do and really amp up the garlic and other herbs.
    Pat; I hope someone is monitoring everyone’s comments and taking notice. This is really hard, which is discouraging. The discussion boards should make people want to be here.
    Margaret: thanks I’ll look again for it.
    Janet: I’m a college professor too. Not a vegan, but try to eat vegetarian once to twice a week. I know a lot of stores around here (Omaha) are adding lots of vegan items. I’m glad to hear hubby’s cancer is improving
    Renny: about 75% of our cholesterol is hereditary. Now with the cardiology group wanting everyone’s numbers to be so low we will all have statin pumps one day!
    Gail: glad to hear your nephew has gotten to rehab. I hope he makes good progress and can get back to that job!
    Michele: interesting idea about the swim lessons. We have those here too, but they are worked around the pool fitness schedule, or maybe it’s the other way around.
    Kim: nice to see you again
    Alison: re jury duty. I got a notice and asked for an extension til summer because I don’t work during the summer. In response I got a letter saying that after the court people got a letter from my doctor, I have been permanently banned from jury duty due to a “medical or psychological condition”. OMG WHAT????? And I always wanted to be on a jury too! I even went in once and they won’t change their minds even though I say my dr never wrote a letter.
    Barbiecat: YAY control and the plus sign worked! Thank you!
    Vicki: we too had 30s this morning!
    Cindy: have a great trip!
    Katla: the control key and the plus key together will enlarge the type
    Robin: how is Bodi dog doing these days? I haven’t seen an update, but did see the last picture you posted
    Nannyjackie: I weight nakkie!
    Beth: has your son been to a pain clinic? I know all that cooking is a pain; can you pick a day to do a lot of cooking and freeze things? I used to that and called it marathon cooking!

    OK off I go! Take care, Meg from Omaha where one of the cats is trying to climb into the dog's lap. This ought to be interesting!
  • Musclepowerman
    Good luck with all your goals, keep it up!
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Ok let's see if this ticker things works
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    hmmmm no it didn't
  • margaretturk
    margaretturk Posts: 5,090 Member
    edited October 2014

    I am trying out the free cookies that Barbie used to get her running man. I found this one under chores. Since I like to garden I picked this one. I highlighted the box under forum and moved it to here.

    For all who have lost those pounds.
    I found this under the bouncy cookies.
    The next one was there too.


    This was just too fun!

  • JackieMM6
    JackieMM6 Posts: 9 Member
    edited October 2014
    Kim, good point about weighing with different clothes on. Shoes too sometimes.
  • Katla49
    Katla49 Posts: 10,385 Member

    I am trying out the free cookies that Barbie used to get her running man. I found this one under chores. Since I like to garden I picked this one. I highlighted the box under forum and moved it to here.

    For all who have lost those pounds. This was under bouncy.


    This was just too fun!

    I love this! :grin:
  • Feistycat
    Feistycat Posts: 12,868 Member
    How do you weigh yourselves? With clothes on, or just before your shower, while naked? I have been weighing with clothes on, for that weight, because that's what I will weigh at the doctor. :-/
    I weigh my self first thing in the morning after I pee (and hopefully a BM). No clothes, no jewelry, no hair clips, no wet hair; then I exhale completely, and read the output. I heard Oprah once say that she removes her nylons and shaves her legs. Every little ounce, right?

  • JackieMM6
    JackieMM6 Posts: 9 Member
    Feistycat wrote: »
    How do you weigh yourselves? With clothes on, or just before your shower, while naked? I have been weighing with clothes on, for that weight, because that's what I will weigh at the doctor. :-/
    I weigh my self first thing in the morning after I pee (and hopefully a BM). No clothes, no jewelry, no hair clips, no wet hair; then I exhale completely, and read the output. I heard Oprah once say that she removes her nylons and shaves her legs. Every little ounce, right?


    Too funny! I don't think the hair on my legs are THAT thick though.
  • jmkmomm
    jmkmomm Posts: 3,247 Member
    I miss reading everyone's replies here. Just have not had any time. Today we went to a big popular area in the Panama City Beach area called Shell Island. It is uninhabited awxcept for shells and a beautiful Gulf to play in. I think I brough home 2 pounds of sand in my bathing suit. We must have fantastic drainage in the shower since there was also so much on my body. We sat on the beach and sifted through the sand for shells and the surf but sometimes the surf was high enough it really crashed into you. Made me exhausted and gave you a lot of sand to take home with you. We found some intact sand dollars and a lot of really pretty broken shells. We rented a pontoon boat so we could have the ability to drop anchor anytime and swim, snorkel, etc. I have found out that I do not like to snorkel. Plus with the MS I DSL not get out of boats onto land and back the other way. Getting back into boat after trying to snorkel was awful. I was tired anyway. The boat is swaying back and forth and I am trying to crawl to crawl up those 4 ladder rungs. I was afraid if I let my husband help pull me up on the boat that I would inadvertently pull him in. So I just wet up one rung and let my upper body fall onto the floor level. The edge myself in, roll over so I could get my knees onto something solid and push myself up. After bathing, eating supper I am exhausted. I think I still have enough energy for ice cream! I have tried to do very well with my foods but it is vacation.

    Be good girls, Joyce, in wonderful Panama City Beach, Florida
  • mollywhippet
    mollywhippet Posts: 1,890 Member
    edited October 2014
    Cindy, have a great time in Savannah. I love it there. I hope Brian enjoys the trip. When we got our rescue, Cutty, he got settled in at home and was happy, and then we took him on a short trip. I think he was afraid we would leave him, because he was terribly sad and moping. Then when we got back in the car to go back home it was like a lightbulb went on, and he thought, hey, they aren't going to leave me after all, and he was a much happier dog on the way home. I miss that dog.

    Robin, you are inspiring me to get organized!

    Kim, I just finished the audiobook of Sycamore Row. I really enjoyed the careful descriptions of the places and characters, but I thought the plot moved a little slowly for my taste. I kept wanting to shout, GET ON WITH IT, ALREADY. If you enjoy legal thrillers, check out books by Lisa Scottoline.

    NannyJackie, I weigh every morning, completely naked, after peeing twice, before eating anything or drinking any water. I know it will be lower than at the doctors office, but they usually subtract a little bit for clothing anyway.

    Kat, welcome! Good luck with your blood sugar. I know there are a few ladies here with similar issues.

    Beth, are squats hard on you knees? Hubby keeps discouraging me from trying them. Maybe I will anyway.

    Heather, I made whole wheat pasta with chicken in olive oil and garlic, and made enough to take for lunch tomorrow. Good to know it will be good for me.

    Meg, yes, it is bland without salt. I usually double the other spices to try to make up for it. Sometimes it helps. I opened a tab on my ipad just for the ticker info, then just copy and paste the box on the left side that says BBcode. Sometimes I remember to use it.

    Good night everyone!


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  • trisH_7183
    trisH_7183 Posts: 1,486 Member
    DH is watching a shoot them all type of movie. :\ So here I am.If I understand this right,every word or picture posted will be there as long as MFP is in business.
    So far,have seen very little "how tos" about the new features.Will see if they chop my post in half.
    Not that it matters.
    Today was oldest girls BD........her Sis sent a gift from QVC that wasn't delivered till 7 pm.So it's sitting by the door.Have to get car license tomor & will drop it off on our way back. Pat

  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    edited October 2014
    I was looking where I had seen the guidelines and I knew they had to be somewhere: "Community Guidelines" are located at the bottom of each page, go figure. You have to scroll right down and it is at the very right. There is also ability to check the terms of use, privacy, etc. Not a bad thing to remain familiar.

    (*) Pat...you are right, the forum posts and pictures cannot be deleted. It has been my mantra for a long time that what you post on the internet is permanent. The only things you can delete is comments you make on your own profile page. I have not had any problems with posts being cut in half.

    Anyone looking for the ticker to paste, go to your profile page. Under your ticker are words called "add to your site". Click on it and copy the url in the left box to paste under your post. Barbie and others have pasted it onto a word document. I have not tried that, since I do the side-by-side writing (means I have two tabs open and write in one while reading the other).

    MFP is looking for feedback on the new features. Go to the Community tab and scroll down; there will be a topic called "Website suggestions/Feedback". It may also be worthwhile to read their "announcements" in that section. They describe what they are working on in the meantime.

    Hope this helps.

